Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins

Life is Beautiful


My mother, father, aunt, sisters and brothers in-law were all bound to chairs with thick steel chains and I looked closer to see an herb wrapped in their chains. It was the same herb the was used as barbwire around the Manor walls.

It weakened our kind and was poisonous if ingested. Which explained why they weren't able to break the chains. But it wasn't stopping Aunt Schizo from trying. My mother had her head bowed and at first I feared I was too late.

But then she raised it and I realized she had been praying. I sighed in relief and as I stepped into the room, a male voice rang out.

"Another step and I inject this into your mother's heart. The needle is made by demons in hell so it will pierce her skin."

The man stood by my mother, a syringe in his hand. It had a mucky green fluid in it and I froze.

"It's made of this same herb wrapped around their bindings. So don't test me." He was dressed in all red and I suddenly had a flashback to him standing in my mother's doorway.

"Dimon Red?" I asked.

"Ah. You remember me. Good."

"What do you want with my family?"

"Them? They were just to lure you in. You are the real target." He smiled deviously and I smiled blandly.

"The question is...whose target am I?" I tilted my head.

I had sent Desmond to get the Council members. For now, I planned on stalling. Dimon laughed.

"Oh you'll see soon enough." He walked into the center of the throne room and held his arms out. He had left the syringe in my mother's lap.

"If you wish to challenge my strength, do it. I've gotten stronger and I have a few powers of my own so even the great warrior of the prophecy should be easy to defeat."

I grinned.

"I've gotten stronger as well, dear Dimon."

I smirked enough for my fangs to extend and I felt ripples of static going up and down my body. I glanced at my hands. Electricity was sparking like crazy. It was like I was containing lightning and it was trying to break free.

Dimon's eyes weren't the only ones to widen. Everyone but my mother looked surprised. She simply smiled. I walked towards Dimon who didn't look so sure of himself now.

He still charged at me and I punched him in the chest. A bolt of lightning shot through his body and he flew across the floor. His body trembled from the shock but then he stood shakily and came back at me.

I smiled and held my hands together over my chest, in concentration, feeling a decent sized ball of electricity forming between my hands. I shoved my hands outward and a white ball of lightning hit him square in the chest. I heard Kennie and Arika laugh.

"Enough." A female voice echoed through the room.

A young woman with black curls and dark blue eyes stepped from behind the throne and stopped next to my mother. I tilted my head in recognition. She stared at me with hatred and I laughed.

"Well. This explains the entire situation!" I snorted.

"I'm glad it amuses you. I'm threatening to kill your whole family and you think it's funny." She smirked.

"Who the hell are you?" Kennie snapped.

"Oh so you didn't warn them about me." The woman glared down at my mother with hatred.

"I knew Kalo would get here in time." Mother answered solemnly.

"Not this time."

The angry woman raised the syringe but before she brought it down, I was across the room, seizing her arm.

I shocked her so hard the syringe melted. She screamed and I snapped her arm. Dahlia gasped and I knew she just recognized the bone-snapping noise.

"Girls, say hello to our big sister, Nerezza." I scoffed.

I dropped her arm and she glared up at me. I turned to see Dimon charging back at me. I ducked and flipped him over me. He drew a sword and I heard the double doors open.

"Kalo!" Desmond threw me a sword as Dimon swung. I caught the sword and met Dimon's with a crash. I grunted and we danced around avoiding the other's blade. I was getting frustrated and I let out a noise of fury and shoved the sword through his stomach, noticing the silver steel blade was white-hot.

He screamed in agony and I withdrew it and walked towards Nerezza who was waiting with a sword. Fighting with her was much harder and tiring. She was skilled, fast, and careful. But she was also arrogant. Her arrogance helped me get her to stumble back and plant the blade through her heart.

Nerezza gasped and I felt pity fill me as I looked into her eyes. But what truly broke my heart was seeing my mother's eyes. She was sobbing quietly. As I lay Nerezza on the floor, my mother panted in sadness. Her first child may have been evil but it was still her child.

"I'm sorry, Mama." I whispered.

