Status: Rated R for violence, gore, use of alcohol, suggestive themes and nudity

Concerning Hobbits

A Journey's Beginning

“Maybe I should go wake Bilbo” Pansy said quietly form her seat away from the others, as they had been waiting quite a while, ready to leave. “Let him rest” Thorin called writing something down on a piece of paper. Pansy got up and walked over to him peering down at what he had written “Thorin and Company to Burglar Bilbo greetings! For your generosity our sincerest appreciation and for your offer of professional assistance our grateful acceptance. Terms: cash on delivery, up to and not exceeding one fourteenth of total profits; all traveling expenses guaranteed in any event; funeral expenses to be defrayed by us or our council, if incident arises and the matter is not otherwise arranged for. Thinking it uncalled for to disturb your esteemed repose, we have proceeded in advance to make necessary provision, and shall await your respected person at the Green Dragon Inn, Bywater, at II A. M. Sharp. Trusting that you will be prompt, we have the honors to remain yours genuinely Thorin & Co.” Pansy read out loud “Oh yes, you are a king alright, so official” Pansy said pulled away from the letter. Thorin looked down at her with a light smile as he set the letter in an unsealed envelope. “Where to place this where I can be easily found” He asked. “Oh that would be the mantel piece, Bilbo dusts it every morning.” Pansy said taking the letter from Thorin she placed it gently on the mantel. Before turning to the others. “Onward to Bywater we go?” she asked, Thorin nodded and each of the Dwarfs grabbed their cloaks before heading out of the door. Pansy was last and made sure to lock the front door behind her.

“Uncle, are you sure it is so wise, as to take the Lady back to the pub where she had become intoxicated in the first place?” Fili asked laughing a bit. “It’s not so bad, quiet entertaining really” Kili added in. “Oh and I suppose you’ve never been drunk before?” Pansy asked as she walked behind them down the road. “Oh sure he has! On his 21st birth day had 4 pints of beer” Fili said with a wide grin on his face “Knock him flat on the ground” Bifur cut in, Pansy laughed loudly “Not flat on the ground” Kili jumped in. “flat on the ground” Bifur whispered into Pansy’s ear. She giggled silently “oh do not worry lord Kili…I am quite sure that it was Entertaining” she said mockingly, Kili leered at her playfully and then smiled “alright, at match, at match, well played little Baggins” He said ruffling her hair, trying to get under her skin. It worked to, Pansy was always very bothered by her height, to other Hobbits of average height she came to their shoulders, and Hobbits were shorter than dwarfs you know. Kili looked down at her annoyed face and laughed some more, he wasn’t trying to be rude; he could simply not help himself. A small smirk came to Thorin's face as he listened to the two bicker behind him.

At the green dragon, Pansy talked with many of the Hobbits who worked there, she knew a few of the waitresses as they were friends of hers, not close friends more like acquaintances, who sucked up to one of the Respectable Bagginses. She quickly got a table for the dwarfs and they were treated with fast service. “Maybe she is the partner of Burglar Baggins” Ori said as their orders were received quickly and brought back without error. Thorin took a long swig of his beer and looked up to see Pansy talking with Sandy haired Hobbit at another table. Pansy and the Took boy began to dance around laughing, she wasn’t inebriated but he sure was “A song fair lass a song! Hey, Ho!” He started to sing Pansy laughed and shook her head “Hey! Ho! To the bottle I go. To heal my heart and drown my woe. Rain may fall and wind may blow, But there still be many miles to go.” She sang The Took boy raised his glass and stumbled backwards in his dance his verse slurred heavily as he sang “Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain, And the stream that falls from hill to plane. Better than rain or rippling brook... Is a mug of beer inside this Old Took!” he said chugging down his pink. Pansy watched with wide eyes and he fell backwards “I’m alright! Perfectly fine, completely on purpose, I assure you!” He called Pansy shook her head and walked back to the dwarfs. Thorin arched an eyebrow at her “that is our cousin Murberian Took.” She said laughing “the drunk of the Took family, kinder than good fortune he is” Pansy said with a fond smile.

