Status: Completed!


They Say That Love Is Forever, Your Forever Is All That I Need


I was so unbelievably pissed at what James pulled at the beach today. How bad do i have to beat his ass for him to finally leave Caity alone? Whatever, we won't have to worry about that British prick anymore since Warped Tour is over. It feels good to know i can just relax... That is until we start touring again. I don't wanna leave Caity, but i don't think she's going to want to stay on a tour bus for months all the time. I really want her to move in with me. I'd would be fantastic to be able to go to sleep to her beautiful face every night and wake up to it every morning. But that's not the only thing i wanna ask her...

"Hey babe, can i talk to you?" I asked once she composed herself from Andy's departure.

"Sure thing." She said with a smile that made those everlasting butterflies in my stomach erupt once again. I intertwined our fingers and brought her off the bus to this secluded field of flowers that we went to every night we could to watch the stars.

"Sooo, what do you need to talk to me about?" She asked curiously, once we had sat down.

I took a deep breathe and played with a flower attatched to the ground to avoid eye contact, "You honestly mean the entire world to me. Whenever i'm around you, butterflies never fail to go crazy in my stomach. Your smile makes me smile and when you blush, so do i. You're absolutely drop dead gorgeous, and even though you can't fully recognize it, I do. You look so sexy when you're wearing nothing but a pair of your cute little underwear and a tank of mine. You've broughten me out of my shell and i don't know how i could survive without you. The way you're eyes twinkle after we share a kiss completely mesmerizes me. There's no one i'd rather spend the rest of my life with...." I let out a breathe that i've been keeping in for so long before reaching my hand into my pocket and pulling out a black velvet box. I flicked open the box to reveal a beautiful (in my opinion) diamond ring. I looked up to see Caity with tears flowing out of her eyes and a smile across her face.

"Yes!" She yelled happily before leaping into my lap, knocking us both over. I chuckled a little before she connected her lips to mine. Still attached to my hips, i sat us both up and placed the ring on her finger. We shared another magical embrace before standing up, hand in hand.

"Lets get back to the bus, fiancé." I said with a grin. She laughed out of happiness and to the fact that i'll be calling her that all the time for now on.

We walked back to the bus with smiles stretched across our faces. I was unable to contain my excitement knowing i could share the amazing news with the guys in a few minutes.

"Where'd you guys run off to?" Vic asked with a laugh. Caity and i exchanged glances before she held up her hand, showing off the ring i had placed on her finger minutes prior.

"HOLY FUCK TONY!" Jaime yelled before jumping up and attacking me in a hug.

"Congrats you guys!" Vic chimed in, kissing Caity on the head and patting my back.

"I'm so happy for you guys! But Tony, if you ever hurt Caity i won't hesitate to kick your ass." Mike said. I laughed and promised i would never hurt her. Mike englufed Caity in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground. He kissed her cheek before whispering, "I knew he was the one." Caity smiled and nodded before returning to my side.

"Welcome to the family, Caity." Vic said, genuinely.

"In celebration.......LET'S PARTY!" Jaime yelled energetically. We all laughed before pulling our phones out to text random band members, seeing if they were still here. I only pray James doesn't show up. Tonight has been so perfect, i don't need him trying to ruin it.
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HE PROPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOH! so this story is coming to an end, really fast. Should i make a sequel? Lemme knowwwww!! Xoxo