Status: Completed




That was the first thing he ever said to Charlie. She had been sat at the back of the Detention room, when he plopped right next to her. Charlie had practically had a heart attack right where she sat. When she looked up, she saw beautiful chocolate orbs and a mop of light brown curls, but mostly his eyes. In the brown, there were slight flecks of golden yellow and around the iris, was a ring of gold.

"Yours?" he smirked

"Charlie" She answered in awe

"And whats a pretty little lady like you doing here?" he asked, heat rising in her cheeks

"Uh forgot my homework..." Charlie shrugged

"Oooo, rebel!"

If Charlie's cheeks could get any redder, they would've. This brought a goofy grin upon Harry's face. He opened his mouth to comment on it, but the detention room's door was slammed.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Mr.Cassidy bellowed

Silence fell upon the pupils as they waited for what he has to say.

"I can't trust your for one second, can I?" he shook his head

Mr.Cassidy collapsed in the cushioned chair at the front. His eyelids slid closed and everyone started whispering.

"Let's go"

"Huh?" Charlie turned to face the boy again

"Let's leave" He shrugged "Go to Mcdonalds or something. It's better than here"

"No, I don't wanna get another detention"

"Please! If you don't like it, then you can come straight back. Promise!" Harry's eyes got larger and rounder, while his bottom lip jutted out.

"Fine!" Charlie gave in

And that was their first date.

She was a junior when that happened and now she was graduating, hand-in-hand with Harry. No one ever expected the good girl and the bad boy to fall in love, but Charlie was glad it did.

"Are you scared?" Harry whispered in her ear

"Nah, if I can handle your face every day, then it can't be that bad" Charlie giggled

"Love you too" he muttered

"I'm sorry"

"say 'I'm sorry, King Badass' "

"What? No!" She laughed

"I'll tickle you" he warned

"C'mon, Harry! That's not fair!" She whined

He poked her side and a giggle escaped her lips. He poked her other side and she was screaming.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry, Doctor Badass!" She shrieked

"Close enough" He winked

"Dick" She huffed

Harry's name was called and he flicked her cap and left. Charlie watched as he collected his certificate, knowing he was the one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi! I'm new to mibba and I wrote this one shot about 3 years ago, when I was like 12, haha. I just wanted to get something up and out there. Sorry if it's horrible. I'm working on a You Me At Six story at the moment, so look out for that.