‹ Prequel: Close Your Eyes to See
Status: Eehhhh updated as much as possible

Stare Like You'll Stay

There will never be a question, love.

Waking up to an empty hotel room with John sleeping next to her was heaven on earth in Edie's mind. She rolled onto her side and watched him sleep, so excited to get to spend the entire day with him. Back in the day, John rarely had an agenda which gave them plenty of time to hang out without distractions.

Moving her messy bedhead out of her face, she remembered the guys saying that they were going to head out to breakfast in the morning and they probably decided to leave her and John alone for the days. Thats another nice thing about being on tour with The Maine – they understood when people wanted privacy. When the others had their girlfriends on tour or in town, they knew to back off and let them have their space. It was really nice.

“I need coffee.” John mustered out, reaching forward and bringing Edie closer to him while still managing to keep his eyes closed. Edie curled up into his chest while he rested his chin on top of her head and let out a loud yawn.

“The guys already left for breakfast, we could go out and get something if you want.” She knew how cranky he was in the morning without his coffee – he was like an eighty year old woman.

“Lets just stay here for a little while and let the sun come up.” Edie laughed at her boyfriend, it was nearly eleven in the afternoon, the sun being up for hours already. But she wasn't complaining. Underneath the sheets and cuddled up close to John, she felt at peace.

“What do you want to do today?” He asked, knowing that Edie probably didn't want to lay in bed all day long.

“I don't know, whatever.” She was more than willing to sacrifice her day in a new city to let John rest and just hang out. He pulled her closer, squeezing her side which made her feel self conscious even though she shouldn't be.

“I know you really want to go to those thrift stores we drove by yesterday.” Edie blushed, John knew her too well. Edie made it a thing to visit as many vintage and thrift stores as she could while on tour.

“I mean, we could, only if you wanted to.” She could feel John's lips open up into a grin as he kissed her on the top of the head.

“Of course, plus I need some new tshirts, I am running out of clean ones.” Edie moved her head so their eyes locked for the first time, a smile on her face.

“Its called laundry, John.” She looked down at his white shirt and saw the small ketchup stain from two nights before when he grabbed In-N-Out burger.

“I don't touch a washer and dryer until I get home and-”

“And your mom does it for you.” John's mouth dramatic opened up in shock before he shifted his position so he was hovering over Edie, using his fingers to tickle her any way that he could.

“Sassy this morning aren't we?” Edie laughed as she pushed John's chest away to get him to stop tickling, sitting up so she could catch her breath. John was the only person that could make her not cranky in the mornings.

John sat back across from her on the bed as he grinned, loving moments like this with Edie. With her cascading brown hair a mess in the morning, dressed out to a shirt and pajama pants and not an ounce of makeup on her face – she looked beautiful. That was one of the things that attracted him to Edie – she wasn't coated in makeup or self tanner like the girls he had hooked up with before. She was a natural beauty.

“Ima shower and stuff and then we can go and grab breakfast okay?” John leaned forward and kissed her hard on the lips as he got up from the bed and began assembling his clothes for the day.

“Sure I will get in after you.” Edie leaned back onto the bed as John excused himself in the bathroom. While John was in the shower, Edie laid in bed for a few moments before she rolled out of bed to grab her phone – texting Eric and Beth back who were constantly messaging her everyday. Sitting on one of the chairs in the hotel room, she scrolled through her social media sites, waiting to get in the shower.

Checking the at replies on her Twitter, she was surprised to see that a fan from the night before had tweeted at her. 'It was so nice meeting you @ediewhite last night!' - The tweet was something out of the ordinary and she couldn't help but smile. Replying back to the girl saying thank you and that she hoped she had fun at the show, she locked her phone and set it back down on the table as she heard the bathroom door open and John walk out in nothing but a pair of jeans.

When Edie looked at John half naked, she couldn't help but wonder what he was with a girl like her. He could literally have any girl in the universe that he wanted and yet he chose her. She wasn't nearly as pretty as half the girls he met at shows and she wasn't the most relevant person to be on the planet, she was just kind of there – existing. From day one, Edie knew John was out of her league. And even know when she had him, she still felt the same.

“How long until you think you are ready?” John asked casually as he pulled his Tom Petty baseball shirt over his head and began drying his hair out with his towel.

“Give me like a half hour.” Edie got up from the chair and reached for her backpack full of her clothes and makeup before moving to peck her boyfriend on the cheek and excuse herself into the bathroom.


