Status: gotta love my fanfics xD

And in the Meantime I'll Fight Dragons, Just Like Any Knight for His Lady

Chapter 5

(Will's pov)"Why..why would u kiss me?You said u knew-""Count Adhemar sends his reguards Sir Ulrich"Jocelyn said smirking"Why?!Why did u do this!"I asked angrily"No body rejects me"She said and left.I looked at Geoff"We have to find her!If we dont something could happen to her!"I said putting on my clothes"And say what?If I know my sister she wont want to talk to u right now...she wont talk to any body.It's best to leave her alone for a while"Geoffery said "She's out there in the cold!I will not leave her alone!"I said and ran off to find her..I had to find I ran off to look for her.I was starting to get worried..up until I heard a stream.I went to the stream and saw Jessica had fallen asleep.The horse was sitting by her,she was shivering.Her clothes were wet and he face was stained with tears and dirt.I sighed picking her up and getting on the horse.She was a heavy sleeper for sure.I strode back to the campsite and saw Geoff and the others waiting"Is she alright?"Kate asked with concern"She's fine.I just hope she isnt sick.Her clothes are wet"I said getting off the horse.Then she started to stir(My pov)I cried myself to sleep on the grass,freezing but I didnt care i was in too much pain...and when I woke up Will was carrying me"Let me go!"I said shoving him,I made my self fall on my ass but I didnt care at the moment"Jess you're freezing!You need to change!"Will said"Then I'll change!You stay away from me!"I yelled angrily"We need to talk!"Will said"No!I dont want to talk! Just leave me alone! Geoffery guard that door now!"I said"R-right...Im sorry William..she's my baby sister..she comes first"he said guiltily as I went in the tent and changed.I came back out and Will looked stressed"We're going to London Jess thats where the next tournament is"Geoffery said.I nodded"Alright..I'll be beside you brother"I said and he nodded"Alright. That's fine"he said.We got on the ship that would take us there.I was leaning my head on Geoffery's shoulder but I kept slipping"Oh dear god come here you big baby"he said putting me on his lap and letting me rest my head in the crook of his neck"Thank you"I mumbled then slowly drifted off to sleep....(dream)I was 10....I was out playing with my brother when my brother tripped me out of fun but I cried.My mother came up to me"Whats this Jessica?Why do you cry?You're alright"She said wiping the dirt off my face"I didnt mean to hurt her mother"Geoffery said"I know u didnt..go see if ur father needs help"Mother said.Geoffery nodded and ran off"Jessica look at me"She said and I looked up at her,my face wet from tears.She smiled anyways"Listen to me.You're going to meet a long line of men who will push u around like ur brother.But the only difference will be,your brother will apologize.These men are ruthless.Watch out for yourself my love.And always stand up for what u believe in..and..when the day comes where u find a man u truely love...stand your ground against other pretty girls.Or you'll be alone forever.Keep the man u love wanting you or he'll be tempted to reach out for those who are easy.Stand ur ground Jessica. Always...and remember...forgiveness is keen"My mother said kissing my head.I wasnt sure what she even meant but nontheless I nodded and ran off back to playing...(end dream) When I woke up I rubbed my eye"Good morning dear.How are u?"Geoffery asked.I smile"Im ok..I've cooled off"I said then looked at Will.He was starring at me with worry.I sighed"Guess I should do this now"I said and got up to stretch"Oh thankgod I think I'm getting feeling back in my leg" Geoffery said rubbing his leg.I smile"Im sorry...was I out that long?"I asked"Only for the night.We're nearly here"Geoffery said.I nodded"Come on then"i said walking to the end of the boat.It was a pretty big boat so they wouldnt really hear out convorsation.I sighed sitting"Alright....Ive had time to sleep off my anger...and pain...but only because I had a dream and it was when my mother told me to stand up for myself...instead of being mad at you..I should rip Jocelyn's head off...she's the one who caused all of this"I said calmly.Will starred at me"Oh!Sorry...I just...I thought you