Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins


"And I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets." ~Revelation 8:2~

My great grandfather was the first Archangel to arrive for the apocalypse. He realized who and what he was, later, shortly before my birth.

Perry Taylor had lived a long, relatively happy life. His son, Declan, had married young and out of that union came my father, Michael.

The world I was born into was harsh back then. It was 1944. The war wasn't quite over yet but people were trying to prepare for better days.

One night, Perry was visited by an unknown angel. This angel brought a message, a prophecy. He explained to my great grandfather that he, along with the rest of his descendants would be given abilities, gifts from God. These gifts would assist them to do an important task, many years from then.

I had always been curious about my great grandfather. People say he was a proud, strong man. Despite the gifts he was graced with, he died just days after I was born.

Perry was the original. He was the beginning of the legacy. It just had to be fate that the prophecy he was told of included me and my future children.

The prophecy spoke specifically of a rainbow-eyed mother of seven. The Seven, as they came to be known as, were the ultimate warriors. They would be sent many years before the apocalypse so they could prepare and multiply.

My name is Aurora Taylor. I am the rainbow-eyed, rainbow-haired mother of The Seven.

Of course, being sixteen, I've yet to have them. But I'm pregnant already. I am married to Christian Desoto. His family was the Second Chosen by angels of God, mine being the First Chosen. This made us royalty.

Christian was polite, patient, and kind, everything expected of a king-to-be. Although he couldn't provide a little mischief when I craved it, my younger sister, Skylar ensured plenty where my husband lacked it.

Skylar is troubled mentally. She speaks of dark things in amusement. I've heard the whispers about her at banquets. It infuriates me.

Although my sister is disturbed, she is kind to me, my husband, and our two best friends, Ezra and Isabella. They adored her and she adored them, although she often lacked the ability to be affectionate with anyone, including me.

She had always felt out of place. She was always fighting with our father, a strict man, much like Perry. When she was fifteen, she began wearing darkened sunglasses so no one could see her eyes.

The day she told me she was pregnant, I was shocked. She was fifteen, unwed, unbetrothed, and royal. No doubt our parents would disown her.

"I want to put this baby up for human adoption." She insisted.

"I could raise the baby until you--"
I began.

"No, Roar. I can't face this child. No...." She paused and I waited patiently for her to come back to the present. She was hurting but she simply refused to show it. She exhaled slowly before removing her sunglasses.

Her bright blue eyes were now a bold purple. It is very common for our kind to have changing eye color but her eyes would be purple forever.

"Does the father know?" I asked gently.

"He's no one. That piece of garbage told me to terminate the pregnancy as if this baby nothing." She grimaced.

Skylar managed to hide out at Ezra's and Isabella's for most of the pregnancy.

The day finally arrived. She gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. She refused to hold her or even look at her. She just wanted her "away".

She returned to the manor two days later. She rarely ate, wouldn't speak, and never removed her sunglasses.

Our parents questioned me and I could tell them nothing. However, I did attempt to persuade Skylar to talk about it. She forbid me to speak of it ever again and I obliged. It was in God's hands and it wasn't my concern in her eyes.

Chris and I were married in early 1960. At the time we had been good friends and now it was awkward. Our wedding night consisted of talking. After a week, we had fallen.

"I'm so relieved you're not sexist, violent, or just mean." I confessed as we lay curled up under our blankets in the dark. It was nearly storming outside and I was still unused to being in a new smaller house, sharing a bed with a boy. My was still strange to me.

"Rory, I've had a crush on you since we were thirteen. I prayed I would be chosen as your husband. The fact that I was selected means I've been blessed. I wouldn't dream of mistreating you." Chris explained.

He put his hands on my face, gently and pressed a soft kiss on my lips. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. I had found everything I wanted or needed in him.

A month later, we discovered I was pregnant. Our kind's children grow quickly in the womb so it only takes 4 months. Once they're born, they only grow quickly in intelligence. They age physically as normal human babies.

