It's Cold, But You Pretend that You Are Warm With Me


Usually on a day like today, you’d expect to see people huddling around a plastic tree, lined with green and red lights and glittery tinsel, passing around snowflake and candy cane wrapped boxes. Everyone’s faces filled with genuine smiles and joy, singing the ridiculously annoying songs that we all know the lyrics to anyway.

But some people, however, some people can’t have that. Even if they wanted to. Some people don’t have fathers, or mothers to spend Christmas with let alone a family, or even someone that wants to spend Christmas with you. So why spend a holiday unhappy and alone? It only brings back unwanted memories and it only reminds me that I’m alone.

I sat at my desk, scribbling my mind onto paper, every feeling and emotion, creating words. I won’t give them what they want any longer. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I scribbled furiously, trying to keep myself from thinking too hard. I always do something stupid when I think too hard.


I squirmed around my chair, ignoring the sound and focusing on the word-filled page in front of me.


I dropped the pencil, slightly annoyed and wiped my face. I jerked the curtain open, my frown and all traces of tears vanished from my face. My source of happiness stood with an innocent smile on his face.

‘’Come outside.’’ He motioned.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and pulled on my jacket and gloves, practically running down to the door.

‘’May I ask what is so important that I must come outside in 12 degree weather for?’’ I asked.

‘’I wanted you to play in the snow with me.’’ He said innocently.

I felt a rushing pain on my cheek as a sharp hard snowball fell onto the side of my face. I glared at him, dusting the snow off my face, feeling the rising anger build up inside of me.

‘’You shouldn’t have done that, Fuentes.’’

‘’What are you going to do about it, Quinn?’’ He teased.

I smirked scoping up a pile of snow, smoothing out the edges, raising my arm to throw it at him. His eyes widened as he spun around and hurried away from me, his shoes making a crunching sound in the hard-packed snow.
I tackled him to the ground and landed on top of him. His eyes widened and I giggled, leaning closer into his face. ‘’Want to know a secret?’’ I whispered. He nodded. I planted a kiss on the tip of his nose and smashed my snowball in his face.
I leaped off of him and sprinted away giggling like an idiot.


I face planted right into the snow my face numbing. He flipped me over and grinned at me, his cheeks flushed and his nose red. ‘’My turn.’’ He whispered. He hovered over me, and placed a kiss to my cheek with his warm lips, heating up my face with his touch.
He rolled off and lay next to me. I smiled, rubbing my cheek. I don’t want those lips to move. I want them touching my cheek, or my lips, or anywhere. I just want to be embraced by him, to tangle my hands in his brown locks. I don’t want to ever his side.

''Are you wiping my kiss off?’’ He gasped.

''No, silly.’’ I giggled.

A warm lavender and orange glow canvased the west sky. The sky got darker as it stretched from one end to the other. I huddled in the chilly air as I watch the sun lay to rest. It disappeared behind the thin horizon, abandoning us. It’s truly amazing how someone can make you genuinely happy and sad concurrently. I go from crying to smiling, then crying again.


''Yeah, Kels?’’

''It’s Christmas. Why aren't you at home with your family?’’ I asked.

''They don’t want me there.’’ He mumbled.

''Do you want to talk about it?’’ I looked over at him.

He shook his head.

''Kellin?’’ He asked suddenly.


''Can I ask you something?’’

''You just did.’’ I giggled.

''Ha-ha. Close your eyes.’’


I shut my eyes, expecting to be pelted in the face with a snow ball anytime soon.

''Open them.’’

I blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the darkness. Will u b mine? Was written in the snow in front of me, His eyes hopeful. I slowly took his hand in mine, leaning my head on his shoulder. ‘’I’m all yours.’’ I whispered.
He slid his gloved fingers under my chin bringing me to meet his eyes. Then carefully, pushed his lips into mine, as the whole word disappeared, creating a new one. Our lips moved perfectly together, bringing a warm sensation to the cold air.
Our lips pull apart; a sudden rush of cold air blew through me. Snow is falling, as it settles, it dissolves slowly into the snow already placed on the ground.

Suddenly, a patch on the ground lite up, leading to the lights of the neighbor’s houses One hundred million green and red lights covered them, along with a few blow-up Santa clause and snow men, blinking in a rhythm of their own.

His arms wrap around me, pulling me into him. I held his face with both of my hands, colliding my lips with his. I hoisted myself up, wrapped my legs around his waist. I’ve never felt more alive. Our lips unconnected and I leaned my forehead on his, regaining my breath back. The world slowly came back into focus, but this time, it’s not the same place anymore. My problems burned away with the fire we created. My world is standing next to me, Curly brown hair and luring chocolate brown eyes. He’s always been my world. But now, I get to be his too.
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It sucks I know. But I haven't wrote any fics in a while.
Feed back is appreciated! c: