Her First Taste Of Candy

Chapter 4

I smile and open the box Donald gave me and look at the necklace.

"Who's that from?" Zane asks glaring at the gift. It was a dark purple almost black stone with a small sliver heart wrapped around it.

"Donald." I say smiling.

"You were that good?" He asks I glare at him.

"No it’s my birthday." Zane makes an oh face.

"I can’t believe you forgot." I growl out.

"Yeah sorry so much has been going on." I turn away from him and look out the window yea what ever he was probably so into Stacey his sluty girlfriend that he forgot about everyone including me.

We finally get to the house. I jump out the car but then Zane yells.

"Wait!" I turn to see him smiling holding up a gift bag. I laugh to myself. Of course he didn’t forget. I run over and hug him.

"So you didn’t forget." I say smiling while taking the bag. He smiles down at me.

I open it to see the necklace I wanted for months from this antique shop.

"Oh My God." I whisper to myself.

"It’s beautiful Zane." I say while staring at the necklace. Zane chuckles.

"Yeah sorry couldn’t buy a 1,000 dollar necklace for you but a 60 dollar one is good to right?" He asks I smile and finally look at him.

"Thank you." I hug him and kiss him on the cheek. But then I notice something was off about him.

"What’s wrong?" I ask as Zane looks at the ground.

“Nothing." He says back. I push his face up so he looks me in the eye.

"Tell me what the hell is wrong." Me and Zane always had each others back who ever made him sad was going to pay.

"Will Stacey-" I interrupt him.

"That stupid slut I knew her ass was trouble the day she trotted her blond wig wearing ass into your life!" I yell loudly Zane laughs and wraps his arm around me.

"Yeah will she broke up with me." I sigh and turn and hug Zane.

"Why did she break up with you?" I ask Zane was tall 6 foot 2 he was 17 almost 18 while I was now 16 . I had a small crush on him but I knew he didn’t feel the same plus with everything going on I don’t think us being romantically involved would be good.

“Because she said I didn’t give her enough attention." He says as we start to walk inside the Shack aka the house.

"Fuck her she lost a good thing." I open the door to The Shack that’s what Boss told us to call it.

"What the fuck took you so long?" Frank asks. I sigh and sit on the couch opposite to him.

"I accidently--" Zane interrupts me.

"I locked myself out the car." He says quickly. Frank laughs.

"Ah Jim your sons a fucking idiot, Locked himself out of the car." He keeps laughing. Boss/Jimmy walks into the room and throws an apple at Frank.

"Shut the fuck you fucking Mulley, And happy birth day Candy you can have the night off." I smile at Boss.

"Thanks Boss." Boss nods and glares at Frank who was rubbing his head.

"Stop fucking talking about my son." Boss says. You see Boss was actually nice unlike Frank who stays fucking up people’s lives.

"So Zane what you want to do tonight?" I ask as we walk up the steeps to my room. They kept me upstairs. I had just started working as a prostitute a couple of months ago and Zane had told his father keep him in the room beside his. Me and Zane had become close as hell since that night.

"What ever you want it’s your birthday aint it." I smile.

"To bad we have school tomorrow." Zane goes to a high school I get home schooled.

"Yeah." Zane says as he sits on my small twin bed. I belly flop on the bed next to Zane.

"Princess you’re wearing a dress close your legs." I laugh into the pillow.

"Fuck you." Zane pushes me off the bed.

"Come on you can’t sleep it’s your birthday." I groan and flop down hard on his lap.

"Get off me fat ass" He groans. I laugh as he tries to push me off.

"You said don’t sleep." I smile and wrap my arms around him.

He flips us over so he's on top of me while I’m lying on my back.

"Fine then lets not sleep." He says kissing down my neck. This sent an explosion down my body. I push him off.

"Zane your such a pervert." He smiles up at me.
"And you’re such a tease."

We stare at each other for a while me hiding my want for him to touch me again.
“Let go to the mall I’m in the mood to shop!” After a couple of months boss let me places with Zane they trust me like shit.
“Alright lets go.” He says I look at him like he’s crazy.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I say and stand up.

"So anyway Mr. Roberson said I’m so smart he's letting me skip a grade so technically I’m going to be taking the same stuff as you so now you can help me with homework." I say smiling. You see Zane stayed back one year because his uncle and father kept making him miss days.

"Baby you know I’m not smart you'll probably be helping me with my homework." I smile he was right but I wasn’t going to admit it.

"I have to get ready so get out." I say smiling as I push him of the bed.

"God you act like I’m going to rape you in the shower." he says while leaving out.

I go to my bathroom and hurry and get ready. I curl the ends of my hair and do winged tip eye liner. I put in some new contacts. I wore contacts since my vision wasn’t 20/20 and boss hated glasses. I did too so I didn’t mind. I smile I had my braces off for a couple of months and loved my teeth.
I had on a mint blue bustier that was lace and black high wasted skinny jeans. And mint colored moccasin flat looking shoes that had spikes. I throw on my black leather jacket.

I spray some good smelling spray and leave out my room. I run straight into Chrissie I forgot her name I think it was wet wet or luscious she fucked guys who had foot fetishes.

“Watch it.” I growl out. She rolls her eyes.

“You know you may think you better then us because you live up here with them, But we all do the same shit.” She says. I glare because her words cut deeper then she knew.

“Bitch don’t forget who you’re talking to.” I glare at Chrissie who was black and Asian and pretty but had a huge attitude.

“No you don’t forget we all open our legs and get money for it so stop looking down on me.”

I’m in charge of the girls boss said if they get out of line I punish them. I sigh I respected her for her words even though they her I take the new chain Donald got me and slap it across her face. She screams and falls to the ground holding her eye and cheek.

“You better pray it doesn’t scar or I and you won’t be doing the same thing anymore, Like I said watch it bitch.” I spit at her venom in every word. She looks at me scared. I sigh and walk down the steps to go meet Zane.