Overcoming Phobias With You


I slowly peeled my ‘I am a monster’ shirt from my inked body. I tossed it to the ground then started work on my pant buttons. They were a pain, no zipper jeans suck. I fiddled around with the buttons, then finally released them from the hole. I jumped around a little trying to get them off, damn skinny leg pants. After I managed to get them off, I worked on my boxers. They were a velvety shiny black, my lucky underwear! Finally my limbs were free from clothing. I walked over to the thin shower curtain and ripped it back. My fingers worked nimbly on the buttons, and in a matter of seconds I had hot running water spurting from my shower head. Bliss.

I quickly put my foot into the shower, feeling a sudden rush of water across my feet. Once I had found my balance, I hopped into the shower, the hot droplets of water embracing my body. I loved the feel of the scalding hot water hitting my skin. Anyone that knew what level I have the shower on think I’m mad, but personally I love it. It takes me away from the outside world.

I picked up the bar of soap, lathered it up under the flow of water, and begun to clean my small body. After I had finished cleansing, I reached up onto the shelf for my shampoo, when something horrible, disgusting, horrifying caught my eye. It was furry, it was terrifying, it was a “SPIDER!” I screamed so loud that I was sure the whole of Belleville could have heard me.

“GERARD WAY, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW” I screeched, cowering into the shower curtain, trying to block out that I was now sharing my blissfully warm shower with an 8 legged FREAK! Gerard came running into the bathroom, bursting the door open then tried to pull the shower curtain back. I tugged on it, too scared to now move just encase the creature came anywhere near me.

“Frank baby, I cant do much if your there cowering can I?” My boyfriend questioned me. I eased a little, knowing that he was here to rescue me from this awful thing. I slowly unwrapped myself from the curtain and hopped from the shower. Shampoo suds had now fallen into my eyes, that will teach me to panic over a small thing like that, but oh god, I had my reasons. I mean, they had 4 6 eyes, 8 legs, furry! I shivered in disgust, refusing my brain to make anymore quanatations on the things.

While Gerard took care of the ugly one, meaning the awful spider that I had shared my shower with, I grabbed my towel, wrapped it around myself and sat snugly on the toilet seat. My eye was stinging so bad, after I had gotten the shampoo in it, it had flared up and gone red and puffy. I couldn’t stop fidgeting with it. After tottering off to the kitchen, my boyfriend came back with a glass and a piece of cardboard. He put the glass over the spider and then captured it with the card.

“Take that fury freak!” I screamed, as Gerard was now moving it and taking it to the window. He slowly released the thing from its glass prison, and then shut the window tight. He then walked back over to me, knelt down between my legs and took my hands in his.

“There you go baby.” he said, looking into my puffy red eyes.

“Thank you” I whispered, still in pain from my irritated eyes.

“Anytime baby, but I still don’t understand why you are so scared of them, they are tiny Frank, you’re a giant to them! They are most probably more scared of you then you are of it.” Gerard stated, I knew he was right, but it was a phobia I had and it was a phobia I could never shrug off. I rubbed my eyes a little more and looked down.

“Aww my baby, look at your eyes” Gerard cooed to me, I knew he was now going to help me clean them out and make me feel better. He always did this for me, he took care of me. Gerard slowly got up from his crouching position and walked over to the cabinet that we shared in the room. He took out some ointment and some cotton wool, dabbed some onto the fluff then sat back near me. He began to dab my eyes clean, free of the deposit from my soapy hair. Once my eyes felt better, he stood up and reached out his hands for me to take. He pulled me up from the toilet seat and wrapped his long arms around me.

“I love you know, even if you are a complete pansy whom of which is scared of furry creatures” Gee smirked. I hit his chest playfully then rested my head on it, pushing my nose into the crook of his neck.

“Mhmh, I love you too, you rescue me from scary things!” I mumbled, letting my voice vibrate onto his Adams apple.

“I‘d rescue you from anything, any day. Just because I love you” Gerard smiled, taking my face in his hands and kissing away any phobia I could ever have. With him, anything was possible and I could overcome anything.