Status: Not complete

I’ll Die For You...

Caught Red Handed

*Andy’s POV*
2 Weeks Later
I have never been so happy before! 2 weeks after that night I and ash are still dating and I am so happy!! I am still a little nervese about ash’s parents though. Anyway, it is Friday and all the guys are hanging out at my house. We are all in my room.
“Hey Andy? Can you make me some popcorn?” CC asks and gives me a puppy dog face.
“Sure. I will be right back.” I say and stand up.
“I will come with you” Ash says and follows me to the kitchen. I put the popcorn in the microwave. I lean against the counter. Ash leans in and puts his hands on the counter. He kiss’s me. I will never get use to his kisses. Pure gold!
“Just friends?” Jake says and we break apart.
“Jake we were just” I say
“I was just coming down and getting a soda, this is much better” Jake says “Hey guys! Get down here now!” Jake yells and the guys race down the stairs.
“What up Jake?” Jinxx says
“Gezz, what up with you two. It looks like Jake caught you kissing or something” CC Jokes and I blush deeper. Jake looks at Jinxx and CC and smirks.
“I knew it! I fucking new it! I knew Ash and Andy got really happy all of a sudden! You owe me $20 bucks jinxx!” CC yells and puts out his hand. Jinxx sighs and hands CC $20
“You guys bet?!” Ash say
“Yeah CC said we would find you two kissing and Jinxx said no way.” Jake said and laughs
I roll my eyes “You guys we were not kiss” I get interrupted with Ash’s lips on mine. I kiss back and put my hands around his neck, his around my hips. I hear CC Scream. We break apart
“How long?!” CC yells with excitement
“2 weeks” Ash says and grabs my hand. I look at him and smile.
“Why did you not tell us?!” Jake yells
“Yeah, when we say ‘what’s new’ you should mention you guys are fucking!” Jinxx yells and I blush.
“First, we have not ‘fucked’ and second, I thought you guys would think it weird.” I say
“Dude! We are cool with it!” CC says and looks at Jake and he nods. “Plus me and Jake dated. We broke up because we though the same thing.” CC looks at Jake and smiles. He still loves him. “Jake I really miss you.” CC says with sadness in his voice.
“I miss you too CC” Jake says
“Kiss!!” I and ash yell over and over and Jinxx joins in. They kiss and we cheer. They break apart and grasp each other’s hand. (A/N I had to add Cake in there somewhere. It’s so cute!)
“I need to get a girlfriend!” Jinxx say and we all laugh. We all race up stairs and talk about everything and anything.
“Andy, I need to talk to you.” Ash says. I get really nerves. “Um… why did you tell the guys you did not want to tell them about us?” Ash says and looks down.
“Well, I know there are something about your parents you not telling me and I think it was best the guys thought it was me that was nerves.”
“Thanks Andy.” He smiles and kisses me “I love you”
“I love you ash” We kiss and walk back in. We joke and talk and they leave Saturday morning. Ash stays for Saturday and Sunday. I am not going into detail but I am not a virgin anymore. (Sorry my sex sucks) Me and ash decide to tell the school on Monday.
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Hey! Thanks for reading. I have the hole rest of the story planed out. Not written yet, but they well be soon!.