
Over There

The door burst opened and banged against the wall with an almighty crack.

“What happened?” Boomed Peter. Rage obvious in his face and his voice, Renae followed him into the room, her expression just as venomous.

Dr. Martinez seemed to shrink under the gaze of his superiors but he didn’t lose his nerve, “Well, we don’t exactly have a lot of practice when it comes to using machines for inter-universal travel, do we?”

“Don’t speak to me like that,” Peter’s voice was eerily calm, “you are forgetting your place Doctor.” He spat out the word like an insult.

“Sorry, sir.” He said, mimicking Peter’s anger.

“You are to fix this… NOW!”

“Yes, of course Sir, right away.”

“Where did the boy end up anyway?” Peter asked.

“U-um,” Black stammered, “we are not exactly sure.”

Peter’s face turned the colour of a tomato and he looked like he was going to explode, but then he calmed himself and said, “Find him Doctor Martinez, or your job won’t be the only thing you lose.”