Status: gotta love my fanfics xD

And in the Meantime I'll Fight Dragons, Just Like Any Knight for His Lady

Chapter 6

(next day)Will and I went home and the next day we were prepping Will up for his match"Alive.I though he was dead,which is mad because he was always so strong.Very strong" I walked up with geoffery sadly.A few tears threatening to fall"And he loved Jessica.He adored her and-""Will?"I said sadly"Geoff...Jess.This day just gets better and better"he said smiling as he quickly kissed me,but when he pulled away,he saw my glassy eyes"Somebody die?"Roland asked.I shook my head"Sir Ulrich Von Lichtenstein"Geoffery said with sadness"What?"Will asked softly but he couldnt finish so I did"Its Adhemar.....he apparently followed me last Cheapside.He says he saw us...with your father...its all my fault...I've ruined everything.I should of stayed put...Im so sorry Will"I said as tears fell"No no no...if he hadnt followed you he would have followed me"Will said pulling me in a hug"Its my fault though!He followed me!"I said"Im not going to blame you!"Will said kissing my head.I shook my head as I hugged him.He sighed hugging me back but Geoffery stepped closer"Will...they asked me for your patents.They're waiting for you in the lists to arrest you.A dozen royal guards.They'll put you in the stocks"Geoff said with sadness"But I face Adhemar in five minutes"Will said angrily"No,you forgeit.They've already marked it down"Geoffery said.I starred at Will in worry"Saddle the horses.They can arrest your baggage,not you"Roland said.Will looked at him then at me.I starred back"This is my doing should go.I'll stay behind with Geoffery to cool things down"I said smiling sadly.Will shook his head" you think of me less now?To run?Do you not understand me?"He asked.I smile"To understand you...would take a life time...and that is one I am willing to give.But for now you must run.There is nothing else for you here.Run and I will meet with you soon enough"I said sadly"Jessica I cannot run.I am a knight,and I will put myself to the hazard!"Will said"You're a knight at heart but not on papers and papers all that matters to them!"Roland said.I nodded"Will...I love you.You need to go...if you ask me to stand by and watch u go to the stocks understand that I will be right beside u..and if they refuse me....I shall end my life"I said in the most serious tone.He shook his head"You would rather see me run?No!"Will yelled but I shoved him angrily"DAMN YOU PRIDE!I will NOT see the man I love die!It is only you that will not see u run!"I said as I cried more"My prides the one thing they cant take from me!"Will argued with me"But they can take it from u!They can and they will!How do u propose I became an orphan!"I yelled angrily.Will starred at me.Geoffery nodded looking away.Growing up I could never admit it..I always said my parents were killed by accident...but they werent.A higher power killed them for doing wrong...luckily mother hid us away before it was too late....."Will they will strip u of ur pride...but love they cannot take.Please Will"I said crying my eyes out.He sighed..shaking his head"And..where will we live?In my hovel?With the pigs inside in winter so they wont freeze?"Will said.I shook my head in anger"Yes Will.The pigs will be inside.I dont care!The poor can marry for love"I said crying" you speak of what you know?!"Will asked angrily.I cried more"Will..I beg it for love"I said sniffling.Will turned to Roland"Roland,you would see me run?"Will asked.Roland nodded in sadness.Will turned to my brother"And you Geoff?"Will asked.Geoffery nodded"My baby sister needs you Will...more then the air we breathe.Yes I wish it too with all the pieces of my heart"He answered.Will turned to Wat with hope" and I..we arent runners"Will tried but Wat only smiled sadly"Yes...William today we are"Wat said.Will looked at Kate"Run William"Kate said but he looked at us all"No!"He yelled.I shook my head and closed my eyes letting more tears fall"I will not run!"Will yelled.I sniffled trying to keep from sobbing"Im a knight"he said softly... looking at me.I nodded."Well boys...all good things must come to an end.Lets end them together"Roland said.Will looked at me briefly then walked away.I looked at my feet and fell to my knees crying.Geoffery helped me up"I know u want to just sit there and cry but we must go with Will"Geoffery said as him and Kate helped me up"Come on love...pull yourself together"Kate said.I took in a deep breath and calmed my self of crying more.Will walked out,we all walked beside him.This is how Im going to go out with me beside him.A man with a bunch of guards came up to