Status: Sequel to Somebody That I Used To Know

Not Over You

Chapter 2

“Eddie!” I screamed running outside and off the back porch, the blue coated dog ran toward me barking happily before jumping up his paws resting on my hip. Bending down I grabbed his face and pressed my forehead to his smooth coat scratching behind his ears and down his coarse coat. He yapped again his head jerking up causing his wet nose to hit mine. Laughter bubbled from my lips as I opened my eyes and pulled away from the excited pup looking into his dark eyes I let him go and he let go of my hip landing on his all fours before sitting obediently. I scratched his head before I heard Lisa behind.

“Wow, you were more excited to see a four legged mammal then you were to see us,” she giggled walking out onto the patio the five boys following behind her, I watched as Niall took a seat on the hammock and the others grabbed a seat wherever they could. Harry sat on the seat and reached out to Eddie who moved quickly jumping on the male barking and licking his face.

“I was excited to see you guys, the fact that you scared the hell out of me might have something to do with my reaction.” I pointed out turning back to look at her, she humphed and folded her arms across her chest pouting.

“Oh, come on…” I laughed fishing my phone out of my pocket and walking toward her, “Here I got something for you.” I clicked into my videos quickly scanning through them until I came to her gift. “Watch this,” I handed my phone over and hit play making sure to watch the screen with her.

‘Hi Lisa, Reece here, you’re friend Charlotte here said you were a massive fan so I just wanted to send you this.” I watched as the camera zoomed in as he kissed my camera, ‘And British girls are the bomb… stay dedicated I love you,” with that the video stopped, there was nothing but silence, I looked up and watched for any sort of reaction.

“Lis…” silence, “Lisa…” I placed a hand on her shoulder and felt her shaking, “Are you...” I began but was silenced when she cut me off.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you… goddamnit I love you!” she flung her arms around me in a tight hug a squeal leaving her lips. “Thank you, thank you, thank you…” she was buzzing, I couldn’t help but laugh at how excited she was. ‘Reece Mastin knows my name, he-he … Oh my god!” was all she said before jumping up and down and wrapping her arms tightly around me again. Excitement had gripped her tightly and she was vibrating in my arms out of happiness. “God! I’m so happy I could… I could kiss you!”

“You know what, that’s not necessary,” I began pulling away from her, “Plus it’s Liams’ job,” she scoffed dramatically before turning away from me and walking over to the brown haired male that was sitting on the railing around the decking. I looked down at Eddie was happily sitting in Harry’s lap looking at me his tongue lolling out of his mouth. “I see how it is,” I joked getting down on my knees and slapping my thighs causing the heeler to jump out of the curly haired singers lap. A loud groan left his lips as he hunched over slightly his eyes squeezing together slightly. “Oh my…” I had to hold back the laughter that was building up inside me, “Are you okay?” I couldn’t help but giggle as he sat in a hunched over position.

“Fine,” he groaned out.

“Bad dog,” I looked down at Eddie who was staring at me panting heavily and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing, I buried my face into his coat to stifle the laughter. As I sat laughing I heard all the others begin, first it was Niall and his infecting giggle which set off Lisa and Liam, lifting my head I watched as Louis chuckled walkiing toward Harry and taking a seat next to him clapping a hand over his shoulder, Zayn stood near the door laughing loudly.

“Oh, yeah because this is so funny.”

“It is,” Niall laughed swinging back on the hammock before I knew what was going on Harry had removed his shoe and thrown it at Nialls’ causing the blonde to cry out in pain falling off the hammock clutching his genitals. This made Harry burst out laughing at his friends pain which set the rest of us off into hysterics. My laughter was so hard that the sound vanished and all I could do was clap my hands like a retarded seal. I yelped in surprise when Eddie jumped up knocking me off my balance so I landed flat on my back but it didn’t stop me from laughing it just set me off more.

We spent at least twenty minutes just laughing, before I was able to compose myself and pull myself into a sitting position, taking a deep breath I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at the others who were slowly sobering up from their laughing fits, Niall was still stretched out on the deck clutching his crotch.

“How hard did you throw it?” I asked slowly getting to my feet, Harry shrugged his shoulders.


“Too hard,” Niall mumbled into the wood, I climbed the stairs slowly and walked over to him kneeling down next to the blonde and reaching out one of my hands running my fingers through his hair to try and soothe him.

“Do you need some ice?” the four behind me tittered behind me.

“No I need a freakin’ hospi’al,”

“Oh, come on Drama Queen it’s not that bad,” he turned his head and looked at me, tears were shining in his eyes making his light eyes seem darker. “Okay I take that back… Come on,” I bent down and grabbed his arm slinging it over my shoulder and began to pull him to his feet, “Let’s get you some ice,” he groaned resting his body against mine bearing most of his weight on me, I huffed in discomfort leading him inside. I set him down on the couch in front of the television as I raced around getting ice for him. “Here,” I handed it over he sighed when he placed it on his crotch, I laughed lightly before running my hand through his styled hair. “I’ll go get the others and we can watch a movie,”

“Alright,” he nodded his head, “But I get to pick.”

“Whatever.” I smiled messing his hair before getting to my feet and walking out the back, “Come on you lot, movie time.”

“I can’t I gotta go plans with Perrie tonight, but I promise you another night, yeah?” a sorry look spread across his face.

“That’s fine Zayn don’t stress, another night sounds good.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna have to get a raincheck El wants me home, she needs help with something.”

“That’s fine, I’ll see you two later then,” they nodded their head before walking toward me and pulling me into a tight hug.

“Glad you’re home,”


“Glad to be back,” I smiled before we all turned and walked inside, Zayn and Louis called out to Niall hoping he feels better soon before walking out the door.

“Right what movie Horan?”

“Nightmare on Elm Street,” he smirked holding up the cover.

“I hate you,” Lisa and I growled, he simply laughed as I placed the DVD in the machine and settled down on a bean bag while Liam and Lisa snuggled on a single couch and Harry made himself comfortable on the other one keeping his distance from his blonde haired friend. I sighed pressing play on the remote.

I hate horror!
♠ ♠ ♠
So please enjoy
Comment and tell me what you think
Shout out to
and fallingstar2008 Thank you for your wonderful comments keep up the amazing work
