Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins

So I Thought


"I don't think she means us any harm, though." Dahlia murmured quietly.

"Me either. If she wanted to hurt us, she'd have done so already. Or at least she'd have attempted." Zylia replied.

I said nothing as I punched the punching bag. I was listening intently but I was still trying to figure out our aunt.

"Maybe this Kalo doesn't exist? Maybe it's an effed up plot to send us all on a retarded hunt for nothing." Kenzi shrugged.

"No, I remember the name. Remember the memories that came back when the guys found us? I heard her name in them. I only see the back of her head. She has snow white hair with black underneath. Or she did." Cadance explained.

We were all beyond frustrated. I spun and kicked the bag so hard it busted open. I stood still, staring at it.

The other girls were quiet. Kennie was watching me. I froze. Someone was listening to us.

Kennie knew too. She was at the door and dragging someone out of the hall and into the gym in seconds. It was a huge guy.

"Riot?" Cadance frowned.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Yeah we grew up together. Did you follow me?" Cadance looked back at him.

Riot smiled.

"Cadance, my dad is the best doctor of your kind...our kind. He delivered you all. None of your family's friends felt right about not keeping an eye on you guys so I was your childhood friend, your mom's best friend Isabella kept an eye on Dahlia and Zylia, her husband Ezra kept an eye on Kennie, Schizo kinda kept an eye on all of you....except Kalo....she disappeared at age seven. No one has found her since." He explained.

"So she DOESN'T exist. That, or she's dead." Kenzi sighed.

"Or she's just being smart and staying on the move." I spoke quietly.

They all looked at me and I stared at the ground, frowning. If Kalo went missing at age seven, she knew she was different and she knew someone was looking for her. Which probably meant someone was looking for us, too.

The door opened and Aidan along with his brothers, came in and smiled softly.

It turns out, as children, our parents had promised us to Ezra and Isabella's sons. So Aidan and I were betrothed as well as his brothers to my sisters. I smiled softly at the idea.

Aidan gestured for me to follow him. I walked towards the door, not needing to say a word to my sisters because they were already caught up in their men.

Aidan took me to the foyer and we went through a door and I gasped. We were in a huge room that looked like we were in space. It was beautiful. He had music playing.

Whatever it was, it was so fitting. I turned to him and hugged him as tight as I could. He had no complaints as he slipped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.


Kaleb was shy and I adored having someone to make blush. It was easy and it made me feel invincible when he smiled at me.

We were in the arcade with Kenzi and Evangelos. They were playing a dance game and it was fun to watch. I took Kaleb's hand and sighed. He relaxed and smiled happily.


Lyric didn't like Riot but Riot had nothing on Lyric when it came to looks or talent. Lyric was gorgeous and was amazing at guitar. He also liked being outside as much as I did so we spent alot of our time in the garden, my new favorite place.

We danced around barefoot and lay under the stars. He sighed as if being with me made him feel peaceful.

I kissed him and his eyes lit up. I knew the feeling.


Taking me to the huge library was definitely getting Zachariah brownie points with me. I almost fainted at the huge shelves of books that were at least twenty, maybe twenty-five feet high.

"I thought if we'd have anything in common it'd be this. I wasn't too sure you'd have the same passion for the car garage." He laughed.

"You have a car garage too?! Like, you work on them? Can I see that next?" I squeaked.

Zach laughed and nodded.

"Of course, this is all yours pretty much, anyway. You're all royalty remember? Your aunt is queen right now so it shouldn't be an issue." He explained.

I smiled up at my new heaven and then at my new angel.


Daniel spun me around and buried his face in my hair as I played with his. Our feet didn't stop moving to the song.

With him, I wasn't clumsy. I was as graceful as a ballerina and he spun me like one. I giggled breathlessly. He let go and as I sailed backward to the floor, I didn't panic because he caught me around my waist. I smiled and he pressed a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.


I took the hit like a man and spat my blood at the male as I knocked him out.

I straightened my hood and carried my backpack through the halls. This was the most important mission I had ever given myself and I wasn't about to let this guy stop me.


I felt the familiar shiver go up my spine. It was the same feeling I had felt when Rory had been attacked so many years ago.

I hissed and raced to the door, leaving my business associates staring after me.

I caught my private jet home. It couldn't go fast enough. I was dying from the anxiety. I sucked on my fangs. This feeling was never a good one and no matter how hard I focused I couldn't see a vision that was trying desperately to flood my mind.

When the plane landed, I leapt down from the door, not bothering with the stairs. I raced on foot to the Manor. No car could beat me as the trees and streets blurred past me. I was practically invisible.

When I arrived to the gates of the Manor, I identified myself with the guards unnecessarily and questioned about any strange activity. He was quick to alert me about an intruder.

The intruder had hopped the high walls and was unaffected by the poisonous herbs that were suposed to prevent that. I growled and went inside, racing through the Manor. I hurried down to the secret room, beneath the Manor's basement, where my sister and her husband's bodies had been placed for safe-keeping. I threw open the door and gazed in rage and horror at the now empty coffins.


I stared at the house where I had been born. Tears flowed freely and I knew why. I could feel almost everything I had felt then; joy, love, anger, fear, and then loneliness.

I went inside and the memories hit me like a train. They flooded my mind fast, most of them blurs for the moment. But then I saw my mother, clear as day. She was beautiful and young.

And that was not all. My six younger sisters' smiling faces appeared. They were all adorable toddlers. I wondered what they looked like now.

Then I pondered why Schizo didn't want me to see them yet. It hurt a little. But, I'm sure I had scared Schizo nicely today.


"Son of a BITCH!" I roared. I spun and raced to my office, calling over the loudspeaker for the girls to meet me in my office.

They took their sweet ass time and when they all arrived I spoke quickly.

"You know how I mentioned your parents' hearts had been stolen? Well, now so have their bodies. I'm not sure who or why..." Then I knew.

"Kalo." I muttered.

"Why would our own sister show up and steal our parents' bodies?" Zylia asked.

"Because she was keeping our hearts safe." A female answered.

In the doorway, looking as young, healthy, and gorgeous as they had when they died, stood Christian and Aurora Desoto.
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