The Dangerous Quest

The Rescue

On March first, I was celebrating my sixth birthday when a man with jet black hair and the coldest ice blue eyes I’ve ever seen came and murdered my whole family and everyone I knew, all, but my brother and I. My whole village died because of that man, a pure evil Demon Elvin Vampire, a very rare combination. Any species can give birth to one; even two couples can be the same species to give birth to one, as long as two humans aren’t giving birth to one.
Transitioning to a Demon Elvin Vampire can start at the ages nine though thirteen. The children who transition at the age nine and ten rarely survive, while eleven, twelve, and thirteen usually always survive, well that’s what my grandfather told me before he died. I was in a tall wide cub bored watching my grandfather fighting with the Demon Elvin Vampire, but eventually he fell to the ground, the man ready to stab him in the heart, but before he lunged the dagger down, I heard a hiss from the far corner, the murderer froze for a split second, and then he fled, then a boy who looked about sixteen, bent down, looked at where I was hiding, and bit himself on the wrist, and then put his bloody wrist into my grandpa’s mouth for at least thirty seconds, got up, and left.
Completely grossed out, I ran to my grandfather. He was still alive. “Help! Somebody help!” I cried. I felt my grandfather’s hand grab mine.

I looked down and my grandfather gently hushed me, “Kiely, my dear granddaughter, I need you to listen carefully.” I nodded as my grandfather continued. “He’s a Demon Elvin Vampire.”

“He is? That explains his speed, but you matched his speed almost perfectly, so does that mean you’re a Demon Elvin Vampire too?”

“That is correct, but I’m not the only one in this family who is a Demon Elvin Vampire.”

“You’re not? Who else is a Demon Elvin Vampire?” I asked.

“Your dad was one, your brother is one, and-” he was then interrupted by a series of coughs. “And you my granddaughter don’t remember this due to your three month coma after you transitioned into a Demon Elvin Vampire.”

Shock filled my face. “But I fell into a coma on my fifth birthday. How could I have transitioned then? And why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I didn’t tell you because if you knew, you would be grave danger, for you transitioned early, the first to do so in the whole universe, making you the strongest.” He said. He then smiled a sad weak smile. “Good bye little one.” He told me tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Good bye grandpa, I’ll miss you.” I whispered drying the tears that fell to my neck.

“I’ll miss you two sweet heart, I love you.”

“I love you to grandpa.” Then he took his last breath, and then he was gone.
“Kiely.” I snapped out of my four year old memory. “Hurry up; I don’t want you to get hurt.” My older brother told me, worry in his voice.

“Sorry Zennie.” I whispered. Zenrick and I were running for hours it seemed like hours when we got separated. I began to run faster, terrified out of my living mind.

Miles later, I came across a forest. My legs were screaming at me to stop running but I couldn’t, not with the murderer out there. Several minutes later however, the murderer came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I began to scream on top of my lungs. But then, all of a sudden, the murderer let me go, I turned around to see the same boy who put blood into my grandfather’s mouth four years ago. They fought for a while, and then the murderer fled.
I started to back away as the boy started to walk over to me. Tripping over a rock, I fell. He stopped walking. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” He said. Holding his hand in the air, he began to walk again, but slower this time. Once he was a couple of feet away from me, he bent down hands still in the air. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” He told me with kind eyes. I nodded. He then slowly held his hand to me. Trusting my instincts, I took his hand; he then helped me up, and put me on his back. He then started to run. Several minutes later, my eyes began to droop.
When I opened my eyes, I was in a strange room. ‘Where am I?’ I thought looking around the sea blue room. There’s a golden brown cub bored, a golden brown desk, and a sea green carpet. A few seconds of wondering where I was, why I was here, and what happened, a memory struck. I sat up all the way fast, yelling “Zennie!” two seconds later the boy who brought me here came in the room.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” He asked.

“Where’s Zenrick? Where’s my brother?” I asked, worry in my voice.

“I don’t know sweet heart, but I’ll find out, and when I do, I’ll bring him here.”

“Would you? You’ll do that for me?” I asked brightening up. The boy smiled, “Of course.”

Two hours have past, and I was getting real worried. “Hey, he’ll find him, don’t worry.” My first friend four years ago told me.

I looked at him, and opened my mouth, but before I could speak, I heard my older brother say “Kiely.”

I turned around and ran to him as I said “Zennie!”

“Oh, Kiely, I was worried sick about you.” My older brother whispered, hugging me back.