Status: Active


The Garden of Eden

“Aziel.” Aziel scanned her surroundings as she tried to get to her feet. The ground underneath her shook, making it impossible to stand. “Stop. You must only listen.” The voice came from every direction. It was soft but authority, it was eerily familiar to Aziel. She waited patiently, the only sounds were the chirps of birds she couldn’t see. “Good, you will now understand why you are the way you are.”

The scenery shifted to a small bluff, instead of the rocky ground of before Aziel was now on soft grass. “This is where our journey started sixteen years ago. Our Father asked a task of me. It was to come to the human world and be a guide for those who stay when the world begins the dark days. I was to be a light in the darkness.” The sunlight blazed against her skin, transporting her to the beloved ocean. The soothing waves anchored her back to herself. She wasn’t as confused as before, she felt confident even though she had no clue as to why this was happening to her.

“My name is Raziel. I am the archangel to which your soul has become one with. We are one and the same. My past is your past. My present is your present. My future is your future. We are tied together for the rest of eternity.” The notion of such a thing should have terrified Aziel but somewhere deep inside she knew it to be true. She searched the area again, hoping for a glimpse of her soul partner.

In the rising tide, a blond head broke the wave. Aziel knew she was staring into her own reflection. She knew those eyes because she had looked into them every day for the past sixteen years. Raziel smiled kindly at her and offered her a hand. “ I believe this is customary for your time.”

Aziel placed her hand into Raziel’s and shook. “I don’t understand why I was chosen for this.” She gazed into Raziel’s eyes, searching for answers.

Raziel gracefully sat down next to Aziel. “You were chosen to be one of Father’s warriors even before I had been chosen to be merged with you. He made you in an image of himself. He wanted to send someone to be a calm in those moments of torture when Lucifer began his reign on Earth. I was chosen to be merged with you to stop that from happening to soon, so that you and every other human would be ready when the time comes. I’m your adviser and soul. I know every secret from the beginning of time and it is my duty to share this with you.”

Raziel patted one of Aziel’s knees lightly. “Do not worry, child. We will save your mother and father. But first we must understand the past so we may change the future. Are you ready to begin the journey?”

Aziel stared at the grassy floor, trying to take in all the information being thrown at her. She would do anything to have her parents back. She was chosen. Handpicked by God himself. How many teenagers today could say that? She squared her shoulders and met Raziel’s questioning gaze. “I’m ready.”

A wind ruffled Aziel’s hair as the place changed again. Now she was in a green forest full of creatures. One large tree sat in the middle with beautiful, ripe apples hanging from its limbs. She gasped, she remembered this scene. This was the tree that bore the apples of knowledge. Her eyes widened as she recognized a woman who could only be Eve. She was gorgeous. Her long dark hair hung at her bare waist and she was laughing. A creature that was black and long with small protruding legs was talking to her. “Why shouldn’t you eat from this tree?”

Eve giggled,” Because Father forbade it.” She smiled and crouched down to pet the creature. “What is your name?”

The creature replied,” I have no name but I am a serpent. Father only forbade it so you wouldn’t know what he know. To be more like him, you should eat the apple. He wouldn’t kill you for it, but simply add you to his ranks.”

Eve looked as though she was pondering it, her lips were pursed in a pout. Then she reached for the apple. Aziel surged forward to stop her but was met with a invisible force. She couldn’t move from her spot. The message was clear, she was to watch not engage. She felt her stomach drop as Eve bit into the apple. Tears again rolling down Eve’s delicate face as she slowly began to realize what she had done.

The serpent hissed in delight, obviously coherent of what he had done. “Now you must have Adam eat as well.” Eve shook her head, long hair whipped her face.

A masculine voice began to huskily call to her. “My dear wife, where are thou?”

Eve’s eyes darted around in fear. “No, you can’t. I can’t. He has nothing to do with this, let him go free!” She begged the serpent, but he refused to budge.

He whispered into her ear,” You will do as I tell you to do. You are mine now.” Eve robotic-ally stood up and moved to call Adam. Aziel could barely watch. She had always thought Eve had tricked Adam willingly. She closed her eyes as she heard the crunch of Adam eating one of the apples.

A voice boomed over the land. “And this was the first sin.” Aziel looked around for the speaker but the scene began to melt away. She struggled to move back but was once again forced forward. “You must keep going. You must understand.”

Aziel fought against the tears threatening to spill down her face. She felt a thud as her feet landed against the hard ground. Her eyes landed on many crops and two young men tending to them. This story was also familiar to Aziel. It was Cain and Abel.

The scene didn’t go as slow as the first one. It was as if it was being fast forward. Aziel’s eyes barely caught any of what was going on. The only thing that registered was the agonizing scream of Abel. Aziel cried out,” I can’t do this by myself!”
A golden light showered from above her. “ Daughter, I am here. I am always here to help and guide you. Ask and you shall receive.

Aziel strained her eyes to see beyond the light but was unable to do so. She said timidly,” Father?”

The light brightened in response. “ Yes, my child.

Aziel fought her urge to run. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel safe. It was that everything human about her told her that this couldn’t be real. That it was a dream. She asked softly,” Please, Father, help me understand why I must be the one for this mission.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hit 10,000 words with this chapter! What do you lovely Mibbans think? Should I add something more to it? Is it just right? Feed back is always appreciated as it makes me a better writer. Until next chapter!