Status: May contain course language and mild sexuality.



Leah Clearwater spotted her easy.

School had just let out, and while the main reason she was there had been to pick Seth up (there was a tribal council meeting they absolutely just had to attend), Sam had asked her to keep an eye out for Girl From the Clearing, too. While girl scouting wasn't one of Leah's best past times, she knew that she needed to be as right as rain if she'd ever want to be taken off the surveillance Sam placed her on. It was kind of like AWOL Jake come back, only this time, she was the one who'd tried to leave.

Presently, the girl in question was leaning against a post by the road, waiting for - Leah could only guess - the bus to arrive. Her dark hair fell around her face in unruly curls, framing a face that seemed too small for eyes that peered out from beneath dark lashes. She had on a pair of earphones, and had effectively glued on the most poorly constructed 'I don't give a fuck' facade Leah had come across. The nineteen year old chuckled. Whoever this girl was trying to keep out would have a fun time breaking down her walls.

Embry and Jacob, both with books in their arms, found Leah standing by Sue's Chevrolet.

"Hey, Leah." Embry's cheerful smile was genuine. Leah returned it with one of equal warmth. Ever since her attempted run, the guys had tried to cut her some slack - even, it seemed, smarting Jacob Black. They were nicer to her now; polite. It was a strange feeling; not having to defend her every second, but Leah knew that she couldn't let her guard down just yet. The animosity they all felt for her was still there, bubbling just beneath the surface. Add a little water, some danger maybe and poof; it'll all come crashing down.

"Call," Leah said.

"What brings you here?" Jake pushed himself off of the ground and sat on the car bonnet.

"I'm picking Seth up for today's meeting."

"Oh right... that stupid meeting again." The irritation on both Leah and Jake's faces was almost comical. Embry tried not to laugh.

"You guys are kidding right? The tribal council meetings are the best part about being..." his voice dropped several decibels, "well, wolf."

Jake gave his friend a sideways glance before shoving him onto the road. Embry, recognising a challenge, chortled loudly before returning the favour.

Leah watched the two boys for a few seconds, then rolled her eyes. Her attention wandered back to the girl by the post.

"Any of you know her?"

Both Embry and Jake waited a beat before turning. They were both still laughing. "Who's 'her?'"

Leah pointed. "Her..."

And Embry was suddenly very quiet. Jake, expecting the boy to answer, covered his laugh with an attempted cough. Leah noticed the change in atmosphere and turned to face the two.


Embry cleared his throat, glared at Jake, then turned to Leah. "She's new, came in a couple of months ago."

"Makkah or Hoh?"

Jake crossed his arms across his chest and turned his rustic gaze to the girl. She was still fiddling with her bag straps; a manner so annoying that he had to grit his teeth to keep from running over and holding her hands down himself. "Neither. She's not even American."

Leah raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

The short silence was filled with pointed glances and hissed warnings. Embry kept mentally kicking Jake to keep shut. Jacob, on the other hand, was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Ever since Bella, he'd had very few reasons to laugh. Teasing Embry - if only to gain that reaction from him - was one that would never get old.

Embry has a crush on her. Jake finally blurted.

Embry looked ready to blow. "Fuck you, Jake."

Leah looked from Jake, to Embry, then back again. She seemed incredulous. You mean the shy, quiet Embry we all love and know?

Jake recognised the twinkle in her eye. Carefully avoiding his best friend's death glare, he nodded solemnly. The one and only.

The nineteen year old's laugh echoed through the emptying car park. Throwing her head back, Leah managed a few moments before Embry managed to pinch her on the arm. "You guys are being real mature about this, you know."

Once she had sobered up, the girl gave Embry a pat on the arm, straightening. It was only until she had started walking - towards Kara - that they both realized what she was going to do.

I didn't tell you so that you could tell her! Jake muttered, uncomfortably. Leah threw him a mischievous wink.

"Nothing wrong with telling the truth," she told him.

Embry's eyes were bulging out of their sockets. "Leah, please, please I swear. I'll trade shifts with you, anything ... just please don't do what you're about to do."

But they were too late. Before any of them could follow, Leah was already standing in front of the girl, a ready smile stretching her full lips. Kara looked startled by the approach. Reaching hesitantly for her earphones, she gave Leah a cautious smile.

"I'm Leah," the older girl said, extending a hand. Kara gave this a long stare before she shook it.

"I'm Kara."

Leah nodded as if she already knew. "Listen, what are you doing tonight?"

Kara choked on a wad of saliva. Spluttering out a short apology, she covered her mouth. "I beg your pardon?"

"Tonight is Friday night. If you don't have any plans, we have a bonfire thing down on First Beach. You're invited to join, if you want."

Embry was pacing a walkway behind Sue's car. It's a tribal meeting, Leah. Wolves and Imprints only, remember?

Leah didn't seem to hear.

The silence between the two girls stretched for a long minute. Kara contemplated the rest of her night carefully. She had Calculus homework - yay! - English, Spanish and a Chemistry work sheet. She'd finished her Calculus and Chemistry and was putting off English and Spanish until Sunday night. Apart from her Uncle Sol, who she knew just might be having another one of his 'business meetings,' Kara's Friday night plans had not extended beyond homework, pop corn and Dracula 2000. The part that she had long since warred with - the Kara that would forever crave and need human interaction to properly function - shook the bars of the cage she'd placed her in.

"I totally understand if you can't though. I mean, Forks has an amazing array of night time activities to indulge in." The sarcasm in Leah's voice couldn't have been more obvious. Kara decided that she didn't know the girl enough to tag her as a sarcastic bitch, so she just smiled and ignored it.

"That would be cool," her words were choppy, "I'd love to come."

Leah grinned. "Great. I'll pick you up in ... what do you say, an hour?"

Kara simply nodded. She was too dazed to say anything else.

When the larger girl turned to walk back to where her now furious pack members were waiting, Kara ran after her. "Wait, how would you know where to pick me up?"

Leah glanced at Kara and took a drawn out breath. The girl's scent filled her nostrils, embedding itself onto her consciousness. She could find Kara in a crowd of thousands now. Smiling, she patted Kara's arm.

"I'll find you, don't worry."

And just like that, quiet and anti-social Kara had Friday night plans.
♠ ♠ ♠
have you ever felt so desperate for human interaction, you'd do just about anything?