As one of our gifts, we have impenetrable skin, unless we desire differently. But, it doesn't harden until age ten. So children are very fragile until then.

My parents threw a celebration feast for the whole kingdom. Clans from all over the world came to see us. Even Skylar attended, wearing tight jeans and a black T-Shirt. The celebration wasn't just for the birth of a royal child. It was also to celebrate Chris and I being inaugurated as king and queen. I was not thrilled at the idea but it's what is expected of me.

As we met with guests, we were approached by several unfamiliar faces. Some of the people made me uncomfortable, including Dimon Red, son of a council member named Damon Red. He was cruel-looking. But I was polite as a queen should be.

Although we were fully prepared for the positions of monarchy, becoming parents was a frightening new task.

Chris fretted about everything. Everyone was expecting me to have seven strong boys. The idea of that much testosterone made me nervous.

Skylar had become distant physically and emotionally. She no longer lived at home but resided up north. She came back every now and then. I missed her alot. So I passed my free time with Isabella.

One afternoon, Chris and I were visiting Ezra and Izzy. We were having lunch. Ezra started picking on me for being so hungry.

Someone snorted and laughed. It was familiar but it wasn't Ezra or Izzy. I turned to see a figure decked in black.

A young woman with black hair past her chest stood in the doorway. She had red streaks in the front of her hair and wraparound sunglasses that hid half her face and her purple eyes I rarely saw.

"Skylar!" I gasped. I rushed to her and threw my arms around her. She stumbled and hugged back.

"Ok, Preggers. Chill out. It's just me." She smirked. Her sharp features that gave her such a volatile appearance were a welcome sight to me.

"Hey, everyone." Skylar waved a hand to Chris, Ezra, and Izzy.

"Hey, Schizo." Chris grinned.

"Chris! Do NOT call her that!" I snapped.

Skylar laughed but it wasn't a humorous laugh. It was forced, polite.

"Roar, I promise you, it's fine. I actually adore the nickname. It's pretty bad-ass."

I frowned at my sister's acceptance of such a horrid title. She sat down and helped herself to food on the table.

"So, you finally come around to enjoying the company of other people, Schizo?" Chris asked.

Her superficial smile made me sad. I sighed and shook my head, smiling sadly.

"Don't get excited. Skylar is only here on business. Right, Sky?"

Skylar smirked again and nodded.

"Actually, yes. How'd you guess?"

"No guessing. I know you. You don't socialize, not even with me. And I know you love me but it's just not in your nature. Talk to me."

"There's been a prophecy." She muttered. Everyone was still and silent.

"So what is it?" I whispered.

"A messenger of Lucifer will come after your daughter, hoping to make her his bride." Sky replied.

"Dimon....I'm having a girl?" I whispered.

"He wants her because of her strength and power. Because she's related to you." Sky looked at me and sighed.

"He won't touch her."

"She's not due for a few years so you have time." Skylar lit a cigar.

"What? Schizo, Rory is due to have the baby anyday now." Chris frowned at my sister.

"Huh?" Her eyebrows raised behind the over-sized shades before she seemed to realize something.

"Oh. Yeah. So you don't have much time." She bit her lip.


"Mm?" She was holding her cigar in the corner of her mouth and reaching into her leather jacket, pulling out a flask, propping her feet up on the breakfast table.

"You have something else to share?" I edged closer and knocked her feet off of the table.

"Uh. Nope. That's all."

"Sky!" I snapped.

"In about 3 years, you'll have another child..."

"Oh, wow." I murmured

"Times seven." Skylar added.

"Seven?! At one time?"

"Yes. You're gonna get huge." Sky snickered.

"Oh my Lord." I breathed.

"They're going to be special. Really special, Aurora." Sky stood and headed for the door.

"He'll come for them." Chris grimaced. Ezra put his arm around my husband's shoulder.

"We've fought together before. I'll be glad to do so again if it comes to that." Ezra assured him.

"God will send them guardians. I don't think they'll need it if they're related to you and Schizo, but I know He will send guardians." Isabella told me.

