Lovely Rita

Chapter 4

The day wore on, and I was growing immensely bored and tired of walking the streets looking for people to tell off for their shitty parking. I hated this job, but it paid well and I needed it until I got a break. Wandering onto a street I hadn't really paid much attention to before, I took in my surroundings and adjusted the heavy green bag that was weighing down her shoulder. There were a few closed down stores and run down bars lining the streets, and hardly anyone about to match the amount of cars lining the streets.
I spotted a small car parked on double yellows. "Finally!" I whispered to myself. Wandering over, I checked the tax disc and gave it a once over. Everything else was fine. I wrote out a ticket in my white book and ripped it out to stick under the wipers.
I turned to leave, when something in the window of one of the run down shops caught my eye. I knealt down to get a closer look at the record in the bottom of the window display. Everything was coated with dust, and the shop was empty and dark bar a few incomprehensible records. This one had no cover image, simply a brown space, and read, handwritten, 'The Beatles' alone, oddly. I thought to myself that I must know it, wishing I could go in there and buy it just to see what it was. I crouched there, contemplating what it could be and why it had no cover, and also why no one had bought it when the shop had been open...
"Is there a problem, officer?" a deep, Scouse voice said. I turned around to see my Paul look-a-like postman standing there. I fell back and gasped, as he skipped over to help me up as if by reflex. I brushed myself off as he aided me.
"I'm so sorry, I got distracted." I said, as Pete looked down at where I had been.
"Beatles fan, huh? Could've guessed with a name like Rita. And being a meter maid of course...creepily ironic..." He smiled, his cute laugh startlingly similar to the one she loved so much on Paul. I smiled back.
"Yeah, my parents are big fans so I got saddled with it. Unfortunately, obviously, hence my undying obsession with them. And the job was there, so I took it." She said sarcastically. "Say, uhm, you aren't following me are you?" I winked, nudging Pete's arm. He chuckled.
"I could say the same to you. You ticketted my car...?" Pete said, holding up the note.
"Oh, Christ, yeah sorry. You were parked on double yellows I'm afraid..." I said, tutting. "But I think we can forget about it if you take me out somewhere tonight. I don't feel like going home just yet." I said, winking again and brushing the long strands of hair that had blown around my face in the evening breeze. Pete looked at me with a half smile on his face.
"Okay then. Well, seeing as I'm not a big coffee drinker, when are you free to take some tea with me, lovely Rita?" he smiled charmingly, quoting the song my name derived from.
"Oh, you ol' charmer. I'd say... Eight tonight. I'll meet you here again. Now move this car!" I smiled, blushing as I realised I had just blackmailed a man into taking me on a date. Oh well.