He's Not Coming

Traffic Jam Sucks!

Paisley, Norton, and El already in the venue. They have not seen Luke, Stanley, Ervine, and Corrie. When they were stood in the line, Norton’s phone vibrated and took a peek. “Oh shoot,” he said. “Edwards siblings can’t come. They said they had to accompany their grandfather in the hospital.”

Paisley nodded. Her phone vibrated and took a peek. “Oh shoot,” she said. “Stanley can’t come either. He had to meet his basketball coach, emergency rehearsal.”

“Oh shoot,” El said. “That means just us.”

“I’m not sure,” Norton said. “I’m still 100 percent sure that Ervine could made it. He just trapped in traffic jam.”

“So?,” Paisley asked.

“Oh guys,” El said. “Leave me two tickets. I will wait for Ervine here.”

“Are you sure?,” Paisley looked so surprised. “You are the one who invited us here! You’re a big fan of Ed! You can’t miss all his performances!”

El shrugged. “I’ll be okay,”

“The gate will closed right 10 PM!” Paisley cried.

El hugged Paisley. “I’ll be okay,” she whispered.

Paisley nodded. El looked at Norton. “Norton, I trusted you. Could you please take care of her?”

Norton nodded. “You should take care of yourself too.”

El nodded. Norton clutched Paisley’s hand softly. He handed El two tickets, and went inside. El knew that Paisley was worried about her, but she kept whispered from her heart that she was going to be okay.