I nodded and felt a sharp pain in my belly. I winced and clutched it. I slowly lowered myself to the couch. Chris and Schizo were already at my side. I moaned in agony.

"She's coming!" I yelled as Chris got towels and warm water.

After only an hour of pushing, Chris held up the tiny girl, who shrieked loudly. Dr. Regan, the best scientist and doctor of our kind, arrived shortly after and told us she was perfectly healthy. I named her Nerezza. She had pitch black hair and dark blue eyes, like her father.

Schizo managed to sneak away moments later. She never cared for children; another one of our differences.

Nerezza was a needy baby. She loved being the center if attention, especially when we took her to important events with the council and friends and family. Schizo, of course, could not stand her. I didn't mind her absence because Nerezza didn't seem to like Skylar either.

The first year was easy. When she was two and a half, she started getting rude. We were eating at the table by the pool when she spit her food out and shoved the plate away. She started pouting and Chris grimaced.

"Nerezza Layla, you do not spit food out." I scolded. She glared at me and I reached over and smacked her hand.

"And you don't glare at Mama." I raised my voice. She whined and then shoved the plate off the table, causing it to shatter and scatter food.

"Nerezza!" Chris and I yelled. She laughed and he spanked her and put her in time-out. While I was cleaning the mess up, I shook my head.

"She used to be so sweet. I don't understand." I sighed.

"She's probably aware that her mother is afraid and is acting out to distract you." Chris suggested.

I said nothing.

"Rory, I'm afraid too. But if worse comes to worse, we have many people on our side to fight for our children."

I nodded. He was right. But what if it wasn't enough?

The day we found out I was pregnant, we grew concerned about how our three year-old would take it. I walked upstairs to talk to her and when I walked into her room, I gasped.

Her dolls were beheaded and all appendages were removed. The only one that wasn't destroyed broke my heart. It was a doll with her hair colored black and red with markers. She'd been dressed in black and had shades on. And she was hanging from a noose made of string.

It wasn't just hung for decoration. The dolls hands were tied behind her back. Nerezza was playing with a toy car. I sat next to her.

"Nerezza...Mommy needs to talk to you. But first...why did you destroy all of your dolls?"

"Because they were bad." Her sweet childish voice sounded bored.

"What about that one?" I asked.

"The Sky doll?" Her dark eyes widened. I nodded.

"I don't like Auntie Sky. She should die." Nerezza stated blatantly.

"Nerezza, why would you say that?" I croaked.

"She thinks I'm bad. I'm not bad, Mommy." Her black ringlets bounced as she tilted her head to look at me.

"Baby, we don't ever want our loved ones and family members to die. Do not ever say that. Do you understand?" I breathed.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay. So what I wanted to talk to you about..I'm having more babies."

"You mean a baby?"

"I mean seven babies. You're gonna be a big sister."

"I don't wanna be. I don't want them. Don't have them." Her voice was angry. I frowned.

"Nerezza, I'm already carrying them in my belly."

Nerezza froze and stared at me like I was her enemy. I frowned at my daughter. Something wasn't right with her. I stood up and looked at her.

"You'll love me most, right?" She asked.

"Nerezza, I will love you all the same. You're not always going to be the center of attention. I love you but I don't know what is wrong with you. Do not break any more toys. Or you won't have anything to play with."

I took the Skylar doll and left her to clean her room. I looked at the doll. A red line had been drawn over the doll's throat as if it'd been slit. I went looking for Chris and found him in his office going over some documents with Ezra.

I tossed the doll and it's noose on the document so he had to see it. I crossed my arms and paced, staring at him.

"Why did you mutilate and torture a doll that looks like your sister?" Chris snickered.

"I found it in our 3 year olds room. Along with many other deformed and mutilated dolls. She said she thinks "Aunt Skylar should die." Look at this, Christian! She's not right! Something is wrong. That...that child is Desdemona."

"She's what?"

