Status: On hiatus until my laptop isn't broken/university isn't kicking my butt/people actually care about this story haha

Everything (To Nothing)

Something Good

There was no use denying it, I was completely lost. I was glad that I'd decided to come a half hour early, but not having a map was going to severely impact on my timeliness.
I wandered around, hoping to find some magical sign which would point me in the direction of my class. I took a deep breath, and realising that there was no possible way I would be able to find it, I knew the only option was to go to the administrate office.

Queens College in Oxford had been my dream since I could remember. The campus was gorgeous, the courses prestigious and the school itself filled with beautiful architecture. I'd been lucky enough to gain a position in a fast-track course placement. I was able to pick up two subjects from the English Language and Literature course for one term, gaining credits and securing myself a place in the degree next year.

Despite the placement, it was still the first term of my final year of A-levels, and the one day off a week would probably impact my overall grades. I knew I didn't need to care, that as long as I passed these two subjects at the university I'd be accepted either way. That being said, I still wanted to do the best I can, which meant no distractions.

~ - ~

I pushed through the modern glass door to enter the wonderfully heated office. I could see a rather plump lady with her blonde hair scraped back into a pony tail at the desk, attending to another girl.
I waited behind her in a line, trying to figure out what to say without sounding nervous or, god forbid, unprepared. I fidgeted with the hem of my skirt, yet all too soon, she was finished, and it was time to walk up and ask.
"Hello dear, can I help you?"
"Um, yes please," I said softly, nervousness touching my voice. "I'm here on the subject placement and my map seems to have been in the wrong bag. Would you be able to let me know where to go?"
"Not a problem, honey. What course is it for?" she asked, her fingers rhythmically typing out on the computer beside her.
"English Language and Literature."
"Oh, I'm doing that!" A new voice piped up. "I can show you the way." I turned around to see who the voice belonged to; a tanned male with perfect hair and a grey winter coat. He looked sophisticated, like he'd stepped directly out of Topman.
"Louis! Ah, perfect. I've also got the confirmation of your change of subject right here," the lady said, handing him a sheet of paper from a large pile next to her on the desk.
As he stepped forward to take it, I turned to look at him more carefully. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of cerulean, long eyelashes framing them. He had the most perfect lips - not too thick, not too thin, and they looked utterly kissable. His skin was another thing entirely; long planes of gorgeously tanned, soft skin that managed to look airbrushed, from what I could see of it. I wondered what it would be like to run my fingers across -
"What was your name again? I'm Louis," he asked, smiling down at me.
I blinked rapidly as I was pulled out of my haze, and raised my hand to shake his. "I'm Ivory, nice to meet you."
"And you as well! What subject are you off to first? I'm off to Modern Literature, are we in the same class?" I couldn't help but watch as he brought his hand up to brush his already perfectly placed fringe.
"I have it now, so I guess so."

On the walk to the building was the first I learned about Louis. He was 19 and in his second year at the college, but in his first of an English Language and Literature degree after deciding a teaching degree wasn't his thing. He hoped to become a teacher one day, but at that moment was more focused on learning. He was originally from Doncaster but moved to Oxford quickly after the travel got to be too draining.
"So I think I've monopolised the conversation long enough. What about you?" he asked, his face turning down to face me.
"Um," I began, taking a moment to rearrange my thoughts after the eye contact. "What would you like to know?"
He rolled his eyes, laughing. "I'm not sure. What are you doing here today?"
"I'm seventeen and I'm doing my A Levels in London, but I grew up in Cheshire. It's kind of been my dream to go here, so I'm in the entry programme."
"Really? That's cool, I have a friend from there. So what do you do?"
I hesitated. "What do you mean?"
"Everyone does something," he went on, explaining with his hands. "Some write, some play, some act, some paint, party, travel..."
"Oh, well I write… and I like to sing."
We came to the door of the classroom where students were buzzing around and chatting, catching up with each other after holidays. People called out to him and he waved and smiled, but brushed each of them off. He smiled as he opened the door for me.
"Ladies first," he said, his smile almost making me topple over.
I knew from that minute on that my 'no distractions' rule had been completely and utterly broken.

~ - ~

The majority of my time at the university was spent with Louis. Modern Literature was our first lecture, with a two hour break before Victorian Literature. Between the two, we would spend our time in the library or campus coffee house, with Louis helping me with the coursework, and when my A levels got to be too much, he helped me with those as well. When the work started to build up, I'd go over to his flat on the weekend, where occasionally his roommate Niall would stay to chat on the occasions I brought food over.

It didn't take me long at all to open up to him, which was strange in itself as I was quite shy. However, being who he was, it wasn't surprising. He had a natural confidence which seemed to spread over everyone around him, making everything seem easy. He was funny, charming and it didn't take long for me to inconveniently feel myself falling for him… though I couldn't seem to regret it.

Somewhere during the halfway point of my placement, Louis met me underneath the huge oak tree outside the Modern Literature classroom, as he did every other Thursday for my placement. Except that day, he greeted me with a kiss and took my hand, with a simple,
"Progression is part of evolution. I think it's about time, don't you?"

It proved to be one of the simplest decisions I'd ever made. Not that I'd ever made it consciously, it felt more like something falling into place. He was even more charming, and once given the chance, we both fell in love quicker than I thought possible. Our finals ended up being easier than I could've hoped as well, since spending time together involved studying (or, on occasion, quietly making love while Niall pretended not to hear).

As the end of my placement drew near, we became inseparable. Aside from the fact there was more work and stress than ever, an aura of finalisation hovered over us. Promises were made to keep in touch, to Skype every night, to visit all the time. The promise was made that our love would never die.

Unfortunately for my fairytale mind, most promises weren't kept. We unintentionally drifted apart, my last semester and his double degree getting in the way of communication and our workload preventing visits. The one promise that never died was our love, it still lingered, just pushed aside for the minute. Communication dwindled and dwindled until I received one last text.

Thank you for everything.

I couldn't bring myself to feel bitter, simply replying with,

You too, Louis.

And that was it.
♠ ♠ ♠
- this is not actually the end, only the beginning.
Hello! This has been on my computer for a while, and with a little editing I've decided to put it up.
I apologise for my lack of knowledge about the English education system... I've used Google and supplemented what I couldn't find for what I've been through myself, if there's anything super off the mark, please let me know!
This is unlike my other one-shot in the fact that there is no smutty writing, as in this chapter she's quite naive and it's more of a recollection of their story rather than anything else. However, there will be in the future (though not to that extent) so I'll warn you in the notes if there will be any present.
Feedback is appreciated :)