us"You will remove urself from this position of honor"He said"I am here to compete"Will said coldly"You are here to be arrested" The man said and made a motion for guards to walk over"No!"I yelled trying to go to Will but Geoffery held me back"Let me go!No let me go!"I said kicking.Will glanced at me with a sad smile(the next day)I heard Will was ahem...put up for display of course I was going to see him.Roland went with me.We were the closest to him...the rest of the gang came with us.I saw people yelling at Will as he stood the hold.Roland walked up with a stick in his hand...people yelled louder.Wat and I walked up"Will"I said gently making him look at me.I was on my knees"Mm Jessica...stop..let them have me"he said.I shook my head as Wat yelled at all of the crowd"I wont.I love you.Allow me to see you"I said kissing his lips gently.He kissed back weakly"Im starving"he said.I smile sadly as a tear fell"I will get you out soon enough my love"I said"Kate..."I said holding out my hand.She smiled giving me one of my hammers used to make things.I sat down infront of Will,holding my hammer ready to hit anyone who hurt him..Geoffery walked up.I stood"Brother"I said.He instantly hugged me"It will be alright love.Leave it to me"He said at arms length of me.I smile nodding as I sat back down.Geoffery sighed and looked at the crowd"Listen to me!"Geoffery said but then food was thrown"Good ploy brother"I said annoyed.He glanced at me"Listen to me!"He yelled louder.I gently pet Will's head"These people are relentless"I said"Please dont head hurts"Will said.I smile sadly at him but when it got really quiet I was confused but when I saw I gasped!It was Prince Edward!In the flesh!He walked to us.I stood in shock.He was defending us!He walked to Will...I was in Edward's way"I-Im sorry"I said blushing"It's alright ma'am" He said smiling at me.I bowed a little backing away.Respect man.Edward crouched down for Will to see him"What a pair we make,huh?"Edward said smiling.Will looked in surprise "Both trying to hide who we are.Both unable to do so"Edward said then looked at all of us"Your men love u...your woman loves you.If I knew nothing else about you,that would be enough.But u also tilt when you should withdraw.That is knightly too"Edward said smiling then stood straight up to look at the guards"Release him"Edward said.Will gulped, I smiled happily.Thankgod for Prince Edward.I was so happy I could hug him but I contained myself.That might get me in that hold next.The guards let Will go and I instantly ran to him and hugged him"Ohh Im so glad for Prince Edward"I said happily"I am too"He said smiling"He may appear to be of humble origins but my personal historians have discovered...that he is descends from an ancient royal line.This is my word.And as such,is beyond contestation"Edward looked back at Will who was being held up by Geoffery and Wat.He was really weak right now"Now...if I may repay that kindness you once showed me.Take a knee"Edward said to Will.Will was hesitant at first but Edward nodded so Will,with a bit of help,went on 1 knee infront of Edward.Edward pulled out his sword.Will didnt make eye contact"By the power vested in me by my father,King Edward..and by all the witnesses here..I dub thee..Sir William"Edward said touching both of Will's shoulders with the sword.People cheered. I smiled at him.He was truely a knight now.Edward put his sword away and held up his hand to silence everybody"Arise...Sir William"Edward said holding out his hand.Will starred at it in happiness for a moment then took it and pulled himself up"Can you joust?"Prince Edward asked"What?"Will asked confused"There's my tournament to finish.Now are u fit to compete or shall the forfeit stand?"Edward asked smiling"Im fit"Will said.Edward nodded"I shall have your opponent informed.Look for his shield on the lists.At once"Edward said smiling.Will nodded with happiness we all left to go get Will ready.People cheered for us.So we got Will ready and were now at the arena.I saw at the other side...Adhemar was getting ready...and Jocelyn was helping him.I shook my head...if only she knew that he didnt even love wait...then she'd be still after Will never mind.I sigh"Its a small target Will...but aim for his heart.It was about to begin..and I was worried Adhemar might have something planned..hopefully nothing that will kill Will.Finally it began and they charged at eachother.We all cheered for Will and finally, they met,and Will was hit!I gasped as we all ran to him.As we reached him I gasped seeing a BIG piece of wood in Will"Oh my god"I said with worry"Oh god I'll fetch the surgeon now"Roland said"'re