Status: May contain course language and mild sexuality.



"Why don't you just go up to her and talk to her?" This was Paul Lahote, perched on one end of a dried out log. He wore a pair of faded jeans that hung low off his hips and a pair of sneakers. Despite the chill of the oncoming storm, he was shirtless. Before him, Embry Call, Jacob Black and Quil Ateara sat in varying positions on the damp sand. Quill was whittling a small stick when he looked up.

"What's this about?"

Jake gave a snort. Embry's new crush.

Quil raised his eyebrows and turned to a blushing Embry.

"A new crush? Any chance she might be your imprint?"

Jake snorted again. "Doubt it. She's not one of ours." And with that Embry's reddening cheeks turned a shade darker.

"Shut up, Black," the boy hissed.

Paul chuckled, "Blushing, are you? You really are pathetic."

Embry turned his scowl to Lahote. "I am not blushing. I just don't like it when my private life is discussed in the open like this."

Jake rolled his eyes crossed his arms across his broad chest. His outfit more or less mirrored the rest of the guys - shirtless, sneakers and jeans.

Quil shrugged. I get what you mean, Call.

Embry threw him a thankful look. "Thanks, bro."

"Wait, not one of ours? What's that supposed to mean?"

Jake had just about opened his mouth to reply when their collective thoughts merged with a very grumpy Leah Clearwater. She was approaching the group, her bare feet partly submerged in the waves that lapped upon the dark sands.

I can't fucking believe I have to run with him again tonight!

As if on cue, the boys turned to face her.

You're not welcome here, Clearwater. Piss-off, Paul grumbled.

Leah didn't slow down. Last I checked, I was a part of this pack too.

Jake groaned, We're not interested in whatever it is you have going on in your prissy life, Leah. Go away.

Leah wrapped her arms around herself and frowned. For a very small second, her shoulders sagged forward and slumped. The guys took in the way her feet slowed in their walk and the growing frown on her face. Then she jutted her chin forward and straightened.

She was within hearing distance now, just a few meters out from their position. Embry felt the tiniest string of sympathy snap when he heard the quiver in her voice.

"I didn't ask to be a freak. Good to see that you have my back."

Paul was just as quick with a come back. "We didn't ask to have a bitch in our pack, either."

When Leah stopped moving altogether, her entire body pulsing with the threads of the change running through her, the guys snorted and turned back to their light banter.

A couple of feet away, a gray wolf trotted back in to the woods.


Leah walked for what seemed like hours. Her large eyes were filled with tears and her dark nose moist with those that already fallen. While her conscious mind refused to admit to it, Leah was hurt.

Being the only female, so far, in the Quileute pack was a lonely life sentence. She had thought little of the stories Billy Black wove upon his wheelchair - legends and myths that intertwined like shadows with the smoke that curled from the bonfires that warmed their tribal meetings. The only reason she'd ever gone to those tribal meetings had been her father - ever so determined to keep Seth and her within his silly little council - and, in a time a long ago, Sam.

When Leah lost her father, a part of her had honestly thought she'd die with him. It had hurt so much that any thought she had of him had been accompanied by a squeezing pain that echoed through her entire being. When she realized that she'd now lost two of the three men she loved, the ache turned in a burn that coursed through her until every single nerve ending she possessed threatened to spill out of her skin and into the world around her.

She felt as if she was falling apart, every single day for a time that felt like an eternity. Then she phased and while the pain dulled and weakened in some areas, they sharpened in a million others.

Her phasing opened the link that members of the Quileute pack had. Even though such a mental connection was useful when on a run, they did little to protect her still smarting wounds from Sam Uley and his guilt slash love slash frustration.

Leah knew that the pack didn't appreciate the unwelcome tension her presence brought whenever she and Sam shared a link, or a run. They adored Emily, and loved Sam.

The only person they could blame without any thought of disloyalty was her and while she'd accepted her fate as pack punching bag with little more than a disgruntled growl, Leah's patience was beginning to wear thin.

