Status: Try to update as soon as possible for you guys XD

You Had My Heart at Least for the Most Part

Blind Destruction

I finally dozed off next to Brian, whilst he was still awake. I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I felt genuinely safe in his arms. I tug a little smile on my lips before cuddling my face into the crook of his neck.

-Time Lapse-
I woke up with no one next to me. I was disappointed. I was hoping Brian would wake me up and we kiss and stare into eachothers eyes. Haha Just kidding! What the fuck Zack? I'm crazily a romantic at times.

I smile to myself while I slowly and lazily got off the bed. I walked toward his bathroom to take a piss. I finish all my morning duties and walked downstairs where it smelled of sizzling food. I extend my nostrils taking everything in like cocaine. Wait! You weren't suppose to know that! Oh well. I laugh to my crazy stupid self and enter the kitchen of heaven. I see Brian's mom sitting at the counter drinking coffee. She smiles when she sees me.
"Hello sleeping beauty," she sad casually.
"Hello Mrs. Haner," I reply.
"Please Honey! Call me mom," she I insists.
"Alright, mom," I add. We laugh and I see that Brians cooking.
"I'll leave you two alone," she says getting up.
"No!!" I correct myself.
"it's okay, I still wanna lay in bed it's lazy Saturday," she says walking away. I shrug and walk to Brian. I wrap my arms around his waist an kiss his shoulder.
"Morning Baby," he says to me.
"Morning," I reply and smile. I start smelling the aroma of food.

Nicely tender steamy bacon, over easy perfectly rounded eggs, fluffy pancakes, and not to burned toast sat before me on the table. My mouth watered and I started to devour. Brian watched me eat his delicious meal an moan at every bite. He started laughig at me and I join in.
"Baby, this is uh-mazing!" I say with food still in my mouth. He just laughs at me and starts eating.

-Time Lapse after the most water drooling meal-
We lazily or should I say Brian lazily carried me up to his room. I laid my head on his shoulder because my stomach was sooooo full. I moaned in distress and fullness. I put my face in the crook of his neck. He just chuckles and finally make it to the top of the stairs.
"Fuck Zack!" he stammers out. I laugh and let him drop me on the bed. I just laid there rubbing my tummy. Brian fell next to me and closed his eyes. He then stretched out his arm ad wrapped it around my waist. I just smiled and closed my eyes.

"Sssshhhh! Quiet you might piss somebody me motherfucker youve been at it for too long!!" my phone goes off. I groan and get off the bed, waking Brian after he was dozing off. I finally found my phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID.
"uh...hello?" I ask lazily.
"Zacky I know your in there! I'm out front of your boyfriends house standing here! Open up you slut!" Sam growls.
I froze and my eyes widen with terror.
"Baby what's wrong?" Brian noticed my reaction.
"Sam," was all I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title inspired by: Crucifix

Ok ok the updates will be weekly now. I'm sorry!
I hate fucking school!! It can suck my butt!
But you know I love u guys!!
I never forgot about you!!!
Thanks for reading!
Oh? What's gonna happen with Sam! Huh?
*smiles evilly*
Don't get to scared...mwahahahahahaha!!