Right Where I Belong

Chapter 1

“Go Liam!” Suzie encouraged her brother from my side.

I laughed at her as I watched my son run down the field, kicking the soccer ball as he went. When he reached the goal he kicked the ball into the back of the net causing both his sister and I to jump up and down.

The game ended not to long after Liam’s goal and he ran over to us with a giant smile on his face. “Did you see that mom? I scored the winning goal!” He exclaimed.

I laughed and ruffled his hair, “I did. And to celebrate, how about we go to your favorite pizza joint and then get some ice cream after?” I suggested while raising my eyebrows slyly.

Both Liam and Suzie jumped up and down excitedly before we worked on gathering Liam’s bag. When we were ready to go, we headed over to my blue SUV and loaded it up. As I drove us down the road, I couldn’t help but look in the rear view mirror at the kids and think about Wyatt.

Wyatt and I are high school sweethearts. We were always attached at the hip. But after having Suzie I knew that he was getting a little restless and I knew what he wanted to do. You see, Wyatt comes from a family of military men. I always knew that he would want to follow in their footsteps. And when Liam was 8 and Suzie had turned 6, he did just that. It was now 2 ½ years later, and we haven’t seen much of him except a few weekends here or there.

I know that both of the kids miss their father terribly, and I don’t blame them. But they also couldn’t be more proud of having a father who was willing to risk his life in order to protect his country. Don’t get me wrong, I am proud of him too. I just miss him so much and can’t wait for the day that he comes home for good.

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FF: 4hrs
I was finishing up the rest of the cleaning that had to be done in the kitchen after I had put the kids to sleep, when I heard sobbing and Suzie calling for me from upstairs.

“Mommy!” She wailed.

I put down the plate I was holding and quickly made my way upstairs. Opening the door to her zebra inspired room; I saw her sitting up in her bed with the lamp on.

“What is it, honey?” I asked her softly as I walked into the room and sat on the side of her bed.

Suzie let out a sniffle before crawling over to me and climbing into my lap. She maybe 6, almost 7, years old but she is still my little girl. “I had a nightmare,” she murmured out into my shoulder.

“What about Suzie?” I questioned her, “you know that whatever you saw was not real.”

“But this could be real,” she muttered as she played with her fingers.

I furrowed my eyebrows together and placed my pointer finger under her chin. I slowly raised her head so that she was looking my in the eyes. “What was your nightmare about Suzie?” I asked her softly while wiping away tears from her cheeks.

Suzie sniffled a couple of times, “I-I saw… Daddy. An-And he,” she tried to explain.

I could tell where she was going with this, so I just wrapped my arms around her tightly and held her close. “It’s okay honey. You know that that will never happen to Daddy.”


I interrupted her before she could continue. “Suzie, daddy is safe. You know that. How would you like to sleep in my bed with me tonight?” I asked as I brushed her hair away from her face, knowing that would be the only way that she would get back to sleep tonight.

She nodded her head and moved her arms around my neck so that I could lift her up and rest her on my hip. I carried her down the hall and into the master bedroom before placing her on Wyatt’s side of the bed. After informing her that I would be right back, I quickly made my way downstairs and finished what I was doing in the kitchen before turning on the alarm and the lights off.

When I got back to the room, I rapidly did my nightly routine and climbed into bed. As soon as I was comfortable, Suzie cuddled up to me and rested her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair as I stared up at the ceiling.

“Mommy,” Suzie mumbled as she turned her head so she was lookin at me.

I stared into her dazzling blue eyes and smiled, “Yes Suzie?

“When is daddy coming home?” She asked shyly.

“I don’t know baby,” I sighed as I looked back up at the ceiling, “I don’t know.” I looked down at her and smiled again in order to hide my depression. “But I’m sure it will be soon.”

She nodded her head and made herself comfortable before she completely passing out. All I could think as my eyes closed was that I hoped that I was right. I hoped the Wyatt would be safe and home soon; home with his family.