Status: Active

You Are the Oxygen That I Breathe

Full of empty sighs and wine

They say that dreams are only real as long as they last. I could say that about my life but it isn't a dream. No. It's a nightmare; one that doesn't seem to end. Just when I think it's over it continues on and on. Ever since I could remember I was never the one to feel this way all depressed and miserable. It felt like all my sixteen years of existence had meant nothing to me. Well not since that tragic day.


"How was school honey?" My mom's frail voice asks as I walked through the front door. Multiple strands of hair fell out of place while the small bags under her eyes showed how tired she was. She'd been forced to take up a second job after the dreadful passing of my father. This was the only way we were able to make it through even if it meant not being able to see her as much as I used to.

"Are you hungry?"

I shook my head at her words. I was in no mood to eat especially not after today's events. Making my way upstairs towards my room, I immediately shut the door. Stretching out on my bed, I stared at the ceiling and sighed. I didn't want to be bothered anymore at this point. The stress was killing me on the inside. Each day that passed became even worse than the day before and I hated every single second about it.

The pressure kept building up more and more. As I sat up I looked into the mirror. My skin was pale and looked sickening. I wasn't thin enough like all the other girls at my school. The rest of my features were boring and dull.


That's what I was; nothing but your average, dull, and ugly person. There wasn't anything special about me or my life for that matter. From the corner of my eye I noticed a small, white bottle on top of my dresser. All I had to do was take a little pills and my problems would be solved. No one would no but me. That's all I had to do.

I slowly unscrewed the bottle cap and poured a few pills into the palm of my hand. Well here goes nothing. One by one I popped some into my mouth.




A dizzy feeling soon came across my head followed by the strong pain of my body beginning to go numb. Everything started to become black as I quickly fell to the ground. The last thing I can remember hearing was the horrifying sounds of my mother's screams.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Isles & Glaciers- Empty sighs & wine

New story up! (:

Sorry for the sucky chapter but I really wanted to hurry up and get this story started. I promise Vic will show up soon.

Anyway comment, recommend, and subscribe. Also, thanks for reading. c: