Last Chance

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right

"Alright we've gathered all the paperwork we need so all we need for your two to do is sign this page here and we will procede with court dates to finalize everything" Mr. McEntire, Stephen's lawyer, said reading over the first page again before handing it to Levi. His eyes scanned over it a few times before starting at the top and looking through it again. He nodded and handed it back to Mr. McEntire who tapped it together against the top of of the glossed oak and handed the stack of papers to me.

I unclasped my hands from their death grip on each other on my lap and grabbed the pen with a shacky hand. I pressed the tip to the paper and with a deep breath scrawled my name across it before sliding it across the table to Stephen refusing to meet his eyes. I crossed my leg over the other and rested my elbow on the arm of the chair staring off to the side fighting back the burning tears. Out of the cornor of my eye I could see Stephen staring at me. His stare held for a long time. A stare full of pain and regret.

"Stephen" Mr. McEntire said knudging him with his arm. Stephen blinked and slowly reached for the pen he heisitated before scratching his name on the paper and shoving it to Mr. McEntire clearly upset.

"Ok" Mr. McEntire coughed adjusting his tie uncomfortably. "We'll meet again in two weeks?"

"Sounds great" Levi nodded shaking hands with Mr. McEntire. Stephen stood and opened his mouth but I grabbed all of my things and stood before he could speak. I tugged my cardigan closer to me as I stepped out and the wind blew hard against me as I wrapped my arms around me tightly as I started down the steps of the law firm.


I turned around to see Stephen holding a gentle grip on my elbow. His face was slightly paler than normal and his eyes looked tired, and slightly hungover. His dark blue button down was wrinkled contrasting with his moon skin.

"Can we talk?"

"Stephen I don't think thats such a good idea" I murmered subconciously grazing my fingers along my cheek.

Stephen opened his mouth but was stopped short by a car honking. I turned around to see Phillip stepping out of his Mercedes. He leaned against the closed door dressed in navy blue dress pants and blazer with a sky blue botton down sunglasses rested on his face and even from the distance I could see his jaw tense.

"Erm I have to go." I slipped my arm out of his grip and continued toward Phillip. He pulled me into a tight hug before going around to the passenger side of the car and letting me in before continuing to his side and driving off.

We decided to go to his house since it was closer, to talk. I slipped off my heels at the doorway and walked to the kitchen knowing my way around from babysitting Dean a few times. We settled in the dining room with the coffee. We talked for what seemed like forever laughing.

"So what was your ideal dream of family?" he asked leaning back casually

"Pretty simple. I wanted to be married, have lots of kids" I smiled softly "and just be happy." I blinked and cleared my throat "and what about you?"

"Well," Phillip shrugged out of his blazer and set it on the back of the chair. "Pretty much the same as you sure as hell didn't plan on getting divorced and being left as a single dad with absolutly no help, but it is what it is I guess. Atleast I have you now" he smiled and held the coffee cup to his mouth.

I blushed as I chuckled "I can relate to that. I never expected Stephen would change not this much anyway. He used to be so sweet and romantic. All his friends gave him a hard time saying he was whipped." I sighed remembering the good times " I don't know what happened."

"Hey" Phillip reached across the table and grabbed my hand "lets not talk about that ok? I cant stand to see you upset."

"I'm sorry I-"

"No don't be sorry it-Shit!"

I jumped feeling the hot liquid seep into my front and looked to see Phillips in the same state as I was. He hurried taking the napkins and absorbing the mess of coffee. I helped him.

"I'm so sorry Christianna I-"

"Dont worry about it. Its ok I promise"

Phillip began unbuttoning his shirt revealing his toned abdomen. I kept my gaze down, a heated blush rising to my cheeks as I collected the moist coffee soaked napkins. Phillips hands clasped over mine taking the napkins from me and continuing to the kitchen to throw them away. I pulled my hair up into a bun and sighed seeing my caridgan and tank top soaked with the sticky brown liquid. I shurgged out of the cardigan and pulled the tank top away from my skin sighing I knew I would just have to wait for it to dry. I tensed feeling arms wrap around my waist and lips softly drag across the skin of my neck.

"I'm sorry I ruined your shirt" Phillip breathed in my ear causing the hair on my neck to stand on end. He pulled my back flush against his front and gently kissed up and down my neck my eyes fluttered closed and I leaned further back into him.

A whimper trailed in the air as he found the weak spot on my neck. His lips captured the tender skin in a soft kiss. One of his hands held on to my hip and the grazed the skin under the tanktop. I turned around in his arms and wrapped my hands around his neck and pushed our lips together. Phillip grasped my hips and lifted me up placing me on the table as he stood inbetween my legs I hooked them behind his thighs. I wraped Phillips short locks inbetween my fingers as I pulled him closer feeling lips tingle at the pressure. Phillip's tugged my hair lose and knotted his hands through the falling locks he leaned us back and my back pressed against the cool wood of the dining table he slipped his hands under the tanktop and slid it off before pulling me back in for another bruising kiss. Our tongues battled for dominence as his breath grew heavy his fingers grazed down my stomach. His lips softly followed behind carressing the smooth flesh. As his fingers reached the side zipper of my skirt I placed my hands over his.

"Not yet" I whispered "I'm not ready just.. not yet."

Phillip retreated and I sat up grabbing my tanktop from the chair it was thrown on and pulling it over me.

"I'm sorry Chris. I got out of hand and I-"

I silenced him with a kiss."Don't worry about it. I never said I didn't enjoy it, I did. Very much I'm just not ready to go all the way"

"Promise?" Philip asked.

I smiled softley and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "swear."

I soon left Phillip's house and began home. Nervous as to what I would find. I'm sure I would have a pile of landry as well as dirty dishes and the furniture would be in need of dusting and polishing even if we were set to divorce I was still, at the current moment, a wife and was determined to keep my roles as wife under control. Guilt coursed through my veins like ice brinigng forth the harsh reality of guilt of the intense kiss Phillip and I shared not long ago. I tried to tell myself to not feel too bad about it considering Stephen had done the same to me with countless woman where as I had been with only one. But two wrongs don't make a right.

I pulled into the driveway and saw the Denali still parked in the garage but the truck missing. I sighed in relief of one less confrontation. I entered the house and walked into the kitchen preparing for the mess awaiting me. I stopped and stared in shock. The kitchen was emmaculate. The light bounced off the gleaming marble countertops and the stainless steel appliances reflected blindingly even the aroma of pine sol lingered. I continued on through the house to find it just the same even the bedroom was put back to its former glory before the fight. I went back to the kitchen and noticed a note on the counter top.


I went to me dad's for the weekend to try and... try and absorb what all has happened. Believe me when I say I never wanted to hurt you. I hope you will allow me when I come back to hear me out let me sit down and talk to you about this. I don't want to lose my angel. I thank you for putting up with me for these past few years but I guess even the most patient have a breaking point and I'm sorry for putting you through that. I pray you will wait for me. I want us to save our marriage. I know I'm desperatly grasping for a chance and I pray I'll be fortunate enough to get one.

I still love you now and forever,

I sighed tears brimming my eyes at the letter and set it back down. I took a few calming breaths before walking upstairs. I went to the bedroom and changed into something comfortable and pulled my laptop into my lap before browsing for an apartment in my price range.