Hold Me a Little Tighter, a Little Longer


Failing was my greatest talent. Everytime I thought "I'm actually doing something right," the earth would open up, and soon enough I'd be back in the ground peaking through the air holes in the dirt.

But I remember your soft fingers stroking the side of my face ever-so-carefully. Your eyes racing back and forth between my eyes and lips; holding out as long as you could before our lips would crash together like the waves of the storm roaring through our bodies. You'd transmit your energy to me, kind of like the butterflies crawled up your throat, across your tongue, onto mine, then down to make a home beneath my ribs.

He never made me feel like you did.

I gather you're a little messed up in the head. (But aren't we all?) There's no way you didn't feel it, I'm sure every being on earth had to have been affected by the power we produced when our bodies touched. Not to mention your smile was bright enough to outshine a million suns.

A penny for your thoughts? I'd even give a thousand. If only I was privileged enough to see into that painfully beautiful mind, but you keep it all locked up, all to yourself. I know there's more going on in there than you'll ever let on to. Wounds that I'd kill to kiss. If only you'd let me.

That's us, unusually tangled, beneath the sheets. You hold my wounds, and I'll hold yours. Sweetheart, we won't fall apart tonight. Breathe. Sleep creeps it's way into our lungs, and our bodies fall limp together, you twitch as you drift into a dream, and I cuddle closer to the steady rise-and-fall of your chest.

Sun in our eyes, cold settling in our toes. Your hand perfectly entwined with mine..The laughter and jokes erupting from your soul warmed the winter air, and our hearts happily danced together in those short few days we spent together.

I won't forget the peaceful motion of the car, as we left the stress on the road mile by mile. Your 2L of eggnog you drank while driving, or the rusty cars we explored in the junkyard. I won't forget the way you looked at me before we kissed, or the comfort of the rain that night.

Check yes if you're unhappy that you let this all slip away from you. Years we've sat on the edge of the cliff, waiting to jump off together, we counted down, hand in hand, pebbles trickled down the jagged drop-off, and we were off, the air fighting against us as we went. Halfway down your hand started loosening from mine, WAIT, you let go, NO, I felt you yank away, as I continued to fall, looking up to see you stuck on a tree growing sideways out from the rock. Her name spelled out in the branches. Why did I believe you had finally let her go? This destruction she's enforced must die.

It was a funny idea really, to think you'd actually catch me. I never fall, but for you I did. And you gave me nothing but a hard cold landing.
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It's not finished.