

The two girls chomped on their food, sitting there in silence for a minute. Anna looked at Tegan, who was looking down at her half-gone milkshake. The girl said nothing. She looked like she was bound in some kind of emotional pain and Anna wanted to break that. It wasn't fair for people to deal with big bundles of pain alone, and Anna decided that she wanted to rain happiness upon people. Good-bye, sadness.

“Talk,” Anna commanded, picking up her shake. She took a sip as Tegan looked at her, confused.


“Talk to me,” she repeated with a smile. “It's so awkward right now. Break it.” She set her cup down and waited for words to pour out of her new friend's mouth, but none came. “Well?”

Tegan cleared her throat and swallowed her mouthful of food. Then, she raised one finger, lifted her chin, announced, “I like kitties,” and continued eating.

Anna couldn't help herself; she stated to giggle, staring at Tegan as if she was wearing a bowl of fruit on her head. “No! Like, a real conversation!”


“Why not?”

Without a word, Tegan leaned forward as she picked the cherry out of her milkshake, and then she pressed it against Anna's nose. “Did I mention I love reindeer? Cos I do.” She gave a smile to the annoyed blue-haired girl who was blushing, wiping her red-stained nose.

“That was mean.”

“I didn't think so.” Tegan laughed a bit, stuffing her face with fies and slurping her milkshake. “I think it's funny. It's almost Christmas time and I like reindeer!”

Anna thought about this as she cleaned off her nose. There really wasn't much to think about but who cared? Anna usually over-thought everything, because maybe there was a hidden meaning somewhere. “So... what's you favorite thing about Christmas?”

“What's up with all the questions?” Tegan raised her eyebrow. Questions weren't her thing. She would always yell at Sara when she would flood her with questions; she wasn't a fan of that.

Pushing blue hair out of her face, Anna studied the chewing girl in front of her. She felt a bit creepy but she couldn't help it. She'd been in America for a month, living in an apartment with he friend Kate and she barely knew anyone. Ever time she had the perfect opportunity meet someone new, she wound bite her tongue in fear that her English was bad. One time, she was so nervous that she stated speaking Swedish, which, in all fairness, was her first language. The only Americans she'd talked to since that were employees, Kate, and Tegan.

She was a huge Tegan and Sara fan, and she couldn't just pass up a chance to meet Tegan. When she saw her walking down the street in the rain, over and over again, in her head, she practiced all the English she knew. Simple words like 'cat', 'bananas'--which she leaned how to spell thanks to Gwen Stefani—and 'apples'. She was about to meet her idol, her celebrity crush, and she wasn't going to mess any of it up.

She didn't want to talk about how the music the made was flawless and how it brightened her day so much; she didn't want to seem like some weird fan that was going to kidnap her. She wanted to be herself and make Tegan like her.

Did amazing musicians usually like their fans? Or did they think that they were odd? Like they were too creepy, like peasants? And maybe the weren't good enough to be around a goddess like them.

Anna never felt like she wasn't good enough. That was just her thought about fans overall. The woman, the beautiful human being she sat across from, was a goddess to her; she was a humble earthling, blessed with her presence.

Anna took another sip of her milkshake and after she set it down, she looked at Tegan. “I just don't want you to think of me as a stupid fan.”

“How could I? You bought me food without asking for my autograph.” The musician smiled. “That's awesome.”

The rest of their brief and unhealthy meal was in silence. But soon the stood up and left without hesitation. Into the car the went, with buckled seat belts, and back to driving. “I still need to know where you live so I can drop you off,” Anna chuckled.

Tegan shook her head. “Later.”


“I'm not done hanging out with you.” Tegan smiled at her, realizing that she hadn't once worried about Sara while she was with her. Anna gave her something to think about.

Anna blushed, stopping in front of a stop sign. “Okay... So where too?”

“I dunno,” Tegan admitted, rolling her window down a bit, “but you can decide.”