Status: Try to update as soon as possible for you guys XD

You Had My Heart at Least for the Most Part


I stood there with my mouth gaping at Sam. Is he dead? Horrible things went through my head. It’s all my fault! It’s because of me! I didn’t mean to beat him to death! He was beating on Brian and I was sick of it! Doesn’t he understand I love him! I slowly walked toward and knelt down next to him. Brian was watching me with concern. He wasn’t my problem right now, Sam is. I placed my hand on his chest and knelt down to put my ears on it. I heard a weak heart beat. He was alive! I sighed of relief, but still he’s here lying unconscious because of me. I looked at Brian and he was curious if he was alive. I nodded and he sighs.

Out of nowhere someone grabbed me by my arm and yelped in pain.
“Did you honestly think I would go down easily,” Sam hissed in my ear. Brian jumped into action grabbing my arm and tried to pry him off. He wouldn’t let go of me, I yelled and begged for him to stop. He was hurting me and I couldn’t take it. He then grabbed Brian by his hair. Dear God that must’ve hurt like a bitch. Brian screamed out from him pulling it. I then grabbed the arm he was pulling Brian with and bit it. He screeched in pain, but wouldn’t back down. This guy is one tough fucker. I bit down as hard as I could. Nothing, he wouldn’t let go him. Brian was whimpering and tried to get him to stop tugging. I couldn’t get him off my arm because his nails were digging into my skin. Then he pulled Brian closer to his face.

“You let me have him and I’ll spare your family,” he growls at him. I froze and stared at Sam with wide eyes. I see tears come out from Brian, I was heartbroken, he is the tough one and he’s the one crying. I became furious. I then used my other arm to swing at him, it didn’t work because the way I was positioned. He then let go of Brian and pushed him to the ground, still holding on to my arm. I yelped when he his nails squeezed drawing blood.

“Break up with him! Now!” he yells at Brian. I started crying, I love him, please Brian please don’t! Brian stared at me and then back at Sam. I see Sam pulled out his pocket knife and held it against my throat. I became scared and froze in fear. “Break up with him or his throat is mine,” he growls again. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks, begging Brian not to give in. Brian stared at me with sorrowful eyes. This is it, he was going to call it off.

“Now Brian, or else I’ll add little McKenna along with Zack,” I see Brian’s fist clench and a sneer wash across his face.
“How fucking dare you mention my little sister!” he yells at him. Sam is disgusting me, he knows little McKenna. “Just please Brian, say it!” I hear myself say. Tears rolled down my face, I don’t want McKenna part of this, she’s like my little sister to. Brian’s face went from fear to hurt. “I’m sorry,” I manage to say. “I want you and McKenna alive,” I explain. He finally understood what I was doing. “I still love you,” I add. I felt Sam press the cold blade against my throat. “You don’t love him anymore Zack,” he whispers in my ear. “You will from now on, love me,” he clearly states. I gulp and tears still kept pouring. I see Brian struggling to get the words out from his mouth. He seemed like he just couldn’t do it.

“Brian, now or never,” Sam kept pressuring. I was getting angry, he’s my boyfriend and we still very much love each other, go fuck yourself!

“Z…Z…Zack,” he says barely above a whisper. “Zack I.. I…I …” he kept stuttering.
“Anytime now,” Sam presses on. I felt pain and hurt radiate off of Brian, because I felt the same way. “Just say it Brian, or I’ll have to cut his throat,” he urges.
“Zack were over I don’t want to see you anymore,” Brian spits out, piercing my heart and his tears running again. “I love you and I always will, but we can’t be together,” he adds, making my heart burn much more. \

“Good Boy,” Sam pipes up. “Shut up you asshole!” Brian screams at him. He stood up and stared at me once again and took off into his house.

I watch him disappear and leave before me. I cried harder than ever. “Now now don’t cry my love,” Sam coos. I pushed him away and walked away from him. “Hey! don’t you dare walk away from me!” he yells at me. I ignore him and kept walking faster and faster. I then felt hands around my waist and a breath against my neck.
“Where do you think your going?” he whispers in my ear. I shiver from his touch. I want him off!
“Away from you!” I respond. “No your not! Your coming home with me,” he informs me. I then felt him lift me up and walk towards his car. I panicked, please God no! please I don’t want to be with him!
God Help me!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
MWahahaha! he didnt die!
thanks to "Revengerbullets"!
i like drama and torture!
title by: A7X

Guys i have a new story and its called "Skeletons in my closet" its a Johnny Seward and Frank Iero fanfic! those of you guys who love a7x (obviously) and mcr...READ IT!!!
i'm co writing with Joey Bartholomew V. she's awesome a huge a7x fan!

and i have another Frerard story posted up if you wanna read...."To The End" its fucking awesome!!i enjoy writing it!! tell me what you think of these two and comment or subscribe, or recc i dont care do what you do that makes me happy! :D
and i'm sorry for not kiilling Sam...:( the story would just be so boring and lovey dovey and i cant stand a lot of warm and fuzzy things. i love torture. i'm a masochist, nope jk!! or am i?
so yeah hope you liked this shit chapter :D tell me what you think :D so many happy faces :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
sorry i cant link my things i'm using my phone D:
haha not a happy face!!!
fuck i'm bored sorry for all my ranting imma shutup now D: another no happy face haha!