Status: I'll try to update as often as i can

I'll Be the One to Save You.


Gerard woke up to his alarm blaring in his ear. Groggily he turned the alarm off and chucked it across the room he wasn’t getting up today. Today was the one year mark, one year since his favourite person in the room passed away. Sure, he knew it was going to happen someday as his grandmother was getting old; he was just never ready to loose her. Gerard’s Grandmother Elena, taught him everything he knew how to do, she taught him about music, how to sing, how to draw, how to live. She was his inspiration.

Gerard knew he couldn’t do the same as last year that ended up with him worse than ever. When Elena died her grandson wanted to forget about the pain so he drank, he drank until he had forgotten his name and everything about him. He had sex with anyone he saw, he did drugs, and he woke up every morning in a different place. He ruined his life even further. He couldn’t let himself get like that again, it had only been a few months since he has been clean, it would be so easy to get back in that state. So instead Gerard took the day off from work to sleep, just sleep away the pain, and the next day he would go back to work as normal and work as an intern making coffee for people and generally not doing much.

Today though he went back to sleep to dream about anything and everything. He finally fell asleep thinking about zombies and vampires.
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This is really short but it's just the prologue i swear the rest of the chapters will be longer :') I will update later today