Status: Active


Amazing Grace

The air sparkled around Aziel and Micheal as they flew. Micheal's arms secured Aziel to his body as he flew. His mind wondering back to the days when it was just her and him...
Micheal smiled," Come on, Raziel! It's time to help the little children." Raziel danced around daintily on her feet. He could smell her sweet rose fragrance that only belonged to her. It drew him to her like a moth to a single light in the dark. She was a star that burned brighter than the sun itself.

The small souls surrounded Raziel as she began to sing, her voice soft but commanding as she gave praise to their Father. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound... That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but know I'm found.." Raziel's aura brightened as the children lifted their voices to match hers. This was one of her favorite things, helping children accept the afterlife. It was one of the many joys of being an Archangel.

Micheal watched in adornment, his heart full. Angels weren't suppose to feel this way about one another. It was forbidden, but it was something he couldn't help. How could one not adore Raziel? She was almost as golden as Father himself. Heat flooded to his face as Raziel evenly met his stare. "Micheal?"

Micheal sheepishly answered," Yes?" His wings fluttered at the sound of his name. Raziel always had this effect on him.

Raziel tilted her head slightly as if someone was calling her. Her pale hair hung delicately over her waist, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Father is calling me. I must go now." She leaned forward and gave Micheal a firm hug, a normal parting gesture that sent a flush to his face.

Micheal huffed, raking a head through his hair. He had to control his emotions. Angels were not humans. Angels did not have free will like Father's other beloved creatures. Micheal loved humans, but sometimes in his darkest hours he wished he was one. He craved freedom, the need to be with Raziel was something that provoked the worst in him.

Another angel, a newer one, tapped Micheal on the shoulder. "Hello Micheal. Is something hindering you?"

Micheal sighed,"Nothing that you can assist me with." Paschar clapped his shoulder with her hand. It was a reassuring gesture. Only she knew how he felt about Raziel.

Micheal sat on the grass, his hands on his face with his legs displayed out in front of him. Paschar joined him for support. "It will be okay, brother."

Micheal didn't say anything. His mind was to focused on the familiar pink aura on the bluff overlooking the ocean. He could see the golden glow of the Father cascading down from the throne. They were obviously discussing something of utmost importance. Father's face was grave. And then... She was gone. His heart shattered as he watched Raziel leave heaven. It was like being torn in half. Foreign water slipped down his cheeks as Paschar gently hugged him.

She was gone.

Micheal shook his head as Aziel squeezed his shoulder to get his attention. "Micheal?"

Micheal answered her gently. "I'm escorting you to the young souls. In your past life, you would spend a deal of your time with them. It brought you much joy."
Aziel wrinkled her brow as she tried to remember such a life. It was all new to her. Flying wasn't possible but that was certainly what they were doing. She could barely feel the air brushing against her skin. She scanned the ground, taking in the grassy hills filled with small flowers. It was breath taking. She could hear a faint humming noise that grew loudly as they came closer.

Micheal gently put Aziel on her feet. The children were instantly drawn there. They remembered and recoginzed Raziel in Aziel's body. At first, Aziel couldn't see them. Then they began to sing a song that shook her to her core. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found.." Suddenly she make out tiny little children, barely old enough to walk. They all sat in a circle around her as if they were waiting on her.

Aziel stammered," Who are you waiting on?"

A beautiful little girl with brown pigtails answered her. " Raziel.. we are waiting on you." A shock entered Aziel's body. A sudden flash and she was falling..
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A little shorter than normal but here you go.