Before Long it was time to pack up, and the Dwarfs had arranged an Extra pony for Bilbo, but ere was a bit of a dilemma. They had not been expecting Pansy. Thorin rode his Pony up to Pansy and Held out his hand “Come along child we should be expecting Burglar Baggins, every soon” He called. Pansy grabbed his hand and mounted the pony behind him. She sat uncomfortably now knowing that to do with her hands. So she crossed them and sat them on her lap in hopes that she would not fall off. There was a sound of bonding feet behind them, the party turned to see a very much out of breath Bilbo. “You ran all this way” Pansy gasped. Bilbo caught his breath “Bravo!” Balin called out handing Bilbo the reigns to the smallest of the ponies. “Up you get and off we go, much time as been spent” Thorin called. Bilbo looked up still slightly winded “I'm terribly sorry, but I have come lacking my hat, and I have left my pocket-handkerchief behind, and I haven't got any currency. I didn't get your letter until after 10: 45 to be precise.” Bilbo said catching his breath “you mean to say you never dusted your mantel?” Pansy asked, Bilbo never forgot to do so, the night before must have had him much more flustered than she had thought. “Don't be precise, and do not be troubled! You will have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs and a good score of other things, before you get to the journey's end. As for a hat, I have got a spare hood and cloak in my belongings.” Dwalin called out from his Pony. Bilbo nodded and quickly mounted his pony. “Wait!” Pansy called looking around “where is Gandalf?” she asked “I should hope locking up Bag End!” Bilbo said, Pansy simply nodded and smile on her face she pointing ahead of them over Thorin’s shoulder and just past his face “off we go!” she called Bilbo looked at her it was obvious her morning had started out far more pleasant that what his had. Thorin turned and leered back at her sternly. She smiled sheepishly and chuckled “I mean…” He stammered, he smiled at her and flicked the reigns. They were off….THUD…correction Pansy was off, or rather she fell off. Yes right off of the pony. “oh dear” Bilbo said hiding his face and shaking his head, while The brother Kili & Fili along with Gloin and Bombur laughed a bit. Pansy looked up at Thorin amazed before standing back up. “Crossing arms, is clearly the wrong way to ride” she muttered as he took her hand and helped her mount the pony yet again. This time she sat side saddle, the way she had been taught, but she was still very much clueless about what to do with her hands. She had a pretty good idea on what she would have tone with them, but it seemed inappropriate. Thorin reached back and took both of her arms, and wrapped them around his waist, “hold tight” In instructed before moving the pony forward yet again. Pansy’s face flushed, and this is why she had rather crossed her arms.

At first the ride was very silent, and it was killing Pansy on the inside, she had so many questions, about dragons, about the mines, why Lonely Mountain was called Lonely Mountain, where they were headed to first. Oh how she was dying. But all were quiet ad she was not going to seem out of place. No she had already made a large spectacle of herself. So instead to lighten the mood she hummed to herself, quietly enough as to not bother Thorin who looked to be very focused on the road ahead. Before long Gandalf emerged over the hills, upon a glorious, shinning white stallion, his road to Bilbo’s side handing him a bag containing all that he had forgotten to bring. Now Bilbo was ready for a journey of any sort. As the hours passed the Group became more festive, Dori & Bofur began to share stories with Pansy and Bilbo of all they would remember of their lives they had and what they had seen. “Giant spiders you say!” Pansy called looking back at Dori who nodded, in her voice was fear and yet a great wonder “we’ll we see them?” she asked a smile played on her lips “let’s hope not!” Bilbo called out “well I would like to see one…and take with me its leg” She stated matter-of-factly “ Mount it on the wall like a great prize when I return” she added Thorin chuckled at the girls enthusiasm “why I’ve not seen a more audacious Hobbit since dear old Belladonna Took” Gandalf said with a smile. “Yes yes, it should worry you” Bilbo said as a smile managed to find its way on his face as well. “ I wonder what sort of fly swatter one would need for a spider so large” Pansy thought out loud “one made of metal and one very sharp, the only thing that will skill a spider of that short is a good axe or sword” Thorin said Pansy looked at him “It could been done with a bow as well, if quick enough, but your aim must be sharp” Kili added in Pansy looked back at him “when do I learn to be an archer?” she asked he smiled at her “ When we have the time” He said, Pansy nodded and turned back around to look ahead of her, she stayed quiet for a moment before looking back at Kili “when will that be exactly?” she asked Gandalf laughed “oh yes, defiantly Belladonna” he said.

Midday came around and the party made camp as to stop for a meal, lunch. It did not take them long to set up a fire and break out the pans. They put the youngest to work. Pansy grumbled as she held the pan over the fire, cooking the sausages inside of it, she liked cooking very much so, she just didn’t like being forced to do so. Not to mention she had never cooked over an open fire before. “ouch!” she yelled jumping away from the fire, dropping the pan to the ground as she quickly putt the fire out that had taken over her hand. She held her wristed and looked at her hand through watery eyes; the stinging sensation was nearly unbearable. “Pansy?” Bilbo asked putting down his pipe he ran to her side. Kili went to her as well peeking over her shoulder down at her hand. It was mildly burned; nothing was distorted however it was still very painful. “And this is why we hobbits never cook over open flame” Bilbo remarked. Pansy bit her lip she shut her eyes, “Kili, in my green pack, there are wraps, go fetch them” Thorin called calmly walking over to Pansy he took her wounded hand by the wrist and poured beer from his flask onto it. Pansy yelped as the stinging was tenfold. “It’s a nasty burn, but it keeps it clean” Thorin muttered, Pansy opened her eyes slightly and nodded. Kili returned with the Wraps and tended to her hand, taking care not to wrap it up to tightly. Once it was done, Pansy sat off pouting. Yet again she had made a scene, and she certainly didn’t want to be the burden Thorin had thought she would be. “Maybe this journey’s going to be a bit longer than I thought” she sighed looking down at her injured hand.
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Story description makes no since compared to what the chapter is actually about.

Once again i thank you all for your comments =)
Proof reading more now so maybe this one will be improved.