Don't Go

I wish I could hate you like I say I do.

I hate your fucking guts.

You want to know why? Because you’re a motherfucking idiot. An idiot that was hot as hell, but an idiot all the same. And you know, the worst part of all of this wasn’t even the fact that your punk ass left me here to deal with all of the bullshit; the breaking it to your parents bullshit and the funeral bullshit and the living with all this misery bullshit.

No, the worst Goddamn part of all of this is that I loved you. Really fucking loved you. Shit, I still love you, you phony bitch. Even now that you’re gone, I still love your stupid ass. It’s pathetic—you make me sick. I make me sick.

Even the way that you went pisses me off. Jumping off the roof of some apartment complex, because that’s just so damn original. Fucking snapped your neck like a twig. Honestly, you couldn’t have come up with something better than that? Hell, anything is better than that. You didn’t even leave a note, damn it. Just makes me wish you were alive so that I could chew your Goddamn head off myself.

Did you even stop for one second to think about me? Just for a second? Huh, I’m pretty sure my boyfriend wouldn’t be too happy if I did this. No? I thought not. God, you were so fucking selfish. If your lifeless ass face wasn’t cold in the ground, I hope you know I’d totally be screaming in it right now.

And you were great, too. So great that my chest begins to hurt whenever I think about your clueless ass. Shoulder length reddish-brown hair that was always wild no matter what you did with it. Dark eyes, cute smile, killer personality. You had a nice ass, too, though you couldn’t stand it when I told you that, you rejecting little whore. The fact that you were an overall good person only makes me hate you more. Because you fucked over yourself, me, and anyone else that’s ever loved you. That still loves you.

Fuck, I hate you. IhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyou.

I hate your fucking guts because I don’t know how else to feel without you here.
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This is what happens when I want to write something short and sweet at one AM (even though this isn't so sweet). I imagined this fella to have broken heart syndrome; he's pretty emotionally stressed and all. And I know that he seems more furious than he is miserable, but don't let it fool you; he's still pretty miserable.
note: this is rated R because of the suicidal themes & coarse language.