Status: Try to update as soon as possible for you guys XD

You Had My Heart at Least for the Most Part

I won't see you tonight

I laid there after Zack left. I smiled and stared at the ceiling wishing he was here with me. I laid there for a couple more minutes and couldn't go back to sleep. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I can't believe we had sex and aw God! I kept smiling when I walked in the kitchen. My mom looked at me funny then realized why. She winked and gave a thumbs up saying Zack was perfect for me. I blushed and hugged her. "Don't matter what you are your still my son and your dad accepts you I told him." she smiled and kissed my cheek. I love my mom. "Thanks mom." she patted my back and went back to watching her soap Operas. I shook my head and opened the fridge. Jelly, nah, chorizo, maybe, horchata, eh, grilled cheese, not hungry for it, Ah! Tacos! Zacks favorite. I smiled and heated some up. I chowed down and rubbed my stomach and burped. I looked at the clock and realized Zack should have been home by now. I decided to call him. I punched in his number and waited for him to answer. Nothing. Maybe he didn't have his phone on him or didn't hear it. I called answer. Why am I so worried? Chill Brian! I took a deep breath and went back to my room.

-Time Lapse-
It's been four hours since I called Zack! I began to worry. I called his phone again...same result. I didn't know what to do so I called his home phone. "Hello," his mom answered. "Um...Mrs.Baker I called to ask if Zack was there?" I asked. "Oh! I thought he was with you!" she sounded surprised. As soon as she said that I got worried. I know for a fact Zack always answers his phone and let's his mom know where he's at and he checks his phone a lot. "Do you have any idea where he would be? Did he go somewhere before he came home? Do you know anything?" she sounded terrified. I wouldn't be calling her if I knew, but I didn't say that. "I have no idea." She told me to let her know if I find out anything and she will tell me if she knew anything. I said okay and we hung up. Zack where are you?

-Time Lapse-
I woke up feeling like shit. I look at the clock 8:56 pm. My gosh it's barely that time. My phone rang, I sprang to pick it up. "He...Hello?" I was very tired. "BRIAN HES HOME!!" she screamed in my ear, I had to pull away because she was loud. "Hes home!" I yell back. "YES!" she yelled back. "Be there in a sec!" I hung up and put on clothes. I ran to his house and knocked. Zack answers it, I grabbed him and kissed him all over his face. He kept resisting. "I was so worried!" he was acting weird. "Yeah, I know, um...hey, you gotta leave, like right now." I gave him a puzzled look. I seen tears in his eyes and he closed the door in my face. I stood there in shock and was hurt.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh nose!!!!! What's gonna happen with their relationship!?!?!?!
Fucking Sam!! You dirtbag!!
Title chapter inspired by...well obviously!!!: Avenged Sevenfold
Imma put next chapter in Sams pov so u see inside a twisted sickfucks mind! Mwahahahahaha! I'm probably the sick one here O_O
Well anyways thanx 4 reading and have a great Christmas!!!