Her First Taste Of Candy

Chapter 1

The Adrenaline rushing threw my veins was not the reason I confessed. The jury watches me. I look the judge straight in his eye as I quickly run to the stand.

The Bailiff grabs me so I scream it at the top of my lungs I wince my broken rib hurting at the tight grip the Bailiff had on me.

" No! No! It was me I planned it all it was my fault!!!" Everyone stopped gasp fill the air. Zane glares at me. I stare back at him and in that moment I thought no! I knew everything would change.

-----2 years earlier------

I look in the mirror as I zip up my hoodie.
Jet black long hair, Dark brown skin brown eyes a nose I’ve hated all my life oh and lets not forget my stupid overbite.

I take a deep sigh and put all my bags which was 3 in the corner. I take out a pen and pad and start my last note.
Mom and Dad,

I’m sorry I just couldn’t live this Life anymore tell Lisa I love her oh and tell Micky I’m sorry to. Something’s just--
I heard a huge crash and my mom scream. I quickly take off my hoodie throw the bags in my closet and run in the hall. The first thing I saw was my dog Micky on the floor dead. I knelt beside him and started to sob.

“Micky..." I heard my mom scream “You cant do this you bastards!" What the hell is going on? I wonder as I walk down the stairs then I saw right in the living room through my 14 year old eyes my mom and sister and dad hand cuffed to chairs as some boy who look around my age maybe 3 years older. Shove tape over there mouths.

“I found a family photo!" I hear a voice boom.

“There’s one missing." I hear the voice finish. My heart starts racing shit there talking about me.

My mom looks at me I see a tear fall from her eye. She was saying run through her eyes but I couldn’t. I mouthed I love you. And quickly tip toed to my room. I went in my closet and lifted up the part that leads to the roof. I took out my cell phone and dialed 911 as I sat on the roof. That was my first mistake.
"Hello 911 operator." A voice said through the phone I smiled relieved.

"Hello my name is Morgan Johnson and there are 2 guys in my house I live on---" Before I could finish a black gloved hand covered my mouth.

"mmmh mmm!" I screamed and Drop the phone it slides off the roof 2nd mistake. I hear the operator say hello. The black gloved guy dragged me into my room and throws me on the bed.

"Hey Zane get your ass in here." The guy says while removing his hand. I turn around and punch him in the face I try to make a run but he grabs my hair and throws me back on the bed. 3rd mistake.

"You little bitch." Just as he gets on top of me the guy around my age whose name I’m guessing is Zane walks in the room and looks at me.

"Yes uncle?" He asks. His uncle who had dark brown hair who smelled like beer and after shave glared at Zane then me.

"Didn’t I tell you to clear the house!!" He yells causing me to jump.

"Yes uncle but--" He interrupts Zane.

"Then why is this Bitch calling the cops instead of being downstairs." He gets off of me and bitch slaps Zane then spits in his face.

“Don’t fuck up again." He walks out. Zane looks at the ground then me.

I had on a black cami black skinny jeans and black converse I wanted to blend in with the night when I runaway but I could tell now that wasn’t going to happen.

"Um--..Are you okay??" I ask while staring at him as he looks at the ground.

"Get up." He says in a stern voice. I get up feeling light headed.

He takes a pair of hand cuffs out his pocket and then handcuffs my hands and drags me down stairs. He throws me by my sister. I take in everything around me.

Zane had crystal blue eyes that looked a little silver and dark brown hair he had a red scar across his face he was wearing a black hoodie faded jeans a wife beater on and some black vans. His uncle had a green shirt on black jeans and black shoes.

“Kill them?" Zane asks. The uncle looks all of us in the eye everyone looks away except for me I look him in the eye until he turns away.

"You think your tuff?" He says coming up to me.

"Shut the fuck you son of a ---" He slaps me across the face.

"Un cuff her Zane." Zane looks confused uncuffs me and walks away.

"Get up bitch!" He yells I don’t move but simply reply.

"My name is Morgan I don’t know a bitch so--" He slaps me this time I spit up blood and get up.

"If you can beat me ill let you and your family live." He says smiling,I glare at him and then charge at him as fast as I can. He punches me in the stomach but I don’t hesitate I grab my personalize blade out of my pocket and stab him in the leg.

"aaaaaahh you bitch!!!" He seethes. I knee him in the balls. He falls to the floor. Then the front door bursts open.

"Hey what is the hold up guys we got---" He stops when he see's the guy on the floor. I take the knife out of his leg as he screams in pain and just as I had it I get hit up side the head and darkness surrounds me.
-------------5 minutes later-----

"She's brave we could use someone like her to take care of the girls." I hear the guy who burst in the house say. I keep my eyes closed.

"Dad I don’t think that’s a--" Zane gets interrupted by his dad aka the guy who burst through the door.

"Did I ask you what the fuck you think?!! Shut the hell up and stitch up you ass hole of a uncle!" I hear him yell I slowly open my eyes.

"Your awake good." Zane’s dad says.

"Where is my family??" I ask confused then I look and see them in the corner.

"There over there, But anyways my name is Jimmy and the guy you stabbed is Frank and will the dumbass there is Zane just ignore him." I slowly stand and they all jump to there feet except Frank who stays on the couch because of his leg.

"Now I have a deal to make with you and don’t let you family have any impact on your answer okay? Here's the deal you come and live and work for me and Frank and I will let your family live." I look over at my scarred family and then at Jimmy I smile and put out my hand.

“Deal." Jimmy doesn’t look shocked but Zane did.
I felt like I made a deal with the devil. Funny thing is I think I did.
"Okay sweetheart go get your things were leaving in 30 minutes Zane make sure she doesn’t try nothing."

Zane grabs my arm and leads me up the steps into my room and then closes the door and talks in a rushed voice.

"Do you know what you just did you made a deal with the devil." I smile I knew I was right I grab my suitcases that were already packed and start to put on my hoodie.

"Look you don’t know me so don’t try to tell me what I did got it? I saved my family and that’s all that matters so are you going to help me with my bags or just stand there." Zane looks shocked but quickly grabs my bags.

We walk down the steps and enter the living room. I hear my dad say something.

"That wasn’t in the plan she will not--" Then he stops when he see's me and Zane standing there.

"Come on." Jimmy says and grabs my arm Frank and Zane get my bags. I look back at my family and try to remember there faces because I knew I wouldn’t see them in a while or maybe never again.

But you know what ill never forget about the last glance I saw that my moms hands weren’t tied and my dad had this satisfied smirk. What the hell was up with that? I guess you could say looking back was my 4th mistake. But it wouldn’t be my last.
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I know this chapter is crap but after the first couple of chapters it will get good.