Her First Taste Of Candy

Chapter 2

They throw me in the trunk. I finally have time to think. And I realize how fucking stupid I am. Why the fuck would I agree to this shit their obviously rapist and are going to do what ever they please to me and throw me in a fucking river on the other side of town.

This is gods way of punishing me I know it. I had to have sin doesn’t it say somewhere in the bible thou shall not turn on thy parents and try to run away.

But I mean they are so damn strict. It’s not like I like school. My best friend Jade killed her self last week now everyone’s looking at me with sad eyes and I want to cry all the time. And the guy I like rejected me and went out with my ex friend Lacy. Then I come home and get cursed out for failing. I mean not my fought

Geometry is so damn hard. My parents always envied my sister Ashanti who was two years older then me on her junior year in high school.

She was captain of the swim team and cheerleading team.
I close my eyes What if I run out of oxygen? I wonder how long it’ll take to get to where ever they’re taking me. I hear blues music playing in the car and the road beneath me. I breathe in deeply.

Why didn’t I run away sooner like yesterday so I wouldn't be in this fucking situation? What if their part of some mafia or something… I soon pass out or fall asleep who knows.

I wake up on a plane? On a jet. Yes a jet. And the boy Zane’s father was sitting across form me. There was orange juice and pills in front of me on a tray. I look out the window it was dark outside. How the hell did we get here?

“From the moment we touch down on ground you will call me boss.” I eye the drink I was thirsty as hell but I didn’t trust them.

“Why because I work for you know?” I ask my voice hoarse I try to muster a little attitude in my voice it doesn’t work.

“Yes.” He nods. I raise an eyebrow.

“You will start to work for me as soon as we get that overbite fixed which should be quick.”I close my mouth my overbite had always been my biggest problem.

“What does my overbite have to with working for you?” I ask He smiles.

“I’m in the business of giving beautiful girls jobs.” I tilt my head to the side.

“Jobs doing what exactly?” He smiles.

“Giving pleasure.” I stiffen. His smile drops.

“You drink and take those pills I’ll explain I’m not the monster you’re probably painting me out to be in your head.

“My real name is Jim but like I said you call me boss.” Jim was fat with jet black wavy hair and gold chains he was white and looked like he wanted to be Italian. Frank was across the aisle sleep he looked like the kinda fat guy from Goodfellas. I forgot his name but I think he gave the main character a job. Zane was no where insight. I drink the orange juice.

“Now, for your first year with us you will work on school exercise and learn the basic of the job from Frank. We will groom you and turn you into the beautiful money maker you will need to be for the next years you will be with us, Now I will have you until your 18 when you are 18 you are free to go but you should know we will be watching you everyday since you leave just to make sure you wont tell anyone about what we do. You know one bitch tried to write a book let’s just say her star lights were out before they even started the… words didn’t even make it to the page you got it?” He asks I nod.

“Your name will have to change to you knew name is Candy.” I roll my eyes.

“I want to keep my name.” I state Jim eyes narrow.

“This is not a negotiation.” I don’t reply so Jim keeps talking.

“Now we got a house were we keep all the girls you stay with them but I’ll give you a room upstairs with me Zane and Frank since the other girls are working and your in training.” Zane walks in threw a door I stare my heart beats rapidly what the hell is wrong with me. My seat was warm and the leather was nice I never been on a plane or in a jet. Shit this was nice.
Zane sits in the seat beside me.

“Take the pills you need energy for when we land.” His voice was so appealing I hurry and swallow the pills and wash it down with the rest of my orange juice. After a couple of minutes I start to feel sleeping. I panic and try to stand. He pushes me back down.

“Don’t worry your safe.” Yea right…..I’m soon surrounded by darkness in seconds. I try to believe his calming words.
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I completely rewrote this chapter hope you guys like it.