Status: R.I.P Jimmy (The Rev) F<3R3V3R Active! <3

You Belong Here

I choose you!

"Don't try anything this time we don't need another family screaming and jumping all over the place." Cynthia said in a stern tone.

"Hey, they had it coming no one comes In here and calls me a hitch then adopts my sister, and they Were not just jumping and screaming they were all over and running." I smirked and beast started choking on her laughter.

"r-r-remember when she was like ' they' re is something in my shirt' and y-you were like 'ohh, that's just Rodney he likes the boobies'!!" she choked out while wiping tear out of her face and I started laughing.

"Yeah! and then I put the daddy long legs on the guys head and he started screaming and crying." we laughed and then someone cleared they're throat.

we turned to the people in front of us and I blushed in embarrassment.

"I am scared now.." Johnny whispered and I smirked.

"no worry. we like your music and you haven't called US a bitch yet so we are ok with you guys." beast smiled.

"so we have fans here?" brain asked

"yeah, listen to it since we were 9yrs old." I held my smirk.

"cool, what's your names?" Matt asked.

"I am the master mind called Harlot and my assistant Beast." I told the guys.

"nice, they are amazing!" Jimmy exclaimed

"tell us about yourselves." Brian smiled at them.

"I like metal and rock music, I have a baby, love partying, addicted to caffeine, I know guitar, an I love to sing." I summarized.

"I know drums, have a baby, love to party,love rock not metal, and I am deadly allergic to chocolate." Beast said.

"a baby?" Johnny stared wide eyed.

"oh no, get your mind out of the gutter! our motorcycles." I yelled.

everyone laughed and smiled.

"I want you!" Matt pointed his finger in my direction.

"Well, then I pick you" I pointed at Matt back.

everyone laughed and Brian smirked at beast.

"I want beast!!!" Brian

"do you want to start the adoption then?" Cynthia pressed.

"yes!!!" Matt exclaimed

"pack you bags girls we'll leave in an hour."Brian smiled and we nodded.

we ran into our rooms and started our packing to our new homes.
♠ ♠ ♠
adoption. orphan kids need love too. People who adopted get my respect. people who have gave up their child those kids Will be the most amazing people and you will regret ever doing it. now abortion people you just lost a lot of my respect they deserve a chance. this story is dedicated to my sister's who never got to live their lives Hannah and Hailey. we love you girls. <3

love you,

- Hannah