Status: Whether you're religious or not, this story includes biblical quotes so don't get all sensitive. It's just a story.

The Seven: Origins



I have no recollection of anyone before I came to my current mother, Rose. Her daughter, Lily, was very gracious about me being there. I had been a little blessing to them both. Rose was a kind woman.

The only thing I really remembered from my childhood, aside from having dreams of a rainbow-haired woman whose face remained a mystery, was meeting a girl like me, in the second grade.

She had been shy but smart. She had been very clumsy. Her hair was so blue and her eyes were bright yellow, like the sun. I remember defending her from some kid who was making fun of her.

But then we had been put in seperate classes and I never saw her again. She had reminded me of something or someone. It angered me that I didn't question her about her name or anything like that. She had been the closest thing I had to knowing if I really was inhuman.

Lily, my adopted sister, was rebellious but then again, I was born a rebel. By the age of thirteen, I had been escorted home by police countless times. I liked to argue and I had mastered the beautiful language of sarcasm.

By age sixteen, I'd actually been arrested about three or four times. I pitied my mom for it but I was drawn to trouble.

At seventeen, I had accepted I was not normal. The things I could do proved it.

On my twenty-fifth birthday, I left. I wasn't changing physically. In appearance, I was just as I was at age seventeen.

I roamed through many states, wondering what my purpose was. Why would someone like me have so many gifts and no purpose? I knew there had to be a reason I was made.

One day, I was skateboarding on a sidewalk and very nearly busted my ass if not for the person who caught my arm. The second our skin touched, I saw a bunch of toddlers with bright hair.

I focused on the little boy with yellow and black hair and big purple eyes. He was smiling at me.

"Come on, Kennie!" He laughed.

The vision ended and I looked up at who had caught me. It was a guy about my age. He had black roots and yellow hair that was a mess. His eyes were like bold amethysts. The only other time I had seen eyes like those was in the vision and in my reflection.

I stared at him. He smiled awkwardly. He shifted uncomfortably and sighed.

"Long time, no see, huh?" He murmured.

"K..Kal...Kaleb?" I stuttered, trying to recall his name. He beamed.

"You remember me?"

I nodded slowly. He pulled me to the park bench and we sat down.

"I brought you something." Kaleb mumbled, handing me an envelope.

The front was blank and I went to open it. Kaleb watched in anticipation.

I unfolded the paper and read