Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins

Reunion or Recruitment?

I felt the chills as I skateboarded up the long driveway to this huge mansion. Kaleb had delivered a letter from my birth aunt along with five other girls, supposedly. We were sisters. Seven girls born to a couple would was killed shortly after we were given up for "human adoption". According to the letter, we'd get the whole story upon our arrival. My sisters names were Arika,Zylia, Cadance, Kenzi and Dahlia. This aunt of ours, Skylar a.k.a Schizo would also tell us about our eldest sister, including her name, upon our arrival as well. I'd finally get to know what the hell I was.

The only reason I showed up to this place was because I dreamt of my sisters and of a woman who was called Schizo. I lingered in the enormous foyer as the huge door swung open. A girl with yellow and black dreadlocks entered. Her eyes were like amethysts.

Other than the color differences and hairstyles, we were identical. I recognized her immediately. I had a flashback of the two of us as toddlers, attacking a bigger girl.

I saw her start grinning and we dropped our bags and ran to each other. She hugged me tight and sighed as if she'd founded what she'd been looking for.
I wasn't alone anymore.

I walked in the door to see two girls embracing. I had a gut feeling these were two of my sisters. I waited patiently for them to seperate before I ruined their reunion. Fortunately, I didn't have to. Two more girls came inside, one with pink ringlets and the other with green pigtails. They were already smiling but once we all saw each other, we laughed.

It was obvious we all thought the letter was a joke. But now, it all fit. We were sisters. As we chatted about how we each spent the last years, someone cleared their throat. We all looked up.

Finding Cadance, my green-haired counterpart was life-changing. Especially as we met with our other sisters. But it was like we were being watched. My thoughts were proved correct when we heard someone clear their throat.

We looked up and a cruel-looking woman stared down at us from the top of the grand staircase.

She wore black pumps, tight black skinny jeans, and a black pea coat. Her hair was straight and black but when she moved her head, it caught the light in red tints or purple tints. I tilted my head, eyeing the black sunglasses that hid her eyes and the cane in her hand. Was she blind?

"No, Kenzi, I am not blind." She smiled evilly.

"Hey. Stay outta my head." I snapped.

She smiled that humorless smile and all six of us shifted as we felt the cold emanating from this woman.

I cringed when I felt the chills again. I had believed our reunion would be a warm one. Not just figuratively speaking. I felt like something bad was about to happen.

This woman's presence didn't make me feel better as I pushed my blue bangs aside. Kenzi looked angry as this woman spoke to her thoughts. Her pink ringlets seemed to coil up with her tense mood. I placed a hand on her shoulder and she relaxed. I started to worry.

Aunt Schizo was weird. She seemed to be picking through our heads, one at a time. Finally, she spoke again.

"I know you all feel it...the chills up your spine...the built-in danger radars. You're right to trust them. Something bad is about to happen. Not specifically to you though. I'm sure you've all noticed, your eldest sister is not present. Her name is Kalo. I didn't send her a letter because I am not supposed to be the one to bring her home. You are supposed to. Right now, she is at her home in North Carolina. She's about to get hurt if you don't leave now." Schizo explained.

She tossed down a keyring with one key on it.

"That goes to the black hummer. Her address is already in the GPS system. Leave now." She demanded.

So this wasn't a reunion. It was a recruitment.

The six of us eyed each other before dropping our bags where we stood and headed for the door in silence. Kenzi drove and the rest of us anxiously awaited until we reached our destination.