“You're cute.” The statement left John's mouth randomly as Edie cut a piece of her short stake and placed the bite in her mouth.

“What are you talking about?” After getting ready, the two of them found a run down diner on the outskirts of town, giving them plenty of privacy from any fan that might come by and see them. Even though they were sitting across the table from each other, a fan could easily say it was a date and their relationship could be ruined.

“Just you with your cute little short stack of pancakes and the fact that you have a plethora of floral skirts and look beautiful in them. You look beautiful today.” John had made a promise to tell Edie that she looked beautiful everyday and he had yet to break that promise. Though it felt like John was only saying that it make her feel better, she still managed to blush every time he said it.

“I do happen to be pro pancakes in the dispute against waffles.” Edie said as she sipped on her coffee, taking another cream and pouring it into the dark liquid.

“What about belgium waffles though? Those go above all other bisquick breakfast foods.” John took another bite of his omelet, looking at his girlfriend with serious eyes as she rolled her own.

'”Are we really getting into a deep conversation over pancakes and waffles?” There was a smirk on John's face as he shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in the booth.

“Its a very serious topic, Edie.”

“Well I guess I am pro pancakes because I never had a waffle maker and whenever Eric and Beth got in a fight, Eric would end up crashing at my apartment and I would get up and make pancakes for us in the morning because he would bitch about it.” Shaking her head at the memory, she missed her best friend. He was a complete pain the ass, but sometimes she needed someone as ridiculous as Eric Halvorsen in her life.

“That kid is useless isn't here?” As useless as Eric could be, if it wasn't for him, he would have never met the girl across the table from him. It was crazy to think about all of the stuff that has happened to them since they met that night on the house patio of his welcome back party.

“Yeah, but at least we will see him and Beth next week. Lets see how long it takes for them to fight about something stupid and for Beth to bring out the whip.” Though they fought a lot, Edie really admired Beth and Eric's relationship – they kept each other in check and never folded over for the other one. Their love was real and it was beautiful.

Her eyes looked over at her phone as it lit up, showing that Beth was texting her to let know that Harley had made another hole in her sofa. All Edie could was laugh, Harley was just like her – if she was put into a situation she didn't like, she self destructed.

“Oh god, Harley just ripped another hole in Beth's sofa – I am going to have to get that girl a new couch.” Ignoring the text, John leaned over to look at her phone, smiling.

“I love that picture of us.” It was the photo of the two of them on the couch before the first Maine show Edie ever went to. Dirk took it. It was one of her favorites. She wanted to post it on her Facebook, her Instagram and her Twitter she loved it so much – but she knew that was going to give away the relationship immediately.

“Dirk is going to be coming out next week for a few days and take some picture for us so there will be another person hanging around.” Edie nodded, taking another bite of her short stack – she really liked Dirk but constantly having a camera around was something she didn't care for. It was only going to bring attention to herself though if she told John she didn't want her picture taken so she tried to ignore her insecurities about it.

After they finished their food and paid, the two of them walked hand and hand towards the city – Edie ready to check out those vintage stores that had been on her mind. For some reason, Edie was feeling good about herself. Wearing a pleated floral skirt with suspenders attached, a long sleeve black shirt and wedge seafoam green booties on her feet – her outfit was good therefore she felt good.

“Want one?” John held out a pack of cigarettes to her as one dangled from his mouth, but she shook her head and looked back at the stores that were passing by. Lighting up the stick and relocking their hands together, John needed this day off badly. He knew he wasn't getting to spend as much time Edie as he hoped but he was trying his best and he hoped that she knew that.

John can speak on behalf of many boyfriends out there when he says that he wants to give the world to Edie. He knew she was still working to love herself, but she was trying and that is all John could ask for. He wanted to give her everything she deserved because he couldn't fix the bad in her life – her self esteem, her parents and everything in between.

“How have the people on the tour been treating you? I don't have to crack any skulls do I?” Edie grinned and leaned into her boyfriend's arm, shaking her head.

“Everyone on the tour has been so nice to me, its incredible. Your fans too.” After dating John, Edie realized fast that his fans were his world and she wasn't about to shatter his image of them by telling him that a few girls have no problem staring and even going as far as saying snarky comments to her. It wasn't worth the sweat.

“Thats great. If any of the guys give you a hard time, tell me alright?”