would hate me for good this time"He said rubbing the back of his neck.I rolled my eyes"And I thought girls were dramatic...come on out with it.What happened in that spur 5 minutes I went to get the whine"I said"Well you left..and Jocelyn came in saying she wanted me.I told her no but then she tried to jump my bones!She kissed me and just as I was going to push her off u walked in.It was really a wrong place wrong time thing.I would never betray you.I meant every word in that letter I sent you Jessica...I love you"Will said taking my hands gently.I smile nodding"Ok"I said smiling"Ok?"Will asked confused.I giggled"I believe you.From now on,when ever Jocelyn even gets close to you...I'll simply tell her to take a hike"I said"Oh that reminds me...she only kissed me because she wanted to ruin our relationship...when you ran off I asked her why she kissed me...she told me Adhemar sends his reguards"Will said.My jaw dropped"That spiney headed little bastard!"I said angrily.Will smiled"Ahh I love you"He said hugging me.I looked up at him"Im still debating on wether you deserve me or-""I dont give a damn.I want you"Will said kissing me.I kissed back but after a while I pulled back smiling"Come on you loser"I said with a giggle.He smiled as we walked back to the others"Is everything happy again?"Wat asked"Pretty much"I said smiling"Good.Other wise it would have gotten akward"Kate said"And how"Roland said"Well as long as your happy sis"Geoffery said smiling.I smile back"I am"I said but then I saw something growing bigger in the corner of my eye.I then turned my head"London"I said with wide eyes.With all the people in the World Champions,they trotted on their horses past the crowd,Will being one of them.Wat and I had our faces painted for Will and as he held the flag,I held his...ahem....stick...Roland was in the front holding a sign for Will that represented him.People were cheering for Will or as his stage name was,Ulrich.I glared seeing all the woman cheering for him.Finally we reached the arena.ALL the opponents were there....then Geoffery ran up"I have news.Adhemars here.He's entered"he said"Must have gotten bored with the war"I said annoyed"No.The Black Prince commanded it.He had to disband his army.They were revealing,pillaging town after town.Robbing,murdering,ransacking churches.Committing the oldest sins in the newest ways"Geoffery said"Such a man"I said bitterly but speak of the devil,he strode up next to us"Atlast we will face eachother again,Sir Ulrich.And at the World Championship.Oh,hello Jessica"Adhemar said smirking.I glared at him"And as I promised u before, you will look up at me from the flat of ur back...and do not talk to her.You dont have that privelage"Will said bitterly.I smile shaking my head.Adhemar said nothing.Only turned his head away.I saw Jocelyn there.Smiling at Will.Will looked away"Dont worry Sir Ulrich.She's smiling to me.Let the past die.You've done well in my absence,on the feild and off Im told.Winning trophies,horses,woman"Adhemar said.Will shook his head"You put them in that order?"Will asked.Adhemar nodded"Generally,with a few exceptions"Adhemar said.I nearly gagged.Jocelyn blew a kiss to Adhemar.He smiled"Beautiful isnt she?A real thoroughbred trophy,dont you think?"He said.I glared at him"You speak of her like a target"I said bitterly"Isnt she?Arent all woman?"Adhemar asked"Look you ba-""Jessica.It's your case it may be Jocelyn..but in mine...Jessica is the arrow.Seeing woman as trophies is degradeful and pointless"Will said.I smile at him.Adhemar nodded"Ive begun negotiations with her father.Im to make her my bride"Adhemar said"Poor girl"I said in disgust.Adhemar smirked"Jealous?She'll be saddled...and placed on my mantle.Target or arrow,it doesnt matter.I will have her...she has me already"Adhemar said smiling up at her"You know...before I knew how much I loved Jessica..that would have bothered me.But I care not for you,or Jocelyn.So you may do as you please.It is her life.Not mine and not Jessica's there for I do not care"Will said.I smile at him as people cheered for him.The first match came and Will was first to go.We cheered for him as he went up against his opponent and won,as ususal.Kate,Rolamnd,Wat Geoff and I cheered for him.So the first day was done and