

Kate was the one who decided on the horror movie, and Anna didn't bat an eyelash at the subject. She looked at Tegan and grinned her cute little grin, agreeing to the movie. Kate didn't even ask Tegan's permission; she turned on her heel with a smirk and disappeared into living room to pick out a scary movie.

Tegan's stomach knotted but she just smiled back at the girl with blue hair. She didn't have the stomach strong enough to stand a scary, gory movie, but Anna looked happy. She liked the way Anna looked when she was happy. Then again, she'd never seen Anna sad or anything but happy. That adorable smile was plastered on Anna's face almost constantly.

Tegan's thoughts abandoned the idea of a horror movie and she began to daydream. What did Anna look like with a frown? A serious frown, not a playful one. A frown that clearly informed he that she was unhappy and no in the mood for any shenanigans. Tegan could almost imagine her with tears in her eyes, which would have been red and puffy by then. She would have made a funny face, because everyone looked odd when they were crying. She could almost imagine the blue-haired girl sucking in her lower, trembling lip, her entire frame shaking with sobs. It broke her heart completely. She shook herself out of it, and returned her full attention to the happy girl in front of her.

Anna still wore her grin. "So we have a while before Kate start the movie."

Tegan giggled. "Starts," she corrected. She didn't care if Anna never pronounced it right again, but she loved how the Swedish-born's face glowed pink when she caught her mistake.

"Starts," echoed Anna, flustered, stuttering. She still wore half of her smile, though, and that's when Tegan decided she's never seen someone look so funny and cute in her life.

Laughs took over her body, and she nearly fell over. Hair fell in her face as she doubled over, gulping in air so she could live through her outrageous laughing fit, which only made Anna blush more and stand there feeling weird, not knowing which way to curl her lips. It took about ten minutes for everyone to return to normal, and when they did, Anna sucked in her lips and refused to speak.

"Come on," Tegan cooed breathlessly. "Please talk!"

Anna shook her head.


Another no; Anna shook her head and crossed her arms, giving a pout. Anna's pouting face only made Tegan fall of her chair laughing again. She laughed so hard that after it, she had a three-minute coughing fit and Anna had to get her a glass of water. But Anna's worried face made Tegan choke on the water, attempting to laugh, so Anna just glared at her while Tegan tried so hard to calm down.

"Stop laughing at me!" Anna whined.

"I can't help it," breathed Tegan, looking away from the Swede. "You look cute when you make those faces."


"I mean-" Tegan stopped, her eyes wide for a minute. Anna caught her! Caught her red handed in her little thought! Tegan's mind raced for an excuse, but the only thing that Tegan could think to say was, "I find a lot of people cute." It wasn't like Tegan had a crush on her; all she said was that Anna was cute. Not "OMG I love you!"; it was, "Awh, you're cute." and that was it.

Anna smiled at her. "Yeah, but I make you giggle and choke on water and everything. So I must be really cute."

"Oh really?"

"Yes," said the Swede. "Adorable, probably. Sexy, even."

"You haven't gotten to the sexy stage, yet," Tegan laughed. "You're just... Too adorable for your own good."

"Too adorable?" Anna pushed, smirking softly, her head cocked to the side.

"I don't just choke on water over everyone," she teased. "And I have a favor to ask. Just incase."

Anna poured herself a glass of orange pop and threw Tegan a glance over her shoulder, showing that she wasn't ignoring her. "Hmm?"

"Can I..." Tegan felt awkward asking this. Maybe it was supposed to be awkward; but either way, it irritated Tegan a bit. "Wait. Promise me you won't think I'm weird."

"Tegan, you are weird," Anna informed. "I promise. But I won't think bad of you."

"Okay," she breathed. She sighed and looked up at Anna. She swayed a bit, pouting her pop and then bouncing to the fridge to shove the bottle back inside to keep it cool. She grabbed a handful of ice and gently dropped it in her full cup. "When We watch the movie, can I sit by you?"

"Yes." Just a simpler yes? Good. Not awkward.

"And... Uh..."

"Do you get scared during scary movies?" Anna laughed. "Cos I used to, too. I can't tell you how many times I had to hold on to Kate when we watched them. And her hand was probably sore for a month. I would hold her hand until the end. I got so scared."

"Can I hold your hand?" Tegan whispered in a small voice.

Anna smiled softly, but she didn't let Tegan see it. "Yes."

And that was that.