It had been almost three months now, and not one of the guys would let her gain a little foot hold in the pack's ranks. Every time she thought she'd made a friend - a warm smile, a place kept for her around the bonfire, they closed her off and she was rudely thrust back outside the circle. It was frustrating, and frankly, Leah was getting tired of it all.

Maybe if she just ran away, like Jake had when that Bella Swan left him?

The thought gave her some comfort. A chosen solitude sounded much better than a forced one any ways. Before she knew it, her paws had taken her across the paved highway that snaked through Hoh forest, connecting La Push and Forks, and into the strip of foliage that bordered the line between Cullen and Quileute territories.

Running would fix a lot of problems, the she-wolf figured lazily. She'd be out of Sam's hair, and the packs', and she'd be able to sort through herself alone. Maybe alone, Leah would finally be able to heal. A small sliver of hope surged through her. It did look like a good a prospect; running alone, feeling the wind in her air, finally being free of the bonds that bound her to La Push. All she needed was a little time, Leah reasoned, just some time to herself. Her family needn't worry too much. She could send word from the first speck of civilisation she'd come across.

What about vampires?

A snarl stretched the wolf's lips. She'd cross that bridge when she came to it. Right now, Leah's priority was to get away, and fast. The pack had discovered almost instantly that Jake had run, and ever the responsible Alpha, Sam had sent wolves after him. A bitter sweet question posed itself: Would he do the same for her?

Probably not, Leah thought; she couldn't help the twinge of hurt at the edge of that realization. Didn't matter though, keeping peace with the Alpha and his pack was certainly not a top priority. It would probably be more of a relief for them, than a loss, if she ran.

A voice, as intrusive as it was welcome, rushed through her mind. Sam Uley, dominant and demanding, clicked his mind to hers as easily as one would a lock and key.

STOP His words were laced with a power that, as a wolf of his pack, she was programmed to respond to.

Reluctantly, her quick trot slowed down to a crawl. Even though her Alpha's orders had been to come to a complete stop, she'd be damned if she let him talk her out of this.

As if he would even want to, Leah snapped at herself bitterly. Don't get too ahead of yourself, Leah.

I SAID STOP! Sam's voice was close enough that Leah could catch his scent now.

It was a long moment before she stopped completely. Turning slowly, Leah saw the dark shape just beyond the trees. Sam stood tall and proud, muscle and sinew rippling through the Alpha, ready to pounce. He was growling.

Where are you going? You dare break the treaty over the past?

Leah trembled. I'm not breaking anything. I just need to clear my head. It took all she had to keep her tone calm and even.

Sam frowned.

I'd rather that you cleared your head closer this side.

I'm not wanted there... the thought seeped through. Snapping her jaws, Leah hoped he hadn't noticed.

Leah... the gentility in his voice told her that he had.

I'm sure the guys didn't mean whatever it was that they said.

Leah grumbled, You didn't hear what it was that they said.

I'll talk to them. This needs to stop.

NO! Leah shot to her paws. Then, she remembered her place. Settling back on her haunches, the gray wolf whined.

I don't need you to fight my battles for me, Sammy. The nickname had come unconsciously, really, but the mention of it alone made Sam squirm.

He would forever be sorry for the pain that he had caused Leah, but imprinting on Emily had been beyond his control. He knew that Leah knew this, and he knew that she understood... but having to turn off all that history like a switch was impossible. And history, so much history, was exactly what he and Leah had.

The gray wolf caught his reaction. Stammering, she pulled her eyes to the ground. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

I'll give you an hour, Leah. If you're not back on our lands by then, I'm sending one of the guys after you.

Leah nodded her understanding and got to her feet. It was only once Sam had turned his back and moved further in to Hoh forest that she realized what she finally had to do.

Pack or no pack, Leah Clearwater was going to run.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like a loser for updating on Christmas. Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone! <3