the surgeon now"Will said.Roland looked nervous but nontheless, ripped the woof out of him.I took the wood starring at it.I showed Kate"He-""The bastard tipped it!"I said angrily"J-Jessica...get me back to first.Otherwise we forfeit.I was worried but nontheless,grabbed the reins of the horse and lead him back to our side.Will grabbed the ..stick(i forget)and he groaned in pain.His good arm was the one that was injured so it was heavy for him Im sure.Will and Adhemar glared at eachother for the longest time,then Will put down his cover on his helmet.Admehar did the same..and round two began...and as they got close,Will dropped his thingy leaving Adhemar to hit him in the chest.We ran to Will"Will are you ok?"I asked worriedly"Jessica...I cant breathe...I cant breathe"Will said.I nodded and hurriedly took off his armor"It will be ok love"I said but then Adhemar trotted over on his horse"As I said Thatcher...In what world can you have ever beaten me?Such a place does not exsist"Adhemar said.I then had Geoffery walk up to me and whisper.I nodded"Kate take over for me"I said"Jess no dont go!"Will said"I'll be right back Will"I said and ran up to Will's father"Hello father.Come with me.You will get a front row seat"I said smiling.He smiled back"Wonderful"He said and I literally put him in the front row.Will saw me.I waved happily"Wave sir"I said and he smiled waving.Will smiled at us"Stay here.I have to tend to Will's armor.But I'll be right back"I said"Alright.Go on then"he said gently.I nodded and ran over to him"Will"I said"Thankyou..for bringing him.It gave me confidence"Will said"I had Geoff get him.Now let me look at our wound"I said taking off his armor"You need more padding"I said"No.Leave it off.I cant breathe with it on"Will said"But...."I sighed"Alright darling"I said worried sick about this idea of Will's"Lance"Will said..Wat gave him the stick..that is known as a lance but Will groaned"Ahh no.I can barely grip it.Damn....Lash it to my arm"Will said.Wat gave him a look like he didnt want to do it"Wat...lash it to me arm"Will said again.Wat looked at Roland for help but Roland nodded"Do as he says"Roland said"Oh god you love to make me scarred"I said as they tied the lance to Will's arm. Then for some reason, my brother went up to where Prince Edwrad and his wife were sitting"Good people!I missed my introduction"He yelled.People cheered"But please...please I pray you.Hear it now.For I would lay rest the grace in my tongue and speak plain.Days like these are far too cheapen with heavy-handed words.And so, Im afraid without any ado whatsoever"Geoffery stood on the arms...inbetween Edward and his wife"Here he is!One of your own!Born a stone's throw from this very stadium and here before you now. The son of John Thatcher...Sir William Thatcher!"Geoffery yelled and everyone cheered!I looked at Will"Its all for u my love"I said smiling"That's ur name.Sir William Thatcher. Your father heard that"Wat said.Will looked at him for the longest of times then it began...the last match.I really hoped this wouldnt kill Will...I hugged Geoff in fear"Tell me how it ends"I said as he hugged me back...then after the agonizing minutes went by,Geoffery pulled me"He won!"Geoffery said.I was in shock but ran to Will.He smiled hugging me.I hugged back.Wat walked to Adhemar on his back"You have been weighed"Wat said.Roland walked to Adhemar"You have been measured"Roland said"And you absolutely..." Kate said above Adhemar now"Hve been found wanting"Geoffery said"So without further adue Adhemar"I said smirking"Welcome to the new world"Will finished with a smile. We were all in a circle above him.Starring at him"God save you.If it is right that he should do so"Will said smiling then we all walked off and jumped around happily.Will picked me up and spun me.I smile as I held up my finger,then I ran off and got to John"He won!"I said happily as I hugged him.He smiled"Im so proud"He said happily"You should be sir"I said giggling"Go on then"He said.I looked to Will and nodded"We'll be with you"I said and ran back to Will...he began to walk to me and soon enough I was in his arms kissing him deeply.I couldnt help notice afterwards Geoffery was kissing Kate,and Jocelyn was helping which of course he shoved her away and wobbled off.I smile looking at Will"What will you do now my brave knight?"I asked happily.He smiled"I will be with you for the rest of my life my love"Will said.I smile at him"I think I like that ending"I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him again...and as cheesey as it is...we lived happily after ever.<3
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