“Why the sudden topic, John?” She was beginning to catch on that John was bringing up the subject for a reason. She watched as he took a long drag of his cigarette, moving his mouth so the smoke didn't blow in her face.

“There were a few problems a couple tours back with Gabi when she was on tour with Kennedy. Some of the crew members were cat calling her and stuff, I just don't want anything like that to happen to you.” She could feel her cheeks deepen in color as she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for being so concerned about that sort of stuff.

A block or two later, they arrived at the first vintage shop. Flicking his cigarette off towards the sidewalk, they walked in together hand in hand to the nearly empty store. Edie immediately walked over to the rack of purses, looking through for anything she might want.

John wandered off to the men's section of the store, probably on the lookout for vintage tour shirts to wear onstage. That oversized white shirt of his was becoming soft of ratty. Moving on to the skirts rack, Edie sorted through the different fabrics in hopes of finding another one to add to her collection. Though she may not act it, Edie was kind of an old soul. She liked her Sinatra from time to time and had a weakness for anything vintage especially pleated floral skirts.

“Babe? Come here.” Edie looked up and noticed that John was calling her name from the other side of the room. Leaving the rack, but grabbing a skirt to try on, she walked over to him as he pulled out a large black shirt.

“Its like this store is speaking to me.” Edie couldn't help but smile as John pulled out a Stones tour shirt from the 1970's, he was fangirling over it.

“See? I told you you would find some cool stuff in this place.”

“You do always have an eye for the best.” John leaned down and kissed her on the lips, finding himself smile more and more as the day continued.

“Is that you complimenting yourself?” John shrugged his shoulders with a smirk as Edie shook her head and helped John sort through the rack of shirts to try and find him some decent ones. Pulling out a few takers here and there, John found mostly solid colored shirts that he could pair with his denim vest he never took off.

As they moved to the other side of the rack, Edie looked up and watched as three girls in their late teens walked into the store. She instantly stiffened, but remembered, not every girl in this town was a Maine fan. They were probably just random girls who were shopping, having no idea at all who John was.

“I am going to go and try this on, okay?” Edie excused herself to the dressing room to try on the skirt, hoping it would fit right. As much as Edie loved to shopping, trying the stuff on was the worst part. The skirt made it past her hips and rested nicely against her stomach. She reached for the hem of it and felt the fabric with her fingertips, contemplating on if it was worth getting.

“John?” Opening up the dressing room door, she called his name softly, not wanting to draw attention to herself. Looking over at the men's shirt rack, he was no longer standing there. Panning her eyes around the store, she could feel her eyes fill with disappointment as she saw the three girls who had entered the store earlier crowd around John, laughing with him. Their stance and posture gave away that they were trying to hit on him, but John stood there, almost uncomfortably, as he talked back nicely.

Dragging her feet, Edie walked back into the dressing room. Those girls were pretty. Size two with perfect skin and straightened hair. Their thighs probably didn't touch, their arms probably didn't jiggle and there probably wasn't a single stretch mark on their entire body.

Taking the skirt off and placing it on the chair, Edie couldn't help but step back and look at herself in the mirror. Turning to the side, she took in her protruding stomach, swearing that the pancakes she ate this morning probably made her gain a pound or two. And it was showing already. She looked down at her thighs, the gross fat that rubbed together whenever she walked. Her calves looked like they belonged to a man, huge and embarrassing. She didn't even dare to lift her shirt.

Disgusted, Edie pulled her skirt back on and tried to forget the memories that were running through her head. She didn't even want to look at herself in the mirror. Sitting down on the chair, she took the skirt in her hand and looked at it once more. It was pretty and for some reason, it fit well. But it showed off her stomach and her huge calves, must like the skirt she was wearing now. She should have worn something else instead.

“Ed, are you almost done in there?” She jumped slightly as John knocked on the door, wiping a lose tear and clearing her through.

“Yeah, just about.” She slipped her shoes back on and rested her bag on her shoulder before opening the door to see that the girls were gone and John was standing outside with a smile.

“What do you think?” He asked as he wrapped his arm around her and they walked back into the store. Edie eyed the skirt in her arms and looked up, noticing that the three girls were still standing there, staring at her. She pictured how the skirt looked on, her mind distorting the image in her brain to believing that it looked worse on her than it actually did.

“I think I have enough floral skirts.”
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my thoughts go out to boston tonight.