I couldn't look at her as I freed everyone. I let Dad release her. She probably couldn't talk to me for a while now. Before I left the throne room, a pair of gentle hands turned me around and pulled me into an embrace. My mother cried as she held me, smoothing my hair down.

"You had to do it. Don't leave." She murmured.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and nodded into her hair. I sighed in relief. No more running around. No more wondering if demons would kill me in my sleep. No more loneliness.

She finally let go and Desmond took my hand, leading me to the kitchen to cook me dinner. We were alone and quiet as he made biscuits and gravy with eggs, sausage, and bacon. My favorite. When he was done, he slid the plate across the island counter.

I picked up my fork but before I ate anything, I smiled. Spelled with bacon were the words "Marry me?"

I looked up at Desmond and grinned, nodding my head. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me, finally. When our lips met we both jumped back at the tiny shock. I laughed.

"Sorry, I'm new at this electricity thing."

"I don't mind at all."

When I had finished eating, someone cleared their throat. In the kitchen doorway stood my sisters and their husbands and newborn babies. I smiled and they silently sat around me. I held each of their children and met their husbands, Desmond's brothers.

"This is the biggest family I've ever heard of." I laughed.

"And it's just gonna keep growin'." Schizo stood in the doorway.

"Congratulations to you all." She murmured and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the top of the refrigerator and left us.

Over the next few months, Desmond and I were married and had welcomed a son. We named him Charles. It was strange. After we had been married, we had gone into his bedroom and...well, we made Charlie. But then when we were done, I stepped into the bathroom and left the door open.

Suddenly, Desmond had screamed and I ran back to the room. He was writhing on the floor and bolts of tiny lightning pulsed through him. I gasped and held him. While the lightning pulsed, small symbols or words in another language formed across his chest. It stopped after a few minutes.

"I'm contagious, I guess....I'm sorry, Des." I whispered.

"Don't be. It was binding us. It was happening on your arm when we were....ya know. I guess it didn't hurt you because you were struck by a way bigger lightning bolt. I'm great."

Charlie was born with the electric abilities I had passed to Desmond. It was pretty handy at getting him to sleep. All I had to do was light up my index finger and let him hold it and he was out. He was a simple yet highly intelligent baby.

Over the next three years, life at the Manor was quiet for us as I had asked my mother to remain queen and we kept growing our family. Kennie had twin boys named Johnny and Jack. Arika had a daughter named Helena. Dahlia had Dexter. And I had Gloria. She was the spitting image of Desmond as Charlie was. My white hair only poking through the black instead of covering it. Their eyes were white with no gold.

It wasn't until 1993 that things started getting difficult. Schizo was becoming an alcoholic because of her painful migraines from seeing the future. Her constant rants about the end were scaring our kids and frankly we were getting pissed. So the seven of us cornered her in the gym.

"I knew you would do this." She sighed.

She sipped her bottle of whiskey as she sat straddling a chair.

"You guys need to train." She added.

"For what?" Kennie asked.

"Everything. You need to be ready for anything and playing house and ignoring who you are completely is getting frustrating." She snapped, her head swaying on her neck as if it were heavy.

"She's right."

We turned to see our mother in the doorway. She looked sad. She stepped forward.

"Sky is being far more harsh about it but it's true. You should be training."

"Training how?" Kenzi asked.

"Against each other." Schizo scoffed.

"You mean, fight each other?" Dahlia frowned.

Schizo and Mom nodded. I stared between them as if they were psychotic. I shook my head.

"No. Not happenin'." I answered.

"It's the best and hardest kind of training. We know all about it, right, Rory Nova?" Schizo laughed softly and we all stared.

"Rory Nova?" I asked our mother.

She blushed slightly and Schizo snorted as she raised her bottle. She hopped to her feet and walked towards us gracefully somehow.

"Aurora Supernova Taylor. Desoto, now of course. Our parents were over-creative." Schizo informed us.

"We're still not fighting each other." Kennie snapped.

"Oh, yes. You are. Because you don't have a choice." Schizo threw a dagger in Kennie's direction and just before it reached her face, Arika snatched it out of the air, a glare on her face.
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