‹ Prequel: Black Damask
Status: Completed

Synthetic Love

Chapter 8

My eyes widened, Bel just responded to the name Anna,
“You-you-your Anna?” I asked in shock
“Yeah I am Dev” Bel well I could call her Anna now said looking down
“Why?” I barely said
“Why for what?” she asked still looking down, I scooted over to be right next to Bel/Anna and lifted her chin up so she could look at me.
“Why did you leave? Why did you change? Why did you lie? Just explain everything” my words rushed out,
“I just needed to leave, I knew I couldn’t keep living in Scranton if we weren’t together and I was dumb to let you go . I left to my dads which he done some things I don’t want to talk about, I met Brodon and his group of friends as we were friends first and I guess I kind of changed since I was around a different crowd of people. I only lied because I didn’t know if you were still mad at me or what you would do if I said “Hey Devin, it’s me Anna”, I am truly sorry for everything. I know I have caused you so much pain and greif and I wouldn’t be surprised if you never would want to talk to me ever again” she explained
“Why choose the name though?”
“Annabel is my legal name but I hated Annabel and at that time I preferred the name Anna but when I moved to my dads I couldn’t stand being called Anna since it just reminded me too much of you and the rest of the guys and when I started to hang around Brodon and others, Brodon came up with the name Bel so I let everyone call me that”
“I still prefer Anna” I said leaning in to kiss her, I pressed my lips onto hers and kissed her, Anna kissed me back with full passion, after a while we both broke apart from the kiss breathless.
“Wow” was all I could say
“Yeah” Anna said
“What are we gonna do with the guys and I don’t even know my situation with Brodon” Anna said putting her head into her hands,
“We’ll figure out everything tomorrow, now can we go into my bunk and just hold each other?” I asked
“Of course Dev” she said getting up and pulling me up and I leaded her to my bunk, we both laid in my bunk.
“Devin, I have never stopped loving you” Anna admitted
“I have looked for you everywhere we have went and now I finally have you” I said snuggling into Anna more,
“Devin, we don’t even know if I’m still with Brodon or not”
“Well break up with him if you are still together” I said bluntly
“Maybe” Anna said, soon after she fell asleep in my arms.
Anna was finally here and all I need is her to be with me forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Devin now knows Bel is Anna :O
What are your thoughts? What do you guys think what will happen next?

There is a little present that I have given you readers for Christmas, a new chapter on Christmas day! I hope you have enjoyed Christmas this year and I hope you have enjoyed this chapter.
Now off to ElegantFalcon