Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins

Your Turn


I stared at my sister who was staring at her six daughters. I saw the tears in her eyes and I stayed quiet to give her this moment.

The girls still looked like they were sixteen or seventeen but they had the intelligence of 25 year old women.

Dahlia was the first to throw her arms around her mother. Rory sobbed and kissed Dahlia's face. She held them all individually and then they shared a group hug with both of their parents.

The sight made me uncomfortable. I was happy that my sister was back and that she was reunited with her daughters but I didn't like intruding on their reunion and I was secretly jealous that I could never have this. So, although it made me feel shitty doing so, I interrupted.

"So, Kalo had your hearts?" I asked.

It was Chris who answered me.

"Yes. She put them back and we only had time to catch a glimpse of her before she disappeared. My guess is she's been encountering some of Dimon's handymen and kept them when she found them."

Dimon had never been accused for the crime legally. He had been free to come and go as he pleased, because of his daddy. But, now that Rory and Chris were back, they were proof of his betrayal.


My daughters had grown into beautiful, strong young women and I could not help but to be so proud. They all had their special gifts and talents. They also had unique personalities.

Schizo excused herself, no doubt to alert the Council of my return. Chris and I sat with our daughters and they each told us their stories. Some parts of each story brought us all to tears or laughter.

They were all very much like me and Chris, aside from Arika, who favored my sister. I still enjoyed the reality of her smile, pleased that it wasn't forced or tense. But then my mind drifted to my missing daughter, the one who had brought us back and then disappeared.


I grunted as I hit the ground. A couple of demons had been tracking me and although I was surprised to see that they had odd guns, that didn't stop me from avoiding the shots.

After last time I was not taking any chances. I hid behind a dumpster and waited for one to come around. I kicked the gun from his hand and brought my hand up and hit him in the face and a beam of light burst from my fingertips and his mouth opened and a black smoke came out and whirled away with the wind, like a ghost.

The man looked around, his eyes no longer black, but hazel. He looked confused. I hid him behind the dumpster and told him to make a run for it when I ran. He frowned but nodded and when I ran, he obeyed.

He made it away but I very nearly got hit. I took out the others using my fingertip light and then I found a cheap motel and got a room. I dumped the contents of my backpack onto the bed.

I had two other changes of clothes, two hunting knives, two .50 Desert Eagles, and about ten clips for them. I sighed. I wondered what my parents were doing and how Schizo was taking my sneakiness.

No doubt, Mom and Dad were bonding with my sisters and probably wondering why I left again. I knew it was too complicated to stay so I booked a flight back to Moscow to find a clan. I used common sense to figure out there was one in almost every major city of every state or country and why not start there?


"Don't you dipshits find it convenient that Lord Red and his son have fled upon the return of the Desotos?" I snapped as I glared at the Council.

"Watch your mouth, Your Highness. We are still able to remove you from your throne--" Lord Tyler began.

"Uh, no. You can't. The whole Council has to vote me off. And you're missing a member." I.smirked.

Lord Red's betrayal would come in handy.

"So. I'm going to kill them both because they've committed high treason. You can't object now or ever. And by the way, I'm stepping down and my sister, Aurora will be ascending to the throne." I spun on my heel and Rory followed me, a confused look on her face.


"I'm over it. It's your turn." I replied, before she could try persuading me to keep the throne.

"Fine. But, what will you do now?" Rory asked, her rainbow eyes flaring in question.

"Same thing I did before; run businesses. I have a few things to catch up on. So do you, Your Highness." I smirked and hurried out.


I really wanted to smack Schizo for shoving the kingdom back on me the day I came back to life. It was pretty unfair but she seemed pretty caught up in something so I let it go.

But I also knew she had met Kalo recently. I only knew because I overhead her thoughts when she was thinking about it. They had fought after Kalo had discovered where Schizo was keeping Chris and me.

I could not understand why Kalo wouldn't stay, even long enough to talk to me. But I knew if I wanted to, I could track her. My blood pumps through her veins. I would not pursue her however. She'd come home in her own time.

I went down to the garage where Zylia was teaching Kennie about cars. Zachariah was teaching Arika about motorcycles. The other girls were talking about their new love interests.

"So how's love treating you girls?" I asked, a knowing smile on my face.

They all beamed shamelessly.

"It's amazing. Daniel wants to get married soon." Dahlia blushed.

"Same thing with Evangelos." Kenzi winked.

The others nodded and I smiled at their joy. I had met with and spoken to the gentleman, giving them my blessing. All but one brother had been present. I frowned and pulled Zachariah aside. I spoke telepathically and blocked everyone else out so only the two of us could hear each other's thoughts.

"Where is Desmond?" I asked in my mind.

Zachariah grimaced and sighed before replying.

"He took off not long after the girls' sixteenth birthday. No one has seen or heard from him since. He was depressed because Kalo couldn't be found. Our guess is that he's out looking for her. But, none of us know for sure. I'm sorry, Your Highness." Zachariah explained anxiously.

"Don't worry. It isn't your fault, dear." I assured him and sent him back to teaching.

I sighed and went to find my husband.


It wasn't hard to find the clan. They found me. I had started a fight in a big bar and a guy got me out and escorted me to a huge mansion.

"Nice. Mine's bigger." I smirked.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me along by my arm all the way inside and downstairs. It was in the depths of the mansion where I met the head of the clan, Lord Romanov.

"You've been causing a lot of trouble for me." He smiled blandly.

"I'm a sucker for a good fight."

"Much like your aunt." He tilted his head.

I rolled my eyes. Of course I'd be compared to her here. I glared up at him and sighed.

"I have a proposition for you."


I exhaled slowly as I walked down the streets of Greece. I had been here for about three years. No one knew but Schizo Desoto. She had recently tried to persuade me to come home. I told her to piss off.

She would never understand why I couldn't. Until I found Kalo, I didn't have a home. And every year it seemed a little more of her vanished. She would be twenty-five in years now. I chewed my lip and stared out at the Mediterranean Sea. The sun reflected off of it beautifully and I craved to show it to her.

I wondered if she had ever been to Greece? Does she know that Perry Taylor, her great-great grandfather came from here? I pondered and sat on the edge of the dock. I looked down into the water and sighed. Maybe I'd never find her. Maybe she didn't wanna be found. Who was I to force my way into her life? Maybe it was time I let least, for a while.