Status: Not complete

I’ll Die For You...

The party

*Andy POV*
ugh! I hate parties. As soon as Ashley got here took him and asked to go to the park.
"so, Andy why do you hate parties so much?" Ash said starring and me weird.
"why are you starring at me like that?" I say worried. Then I noticed we are still holding hands. Damn. I drag him by the hand all the way to the park to make it look like I was holding is hand and it was not awkward. :)
"You did not answer my question Andy?" He says. I know he will not stop un till he gets an awe.
"I- Well CC parties always has beer and they always get out of hand and I don't really weird stuff when I am drunk ok?" I say. one time I kissed CC and he asked when I was sober why and I had to tell him and the hole band that I am bi. I DO NOT want to tell ash that. He will not like that.
"ok, well that makes me want to see you drunk even more" He gives me a smirk, I mentally slap myself because I want to kiss him really bad "what you thinking about Andy?" Ash asks stepping closer to me.
"N-nothing" dammit.
"So if I tell you a story about me when I got drunk will you show me what happens when you get drunk?" Ash says still smirking. Good he is so- DONT THINK THAT WAY ANDY!!!!!!!!!
"I d-don't know a-about t-that ash" I really want to here what happened but I might kiss him. He steps ever closer to me if that is possible. I can feel his breath on my skin. Just before he was going to say something my phone rings. "sorry I got to take this" I step back and pull my phone out CC
(convo with CC and Andy
A- Hey, CC what's up?
C- Where the hell are you and ash? If your fucking that's fine but can you please tell me where you are????
I blush really hard, Ash noticed- CC! We are at a park out. We are not doing that!
C- ok whatever. Get over here fast! Your ex-girlfriend Scott wants to see you?
A- My Ex-girlfriend? What she doing at your party? Did you invite her?!
C- Dude I just tell people top come and bring other people. She must of been the other people sorry.
A- I do not want to talk to her!
C- I know but she anoint leaving and you know Scott she wont leave un tell she see you.
A- Dammit! I will be right there. *I hang up the phone*
"So what was CC thinking we where doing and why don't you want to see Scott?" Ash says worried/Want to know if CC thinks we are dating.
"CC thought- Nothing its not important and Scott Broke up with me because she thought I was some Emo fag." I say holding back tears.
Ash hugs me and say "Its ok. Lets go and see her and I will be right next to you. OK?" Ash says smiling.
"Thanks" We start walking back to the house and we walk up to CC front door and Ash stops me and whispers in to my ear "I still want to know what CC thought we where doing." Ash says smirking, open the door and pushes me to where Scott and the guys where.
Jinxx Raise his hand up "Thank god you here Andy! She is annoying the living crap out of us!" He cheers and CC and Jake join in. I smile. Scoot runs to me and hugs me.
"I am sooooo Sorry about what I said. I want you back Andy I miss you and love you." Behind her all the guys are all mouthing no. over again. They all hate her guts.
"Scott, You know I get bullied a lot and it really hurt" I don't get to finish because she kissed me. I kiss back, I don't know why. I see all the guys mouth scream NO!!!!! She pulls back then hugs me.
"Andy! Will you take me back?" She asks giving puppy dog eyes. CC is glaring at me.
"I don't. No I will not take you back." I say then,
CC jumps in front of Scott and scream "See you later bitch! Get the fuck out!" he points to his front door and Jake and Jinxx and Ash are laughing really hard.
"Whatever! Andy I will get you back." She kissing me again but CC pushes her off me then out of the house. CC hugs me
"thank you thank you thank you!" CC smiles and pulls away.
"for what?" I say.
"for not talking the bitch back" Jake say it this time and all the guys nob in agreement. I smile. Ash says something CC in this ear. Dear god. CC turns to me smirking, oh god.
"you did not tell Ash what I thought you where doing?!" Fuck. CC walks up to me and say "I will tell him." I jump on him and he runs away his house with me on his back screaming "GET HIM OFF ME!" The other guys and following us trying get him off me.
"CC stop running and he will get off you?!" Jinxx yells. Then I fell Ash's hand grab my leg and push me off CC. Dammit. CC stops running and pushes me to the ground.
"Don't ever do that again!" CC screams at me. "Know that you did that YOU get to tell Ash what we where doing."
" I need a beer first" All the guys start cheering. They know I hate beer and getting drunk. H
"Ash. Andy is s wild when he is drunk. Its so funny!" CC yells. Jinxx drags me to where the beer are. Here we go.
*time lapse. 1 hour* :P
*Ash POV*
Damn. Andy is drunk! He has like 10 beers. He is a light weight person ok. Just like CC said its really funny. So right know Andy is running around screaming BATMAN! Me and the guys are laughing our asses off. Just them He stops.
"Oh god. Everyone cover there lips!" CC yells and Jake explains what CC is talking about. Andy is bi and kissed CC. I am JUST A LITTLE. hoping he would kiss me. Andy walks up to us and grabs my hand.
"I need to talk to you." Before I could say no, he drags me off to the back yard.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am sorry for spelling. I will try my best to updated. They is a lot of shit going on in my family. Lots of drama and my parents think I am in danger because of it so I will try my best to updated! Thank you all for your awesome comments!