The Perfect Stranger

Chapter 3: A spark of hope

Karli was sleeping with dried tears on her cheeks, and dreaming about her mom as usual. Karli slowly woke up from the only thing that conforted her; her dreams. Everything that had happend 8 hours ago came rushing back to Karli's mind, and her eyes instantly filled with tears again. Karli then began to feel all the pain from where she had been hit or pushed or hurt by her dad, she was hurting all over and just wanted it to stop. Karli slowly sat up from her bed and then heard what sounded like her dad leaving in the car.

"So he is leaving me down here, and i'm starvinig and hurt, it's like he doesnt even care i'm down here or that fact that i am his daughter." Karli said to herself wiping away her tears. "i just want to get out of here." Then the sun shown through a window that was right above her dresser.

"I could get out of here, i could run away and never fell this pain again, anywhere but here sounds good to me, and i can fit out that window." Karli said standing up once again having hope. (Thanks mom) Karli thought knowng it was her mom who showed her that escape.

Karli took a quick shower because she didnt know what time her dad would come back, she didnt want him ruining her plans on getting out of this hell hole as she called it. Karli grabbed her pull string bag and put a couple shirts and jeans in it, plus her picture of her and her mom. Karli climbed on top of her dresser and tried to open the window but it wouldnt budge.

"Just Great." Karli wasnt going to give up so she kicked the window open bringing in the summer breeze with it. Right before Karli's whole body was out the window she turned around and said, "Good Riddens."

Karli walked out into the street and started to walk down the sidewalk when she seen her dad's car coming, Karli ran as fast as she could and hid behind someone's house. The car past without stopping so that meant he didnt see her, (Thank God) Karli thought. There was no way Karli could run away just walking on the side walk so she ran into the woods with what all her hurt limbs would let her do.

"Where do i go from here?" Karli asked herself aloud. Karli heard movement so she ran as fast as she could through the woods jumping over stumps and big stiicks until she reached another part of town. Karli walked into town and tried to blend in with people as they walked along the sidewalk, who knows when her dad will find out that she is gone.

As karli walked amoung people she didn't know and in a town she didn't know she babbled in her head. ( where will I go? How am I going to survive? When will I eat? Or find shelter? Is dad going to literally beat me to death of he finds me?) A tear fell down her cheek at the thought of another beating and then karli remembered she had a black eye and busted lip, she quickly put on sunglasses and her hood and walked with her head down a little. No need for anyone to ask questions or worse take her back to that hell hole.