He's Not Coming

What's Wrong?

Finally, weekend is coming. El was so excited that she came to Ed Sheeran’s concert. She went there with her bunch of best friends, Corrie, Stanley, Norton, Luke, Ervine, and Paisley. She felt so grateful that Alessia wasn’t a big fan of watching concert.

El, Paisley, and Norton were in the front porch of Edwards’s house. They enjoyed their homemade tea by Mrs. Edwards. Suddenly, Luke Edwards stood in the doorstep. He looks so cute in jeans and shirt. “Hey guys, I’m ready!” he said giddily.

“Where’s your sister?,” Norton asked. “It’s two hours away from concert open gate!”

“Corrie still smeared her make up, I guess,” Luke said. “Anyway, where’s Ervine? He doesn’t pick Corrie up…”

“He decided to came by himself there,” Paisley said.

Luke nodded. “Hold on, I will go upstairs, and called Corrie.”

Norton, Paisley, and El nodded as Luke went back to house. Few minutes later, Luke back to the front porch. His face changed, looked so gloomy.

“Oh dude, what’s happened?” Norton said.

“Nothing,” Luke said. His voice so hoarse. “You guys can go without me and Corrie. I will catch up with you guys soon.”

“Luke,” Paisley said. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Luke said. “I’m okay,” he smiled, but it seems like he tried to smile. “See you guys soon!”
“Okay,” Norton said. He stood up. He clutched Paisley’s hand, gave her a cue to stood up. El followed them too. They still baffled. “See you there, dude.”

Luke smiled. Paisley, Norton, and El went back to Norton’s car. El watched from her window as Luke closed the house door. Still confused. What’s wrong?