Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins



The fact that Desmond was being such a woman about Kalo's evasiveness irritated me. Real men would accept it and deal with it. He was so sure he had to be the one to find her.

Of course, I could have taken the easy route by telling him where she was, but I don't like people not working for their rewards. So I left him to his own ideas and went about my business in Greece.

Now that Rory was taking over the kingdom, massive weights had been lifted from my shoulders. Now I could focus on my many businesses.

I ran several nightclubs that were a cover. I used said clubs to hunt demons. Demons were drawn to sin and let's face it; sin occurs frequently in clubs. I also arranged fights in the clubs, in cages. It was much like mixed martial arts and kick boxing. People paid good money to see assholes get their asses beat.

I arrived in Brooklyn and when I got to my club, I went into my office and got smacked in the face with a vision.

All I could see was Rory's head down and blood dripping from her face. She was too weak to support her own head but she was whispering a prayer and then she lifted her head.

"Kalo...." She whispered.

Before the vision ended, she hung her head again and passed out. I winced. The problem with some of my visions is that sometimes I could tell the exact date and time it would occur, others it could happen five seconds from now or ten years into the future. This was one of the undetermined visions.


I left Russia and headed towards Ireland. I'd always wanted to see it. I was not disappointed with what I found. It was gorgeous. Finding the clan was a little more simple but apparently I'm a giveaway because I was approached by a young woman and she asked if I was from the manor.

I nodded and she told me to follow her. We went upstairs in a pub and that was where I met with the leader of the clan.

He was tall with dark hair and blue eyes. He seemed young in appearance but old in his ways. He smiled and offered me a drink. I accepted.

"You look just as the prophecy said you would." He spoke in a heavy Irish accent.

I tilted my head in confusion. I was unaware of any prophecy. I asked him about it and he paused.

"You don't know your own destiny? The prophecy says "A snow and night-haired warrior with gold-flecked eyes shall unite us against evil and lead with a sword of light." Your eyes have gold in them. Your hair is black and white, like night and snow. I'm Thomas. Let's see if you can keep up, warrior."

We drank together for hours and I knew he would be a great ally. When I left the pub, I decided to stay awhile. Thomas had welcomed me graciously and I checked into a motel for the night.

I lay on top of the covers with my Desert Eagles in each hand. I crossed my ankles and sighed as I closed my eyes. I thought of my family and friends. I started dozing off shortly after.

I looked around and I was in a clearing in some woods. There was a man with black hair, facing away from me.

"This is where I saw you....when I wanted to think of you. I'd come here and the memories just....came to me." He murmured.

He turned and I breathed a sigh of relief. It was my white and gold-eyed young man. His skin was tan, making his eyes shine brighter. He was tall and lean and beautiful.

"I was scared you would forget me." He smiled shyly.

"What's your name?" I asked.

His smile faltered and he frowned. He looked down at the ground, looking heartbroken.

"So you don't remember me." He sighed.

"Please...tell me your name so I can remember." I begged.

"My name is---"

Shattering glass awoke me from my dream. I pointed the Desert Eagles in the direction of the sound. Someone had broken in through the window of my motel room. I jumped up onto the foot of my bed.

"Tell me your name or I'll shoot!" I yelled, my voice echoing, sounding robotic.

"You don't need to know the name of death."

He came at me and I fired. The bullets didn't stop him so I jumped off the foot of the bed and tackled him. I was still angry that he had prevented me from learning my dream guy's name. My body was radiating my rage and my palms lit up and the body collapsed as the smoky essence of the demon evaporated.


The boys had all finally decided to propose to my girls. They were thrilled, even Arika. I was the one to plan out the ceremonies. We would do one every day for six days so each girl had her own individual day. We did it in birth order.

Seeing my girls get married made me cry. I had been permitted by God to witness such a big part of their lives. They were all grown up now. It hurt that I had been blessed with so many children and I didn't get to see any of them grow up. But I was thankful for this.

Kennie had chosen to be married on the front lawn. She wore a beautiful white strapless gown that had a long train. The back appeared to be tied closed by many ribbons and it revealed a lot of her sides and back. It was edgy but formal.

Arika had decided to be married in the planetarium. She surprisingly wore a white gown with a corset in the front with red laces. She looked happier than she ever had as a child.

Zylia had chosen to be married on the grand staircase of the manor. It was enchanting to see her stand at the top of the stairs in a Cinderella ball gown that had lacy straps.

Cadance, my nature-loving hippie chose to be married in the garden. She wore a simple white halter-top flowy gown. She was barefoot and had her pigtails down, letting her hair flow down her shoulders.

Kenzi had chosen to be married in the backyard, by the pool. Her dress was not floor-length as her sisters' dresses had been. It was just past her knees and it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. The bodice had pale pink buttons going up. Her beautiful pink curls made it look so unique and fun.

Dahlia's ceremony, however, was the one to ignite my emotions. She had chosen to be married where Chris and I had been married. We were married in the woods, behind the manor. Their was a gazebo covered in vines of jasmine and honeysuckle. The path from the entrance of the woods, to the stairs of the gazebo was lit with twinkly lights, as was the gazebo itself.

Dahlia had selected a beautiful gown. It was white and the sleeves were off-shoulder lace. Her bodice was pale blue buttons, similar to Kenzi's dress. The back was see-through flowery lace. The train was at least 3 feet. Her bold blue hair made the dress seem to glow. The whole scene was elegant and whimsical.

"It's just like our wedding." Chris whispered during Dahlia's wedding. I looked at him and felt butterflies all over again as I gazed into his bright blue eyes.

He was right. It was the same place, the same vibe. And it was full of love and hope.
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