Will came up to me"I'll be going out for a bit but I'll be back"Will said but I raised a brow"Where to?"I asked suspiciously"To find my father"he whispered.My eyes widened"Be careful"I said"Arent I always?"He asked with a smile as he rode off.I an hour had passed and it started thundering and raining"Im gonna go out to find him"I said"What?No way it's too bad of a storm"Geoffery said"I will be fine brother.I am a big girl"I said placing my hand on his shoulder and then I left.I wondered on the cheapside of town.I had a feeling he'd be there if he was whispering about it.I saw a little girl"Hello sweety.Have you seen Sir Ulrich around anywhere?The knight?"I asked smiling.She smiled up at me"Yes.He went looking for John Thatcher.Just down the road"She said smiling.I smile back at her"Thankyou luv.Here"I gave her my one and only gold necklace.She took it"You may either keep it or sell it.Either way you need it more then I"I said as I walked off"Thankyou ma'am!"She said and ran to her house.I was soaking wet because of the rain.I reached the end of the street,and I saw Will's horse.So I decided to walk inside quietly....I heard voices....Will's...and someone slowly and quietly I went up the steps but stopped hearing the mysterious voice bring up woman"And what of woman?Is there a certain one or many?"asked the voice"There is one"Will said.I smiled at the though"I should like to meet her"Said the man...who was this man that he was so intent on seeing"This leak wont do Father.Not in a Thatcher's chamber"Will said.I had to cover my mouth from gasping.Will was from the cheapside!It didnt bother me,so much as it shocked me that he didnt tell me.Im from the cheapside but I made good of my self.And so did why did he feel like he needed to keep this from me?Did he think I would shun him?Or reject him?I wasnt that shallow"F or a blind Thatcher,it's quite fitting"Will's father said.I felt bad.I felt sadness in my heart.He was blind...."Well a Thatcher I am.I'll fix it for you"Will said.I heard his foot steps then they were gone.So I walked into the room and saw him sitting there"Who goes there?"Asked what I assumed was his father" name is Jessica...Jessica Chaucer.I am Will's...woman?"I said not sure how to put it.I saw his father's smile"Oh please,sit.I am curious about Will"He said and I smile sitting down"How is he doing miss Chaucer?"He asked me.I missed having a father"He's a gentleman.He deserves to be a knight.Although I wonder why he hid this life from me.He has nothing to be ashamed of.I am a blacksmith,but I came from practically nothing.Will is caring,and he always cares about everyone.He's selfless and he stands up for the ones he cares about.And he is extremely good at jousting"I said smiling"It sounds to me like you love him"Mr.Thatcher said.I blushed but smiled"Well....yes.Natrually I am.I hope to spend the rest of my life with him"I said"And children?Please tell me you will give me grand children"Mr.Thatcher asked with a chuckle.I giggled"Sure.Children sound nice.I would love to have 2 or three"I said smiling"That's all?"he asked.I blushed even more"Ok ok my max is 5 to 6"I said giggling.He smiled"That's more like it.I like you Miss Chaucer"he said.I gently grabbed his hand and held it.It would be nice to have a father figure around again"I like you too.And please,you're going to be my father in law so call me Jessica"I said smiling.He smiled back"You can call me father too if u wish"He said.Before I could say more I saw Will come through the window soaked"Jessica?You- you followed me?"He asked with anger"Please dont be angry.I was worried.You left in such a hurry I thought something was wrong"I said"You dont understand I didnt want you to-""Will dont be ashamed.I dont love you any less.Im from the cheapside"I said and his eyes widened"You were?"he asked.I got up and gently placed my hands on his cheeks"Yes you idiot.The fact that you rose from the dirt and became what you are today,a Knight...that's something to be remembered.That's amazing.I love you."I said as I gently went on my toes and kissed him.He kissed back"That's sweet"Will's father said.We smiled and sat down,talking to Will's dad some more.Getting to know eachother closer.
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awwwww =)