"It means "of the devil". She's evil."

"Rory, I'm not gonna let you talk about our daughter like that. She's just overexposed to movies, games, cartoons, and our issues."

"Christian, I don't feel like she's safe. Especially around these babies. When I brought it up, she told me not to have them because she didn't want to."

"I'll talk to her. Leave it alone for now. Okay?" He went back to work.

Later that night, he came to bed and smiled. I stared, waiting on him.


"She said she wants to be a big sister and she broke the dolls because she was bored and she saw it on a movie that Ezra watched over here." Christian explained.

"And you believe that?"

"Yes. Why would she lie, Aurora?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Because she's not normal!"

"Stop talking about my daughter like that. Good night."

"I'm her mother. I KNOW when my child is sick in the head. What if she acts on the feelings of hatred she has for Skylar or even the babies?" I snapped.

He said nothing.

Things returned to normal but I was still cautious for a few weeks. She was forcing her sweet innocence and I knew she had Chris on her side. I was due in 2 weeks and stressing too much. And when I found out Ezra and Isabella were having seven boys it made me stress more because they couldn't help. Multiple births weren't uncommon in royal families.

I invited Skylar over for dinner. She didn't want to but I told her everything and she agreed to. When she arrived, I saw Nerezza look disgusted. She gave Skylar the cold shoulder. But I felt like Skylar needed to see for herself so I found a way to get Chris away so they were alone.

I felt nauseated by the child but Rory insisted on my presence. We sat at the table and I smirked.

"I hear you're not too fond of Auntie Schizo."

She said nothing.

"I even saw the doll. You slit it's throat before hanging it."


"Creative...but it would be more effective torture if you'd simply puncture an artery or vein and let me bleed out." I murmured, unconcerned with sheltering the brat with my blunt words about violence.

"I think it'd be funner to watch you burn alive." Nerezza stated.

I grinned bitterly. She was a brave one.

"Now. It's rare that anyone bring a smile to my face. Nicely done, Desdemona." I whispered.

"My name is Nerezza."

"Which means 'darkness'. Your mother doesn't choose names simply on how they sound. She looked into your soul when she bore you. She saw what you were. Darkness and evil."

"So what does that make you?" The three year-old smiled softly.

"Touché, little one. Touché. Do you hate your whole family or just me?" I lit a cigar. She sighed.

"Just you." Her eyes were almost black.

"I can't do anything about you yet. But if you hurt anyone...particularly my sister or those certain that I'll lock you up or end you." I inhaled silently.

The child said nothing.

Skylar left after that. She'd told me what Nerezza said. Needless to say, I was terrified of my child and for my child. Christian would not listen. I was concerned for my whole family.

That night as I put Nerezza to bed, she hugged me and told me she loved me. I said it back and went to bed. I didn't speak to Christian.

I was running down a dark corridor, out of breath. Someone was behind me, yelling. I kept going and then I felt hands seize my arms. Seven pairs of pale hands were holding onto me. Then I heard whispers, multiple voices. They were trying to calm me.

I woke up and looked at the time. It was nearly 4 AM. I felt wrong. I went downstairs and saw that the kitchen light was on. I walked in and saw Nerezza sitting at the island counter. She was stirring a mug.

"Baby, what are you doing up?"

"I got thirsty. Want to share, Mama?" She offered me the cup and I took it. It was hot chocolate. I took a few sips and sat down.

"I've been thinking. I don't want you to have the babies. So I need to stop them from being born. But I needed help. And a man came through that window and gave me this." Nerezza smiled as she held up a small vial.

I felt sick. Then sharp stabs of pain twisted in my belly.

The babies inside me were struggling to breathe. Or survive. I looked up and Nerezza was gone.

The room spun and I screamed. Before I knew it, Christian was holding me and I passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been working on this story since I was nine. It is how I coped with my parent's divorce, a rough unstable childhood, loss, love, heartbreak, new love, and possibly new life. I'm finally ready to tell the world about The Seven. Enjoy!