A Lesson in Romantics

Lipstick lullabies.

[Derek's P.O.V.]

I sat in the cold holding cell, with all my friends. Who were grinning as widely as I was. None of us felt bad about what we did in the slightest. We were spending the night in jail pretty much, just until our manager could come get us tomorrow morning. I sat there grinning at the fact that Jamie got what was coming, but on the inside I was dying from what she did to me.

"How could you Jamie?"

Jamie and I were together for about 5 years. We were madly in love, or at least I was madly in love with her. We hardly ever fought with each other, and if we did it was only because she would be nasty to my band members when it wasn't necessary. I loved her a lot, but I love my friends just as much if not more, so we would fight about how she treated them. What got me in trouble was a couple days ago we were playing a show at a popular bar in Florida, she was there along with our old band member Jason.

"We were just hanging out Derek Stop!"

Nobody cared that he was there, we were all friends still, but not anymore. While I was on stage I kept looking at Jamie to see how she was liking our set, and every time I looked at her she was getting close and closer to Jason. Eventually I looked over and didn't see either of them. I kept looking anxiously but couldn't find them. I got so nervous I couldn't even perform the encore. I had to leave. I rushed to the apartment Jamie, and I, shared for 3 years as quickly as I could. I busted through the door and found Jason, and Jamie on the couch. He was in the midst of taking her shirt off. I freaked out I couldn't believe my former best friend, and girlfriend could do this to me! Jamie, and I had a long night of fighting and arguing that followed. She confessed to me that she had cheated on my several other times, because I was "too busy with the band". I was so upset I spent the night on the couch and left as soon as I could the next morning. I went over to Brooks' house,and stayed a couple of days with him.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Derek..."

"No you're not. You're sorry you got caught."

Last night the guys and I were looking for something to do,and I had just gotten into another heated argument, with Jamie, telling me to grab my shit from our apartment and get out, because she was going to be away and didn't want to see my face. I was so mad I grabbed 5 cans of spray paint and gave the guys an idea. We drove over to my old place in the middle of the night, and had no problem getting in because I had the key. I kept the lights off so no neighbors would see us, but that failed.

We all started spray painting things on the walls, and ripping everything off the wall. None of us are really violent or angry people, but we all had a grudge against her and just lost it.By the time we were done, the words 'simple little whore' were spray painted across the living room wall. Before we knew it the cops were busting down the door, and putting us all in hand cuffs.

Now we sat in the lonely cell, discussing our up coming shows and such. No one was really effected by it because none of us were getting in serious trouble, since we didn't break in and we only vandalized a small part of the apartment so we were getting let off easy. We would have to appear in front of a judge tomorrow to get our full sentence, and also so I could split everything with Jamie. God I was so mad at her I didn't even wanna see her ever again. And fuck Jason if I see him again we're going to have a huge problem man. So much for a good friend.

Well that's not true, I had the best friends I could ask for in this cell with me, and it makes it all so much better knowing I'm with the only people I could ever call my actual friends. Although I was with my best friends, I still had this void in my heart left behind by the queen B herself, and all the other girls in my life. Probably just haven't found what, or who, I'm good for yet..

[Next morning]
We all spent the night laying on each other how ever it was comfortable. I woke up with Brooks' thick hair sticking to my mouth as he rested his head on my exposed shoulder. I spat his hair out of my mouth and looked around to see everyone cuddling together it was actually kind of cute. Then I heard one of the guards yell our names.
"BETTS, BRUNDRICK, GARCIA, LENZO, AND SANDERS GET THE FUCK UP YOU HAVE TO APPEAR IN FRONT OF A JUDGE IN 10!" A huge cop said coming in and opening up the cell, and his booming voice waking everyone up. They all looked around in confusion,and disorientation.

"Guys get up we have to go!" I said standing up making Brooks slam his head on the bench.

"You're a dick man." Brooks said rubbing his head as he sat up. I walked to go follow the guard gently kicking Alex who was sleeping in Jake's lap while Jake rested his head on Jeremy. They looked around at each other and realized they were laying closer then some couples, and instantly dispersed from each other.
"God Jake has anyone ever told you, you snore like an ass." Jeremy said as he stretched out his tiredness.
"I do not! And has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep?" Jake said getting defensive instantly.
"Yeah Jessie has." Jeremy said slightly laughing because Jessie was Jake's girlfriend. Jeremy tried to run out of the cell to avoid being hit from Jake. I laughed slightly and kept started walking with the guard down towards where the trial would be.
"Hey man you gonna be okay to see Jamie again?" Alex said coming up behind me and putting his hand on my shoulder for comfort.
"Honestly it will be hard to see her with Jake, but it'll all be okay once we start our tour tomorrow. I am so excited man!" I said with a genuine smile on my face. I couldn't believe the band was going on the Warped Tour! This was the biggest thing to happen to any of us ever! So pretty much nothing could get me down today. I was so excited to go on tour with all of these amazing bands, and my amazing friends! Nothing could bring me down now!

When I was walking into a room , just outside the court room, I saw a familiar face. It was Skylar! Oh my god I can't believe she's here! I have always had a crush on that girl since like 11th grade, until she started dating Jason. I should have seen that coming, he stole one girl I liked why not another? After Jason started dating Skylar I realized I had no chance and started dating Jamie, but deep down I secretly wished sometimes I would have tried things with Sky.

"Skylar?" I said getting her attention. She looked up at me with her, still gorgeous, hazel eyes that looked swollen with sadness. She recognized me and smile at me despite her frown stained face. Jason told me last time I saw him they broke up, so maybe that's why she's so sad.

"Derek!" She said standing up from her seat revealing her tiny frame dressed in black t-shirt,and jeans, and rocking a Mayday bracelet! She ran over and gave me a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight, and she returned the favor I was so happy to see her.
"Alex! Brooks! Jeremy! Jake!" She said going around to everyone, and hugging them as well. It was so sad to think we used to hang out with her all the time, but once Jason left the band, she left with him.

"How are you guys! I haven't seen you guys in such a long time!" She said coming over and standing by me again.

"Well..It's a long story." I said putting my hand behind my head and looking down at the ground in shame.

"Why are you here?" Jake asked.

"Also a long story, but basically I found out Jason was cheating on me, and kicking me out of the apartment. So I am here to try to fight for the right to stay in the apartment..." She said kind of looking down.

"Wait when did you and Jason break up?" I asked thinking about the situation.

"Like last night."

"Oh my god." I said realizing that Jason was that much of an ass to not only take the girl I liked in high school, take my girlfriend of 5 years, but he also cheated on the girl I liked in high school...


"Me and you have something in common now. We've both been cheated on and we can blame Jason Lancaster." I said semi laughing, and shaking my head.

"Wait he cheated on me with Jamie!?" She said realizing the awkwardness of the situation. I shook my head in disbelief. Just as we realized we were in the same boat, the devils themselves walked into the room.

I looked right into Jamie's eyes as she latched on to Jason's hand. I felt like she was purposely trying to stab me in the heart. She's so heartless. I looked over at Sky who looked like she as about to burst into tears as they walked into the court room. I walked over to her and hugged her.

"We'll do this together okay?" I said whispering in her ear. She nodded in response. God I hope I can help her get through this, hell I hope I can get through this.
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This is just kind of like the back round, the story will have more interesting things happen soon! Let me know if this is a good start!