Status: Done

Porsaita Äidin Oomme Kaikki


Not one to put off everything last minute, Hannah sat in the floor, with tape stuck in her lengthy, chocolate hair and surrounded in Christmas hell. Of course, it was not her intent to be wrapping the kids gifts the night before. The evening she reserved for wrapping ended quite differently than all the variously sized toys being ready for the underneath of the Nightmare Before Christmas decorated tree that stood in the living quarters. Her brood started with two DNA copies of her husband, Calvin and Julian. Both tots are total mama's boys as her husband constantly tells her but, the two sure could be hell-raisers. The youngest being one year old, Elsa. A giggly mix of both parents while being one of the biggest daddy's girl on the planet. The little girl reaches higher notes than Whitney Houston during her father's non-attendance and not to mention her “adopted children” or more commonly put her husband's bandmates spawn and then everyone else.

The door to the bedroom swung to life, “You're being paged, Mama.” Her husband said as he stood in the doorway pouting. A snicker left her as she raised up. “Mama's boys want nothing to do with Daddy” he said as she exited the room placing a kiss on his cheek. “Can you please finish this one?” she questioned watching as he plopped himself on the floor with the colorful paper and half wrapped toy. She roamed the stairs of her home as she made it to the twins room. “Mama!” Both curly haired, green eyed boys standing atop Calvin's bed cheered. “What are you two doing still awake?” She said grabbing both boys and placing them in a sitting position, kneeling down to sit in the toddler sized bed of Lightening McQueen. “Too excited!” Calvin said curling to her side as Julian did the same to her left side. “You don't want Santa to skip us do you, my babies?” She asked, the two little boys pondered for a second before Julian spoke. “No, Mama! We don't want Santa to skip us!” she patted his head, “Well then, To bed and tucked in we go!” Calvin wiggled under his blanket as Julian ran to his batmobile shaped bed and doing the same. She tucked Calvin in first, placing a kiss on his forehead, “Good night, Mama loves you.” before doing the same to Julian. “Mama!” Calvin shouted. Soon heavy footsteps echoed in the tower, and soon appeared their daddy. “No need to shout, Cal. Mama is right here.” He said sternly to the young boy. “Will you sing to us, Mama...Please?” The little boy probed as Julian clapped his hands together and chimed in, “Please, Mama sing the Christmas song!” Ville gave a snort at the two young boys before looking his wife's way. “Yes, Mama! Sing to us!” He said sitting at the end of Julian's bed. “You three are goofy. But, since you asked so nicely...” She stopped with a pause. “I will but after it's to bed. It's almost midnight, I think I may hear Santa's sleigh!”

She sat on the end of Calvin's bed, clearing her throat before she started.
“Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki
oomme kaikki, oomme kaikki.
Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki,
oomme kaikki, kaikki.
Sinä ja minä...”(Mom's little piggies all together
All together, all together
Mom's little piggies all together
All together, the lot.
That's you, and me, too)
Calvin interrupted, “Isi ja Elsa, liian?” (Daddy and Elsa, too?)
“Kyllä, kultaseni. Elsa ja Isi, liian.”(Yes, My sweet. Elsa and Daddy, too.) She said with a smile. “Isi iso possu!”(Daddy a big piggy!) Julian added giggling madly causing Hannah and Calvin to laugh as Ville faked hurt. “Aw, Satutimme Isi tunteita! nopeasti antaa hänelle halauksen, eivät halua mennä tuhma luettelossa jouluyönä!” (Aw, We hurt Daddy's feelings! Quickly! Give him a hug, We do not want to go to the naughty list on Christmas Eve!) Hannah confessed. Julian bolted up and hopped into Ville's lap, throwing his small arms around him, “Anteeksi, Isi!”(I'm Sorry, Daddy!) as Calvin climbed his other leg. “Minuakin, isi.”(Me too, Daddy.)
Ville planted a kiss on each of the twosome's hair, “annettu anteeksi, nyt vuoteessa!”(Forgiven, Now in bed.)He stood placing both boys in their beds.
Taking Hannah's hand out in the hall. “Mama not sorry?” He asked again, with a pout.
Lacing her arms around his waist, “Minuakin, isi.” Ville groaned, leaning down pecking her lips twice before she pulled out of the embrace. “Helppo, Casanova. Meillä on edelleen lahjoja paketoida!”(Easy, Casanova. We still have gifts to wrap!) she called descending down the stairs. He followed muttering,“Don't call me Daddy then.”

The door to their bedroom flung open, hitting the wall as both twins went airborne shouting, “Mama! Daddy!” With a huff, Ville opened one emerald eye before the other. Calvin gave him a 1,000 watt smile, “Daddy! It's Christmas!” The boy shouted causing Ville to shutter. “Don't shout, boys!” Hannah said sharply as she cuddled Julian. Ville turned his head to look at the clock. “You do know you have to wait for all your Uncles, Aunts, Mummi and Pappa before you open presents, Correct?” He inquired, shifting the boy to the middle of the bed as he got up. Hannah set up, giving him a glare. “Oh, no no! Ville Hermanni Valo. No get out of crazed children free card today!” Ville stuck out his tongue at her, the twins chuckled at him, “Hannah Michelle Valo, I didn't hear you complaining!” he stated halfway down the hall, She hmph'ed at him while blushing. “I love you! Boys, follow him and make sure he doesn't peek at the presents! I gotta get Elsa.” She said shooing them off.

The two boys scurried behind him with watchful eyes. “Why do I have shadow?” Ville questioned. “We not suppose to let you peek.” both chimed at the same time. The front door to the tower unlocked and in stepped a coat covered woman. “Mummi!” the boys yelled. “No. Yelling.” Hannah said coming down in jeans and one of Ville's long sleeved shirts that rested almost to her knees and little Elsa with footie pajamas in her arms. Greeting her mother and father-in-law.
Soon, the tower's living room filled to the brim.

By 7 pm, Anita, Kari, and Uncle Bam were all that was left and little Elsa laid down for the night. “Did I not get a present this year?” Ville asked looking at Hannah, a plain silver bracelet that was now adored her tiny wrist. Hannah looked at him, “That's why your sons ran up the stairs.” The giggling boys came back with a small box wrapped in the same wrapping paper, handing it to him before running back to their rooms to play with their new toys. Tearing away the paper and lifting the lid.
“Holy Shit!” Ville said pressing his lips to hers. “I actually thought we'd stop until we had no room left and then we'd just move to a larger place.” Hannah applied a light smack to his chest. “I'm serious, you can't just cut me off now! I'm creating life!” He exclaimed showing off the sonogram picture. “Quit impregnating my cousin, Willa!” Bam shouted as Anita hugged her daughter-in-law and Kari gave Ville a pat on the back.
♠ ♠ ♠
A multi-chapter story is pending on this so, please if you want to see more Of Hannah and Ville and time before Calvin, Julian, and Elsa. please comment and rec!

Happy Holidays :)