Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins

Don't Hold Back


I sighed as I watched the body burn. I was exhausted with this and I was nearing desperation when it came to the guy in my dreams. Thomas' prophecy came to mind and I closed my eyes as the cool wind blew my hair around my face.

I decided to return to the States. Something was calling me back there.


"She's fine, Schizo. Relax. I'm keeping a good eye on her." Chris tried to assure me.

I had been calling every two hours to check on Rory for the past few weeks. She knew why. She always did. When we were younger I'd get visions of her falling out of bed or down some stairs and I'd check on her constantly. She was used to it. This time she knew it was serious but she had no worries.

"The Lord brought me back for somethin'." She laughed in the old Southern accent that she only let slip around friends and family.

I had pursed my lips in frustration. She had taken to avoiding me after, hence my conversation with Chris.


I couldn't stop dreaming about demons and blood. I was beginning to scare myself. Aidan had been trying to help me but the nightmares wouldn't cease.

I went to go talk to Zylia or Cadance. If Zylia couldn't give me a scientific explanation or cure, Cadance could hopefully give me the spiritual and emotional ones.

As I passed Kennie's room, I heard her heavy breathing loud and clear, even through the thick oak doors and walls. At first, I cringed, believing I was overhearing Kaleb and Kennie's passionate newlywed fever.

But that was before I heard the retching. I stopped and ran into her room. I winced at all of the yellow and purple brightness and rushed into her bathroom. She was curled over the toilet, vomiting.

"Knocked up, huh?" I smirked.

Kennie didn't even look up but I heard her laugh.

"Yeah, and you're payin' child support." She panted.

"Tell Kaleb yet?"

"Literally just found out. Rhythm took one look at me, laughed, and told me I already had "the glow"." Kennie snorted and vomited some more.

"Huh. So that's another one of her gifts; baby radar." I joked.

"She said it's pheromone and hormone levels. She apparently has the nose of a bloodhound or German shepherd. She taught herself the smell of different hormones. Testosterone, estrogen, and..... human chorionic gonadotropin....or hcg....the pregnancy hormone." Kennie explained.

She sat up straight, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. She sighed and flushed the toilet. I sat down next to her.

"How do you feel?" I asked softly.

"How do ya think? I'm puking up breakfast and last night's dinner." She scoffed.

I stared at her and she nodded, waving a hand at me. She looked down for a moment before looking back at me. She smiled.

"I'm excited. It's a whole new feeling. Thinking that there's a tiny person growing inside me…it's amazing. It makes you grow up in a second." Kennie murmured.

"I'm glad you're happy. You should tell Kaleb. He'll be thrilled." I smiled and stood.

"Yeah, I plan to--" She began.

Several girl giggles approached us and Kenzi, Dahlia, and Zylia came in, beaming. They stared at Kennie's position on the floor and smiled bigger.

"You too?" Kenzi smirked.

"All three of you?" I snorted.

Cadance walked in behind them and grinned. She looked me up and down.

"Actually, all of us. You included, Arika." Cadance smiled.

I stared in shock. No way I could have a baby. I wasn't fit for it. I'd either hurt it on accident or be a horrible parent....

"No, Arika. You'll be an amazing mother. I've seen it." The person reassuring me was not my sisters but Schizo, who lingered in the doorway behind them. She smiled awkwardly and I somehow felt better.

"This family just keeps getting bigger and bigger." Kennie joked.


I hung around in Los Angeles for a while. It was big and I didn't stand out too much, which was a big requirement.

I often felt watched but if there was anyone truly there, I'd have noticed. I was being paranoid.

Strangely enough, I didn't come across many demons in that city which was odd. Usually, the bigger the city, the more demons I encountered.

After L.A. I went to Las Vegas. Surely, there'd be some there. I was right. Almost every alley had one or two lingering, waiting for an intoxicated human to stumble along.

I often played their game. Several nights, I'd stumble drunkenly down and alley with a hood over my white hair. When the demons took the bait, I removed my hood and took them out.

I had stopped dreaming about my nameless mystery man. It infuriated me beyond belief but I mostly dreamt of battles and war. But, if I was lucky, every now and then I'd have a peaceful dream about a big beautiful garden and my rainbow-haired mother.

I had only been able to catch a glimpse of my father and mother as I reinserted their hearts. My mother's eyes had almost stopped me in my tracks. They were multicolored like her hair but when they had opened, the irises were pure white, and her big pupils, black as night. I had enough time to watch as the other colors swirled back in, nearly covering all of the white except for one small sliver.

Then those eyes started to turn towards me and I ran. I couldn't face her yet. I wanted her to be able to bond with my sisters individually before I returned, as well as the fact that I had things to tend to.


I swung my sword high and brought it down. It met Skylar's with a metallic crash. I spun and she still dodged it but she brought her sword under and I danced back, beyond it's reach.

"You've been dead for 25 years and you're still better than me."

Skylar scoffed as I stuck my foot out and tripped her, bringing her to her knees and holding my sword to her throat.

"I wouldn't say I'm better. Just more focused, at the moment. Stop thinking about it. I'm fine." I told her.

I could tell behind her shades, those purple and red eyes were boring into my face.

I stood straight and she followed suit. We stood in the room where we used to train with each other before our father.

He wanted us to train with each other because he knew how difficult it was for us. As children and teenagers, we had always been reluctant to attack one another.

But Father had insisted on us giving it our all, even if we hurt the other. That never happened because both of us could hold our own, most of the time.

"You aren't holding back anymore."

We both looked up to see our father, standing in the doorway. He looked stern as always and I felt the air turn cold. The cold was emanating from my sister.

Skylar had no patience for our father. It seemed as if he enjoyed pushing her as far as she could go. She was never fond of being pushed. I tensed as he walked into the room.

Usually he was too busy with the Council. I had seen him only once since Kalo had brought me back. He never stuck around us for very long, especially the both of us. I knew he could withstand my presence longer than Skylar's because she made him uncomfortable. Sky prided herself on that.

"We never do, no matter how badly we wish to." I replied.

"Aurora, my dear, you always were quick on your feet. Very good."

I said nothing to his compliment because I was waiting to see if he'd speak to Skylar at all. When he said nothing to her, I lost my temper.

"Have you nothing to say to Skylar? Do you care how she's been? What she's been upto?" I snapped.

"Roar, don't worry about it. I've never cared for his opinion and I never will." Skylar smiled tightly.

"That was always the issue, wasn't it? You cared about no one's opinion. You were an embarrassment to this family and you found it amusing." Father spoke calmly but his tone was bitter.

"The issue was that you had to have everyone's approval. You didn't live your life with any purpose. I have a purpose and I'm pursuing my destiny the way God wants me to." Skylar snapped.

"God would never approve of your behavior. Nor do I." He replied.

"Stop it! Is there a reason you're here? What do you want?" I snapped.

My father sighed and looked at me. He looked anxious and concerned. What on Earth could do that to him?

"I came to warn you." He murmured.

"Warn me about what?" I frowned.

"Nerezza. She has returned."
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