Sequel: Finding Forgiveness

Remembering My Childhood Crush

I Wasted My Time With You

Evgeni’s POV
“I don’t know what to do,” I bit back my 4th drink of vodka.
“G slow down,” Sid grabbed my drink.
“No Sid, you not know what is like,” I snatched it back, “my girlfriend loves my friend. She love someone else,” I could feel myself getting drunk.

Kira hadn’t been home, I hadn’t seen her since she ran off this morning. She wouldn’t answer any of my messages or phones calls and I couldn’t only imagine the worst.

I knew she was off with Alex all day, I knew that she wasn’t in her right mind and I could only hope to god she wouldn't do anything drastic.

“G lighten up a little,” Jordan sat down and nudged my shoulder.
“No,” I groaned, “sculling the rest of my drink before getting up to get another.

“Sorry,” I apologized as I bumped into someone at the bar.
“Well hello,” a familiar red head girl smiled at me.
“Emily?” I curled an eyebrow waiting for my eyes to adjust.
“Geno, what are you doing here?” her hand brushed my arm.
“Just with team, want to come sit,” my drunk self justified my actions by telling myself Kira was off with an old friend so I could be too.

“Emily!” the guys cheered as we sat back down.
“What are you doing back in town?” Jordan smiled at her.
“Couldn’t miss the Winter Classic, you guys are going to kill it,” at least Emily wasn’t sitting on the fence with this one.

Kira had been stressed out by it so much lately she wouldn’t talk about it. She didn’t want to have anything to do with hockey. She wasn’t the same person I fell in love with all those years ago.

Kira’s POV
“What is going on?” Alex asked as we sat down on the bed in his hotel room.
“Do you think we could have ever been something more had I not been so obsessed with Evgeni?” I felt slightly ashamed as I crossed my legs and hugged the pillow.

God was it a bad idea, the pillow smelt of him. My mind went on it’s own little tangent thinking about him and how over the years almost everything I owned smelt of him.

“Honestly?” he sat down next to me, “I hoped and prayed that one day you would snap out of it. I never understood why Zhenya had thrown your friendship away for Oksana.”
“Really?” I was shocked, “Well why didn’t you say something you idiot?” I slapped his arm, not hard enough to say I was angry but enough so he knew I was agitated.

“What?” he pulled away with an innocent face, “You were so head over heels for him. That’s why I wanted you to see him again and then maybe you would realize that he wasn’t the guy you wanted to be with and you could stop dwelling over what could have been.”
“and instead you make me move to Pittsburgh and fall in love with him.”
“I really don’t see the problem here? Isn’t that what you wanted?” he stood up, confusion all over his face.
“I did… I do, I don’t know because now I can’t help but think of you and what we could have been. I know your not that big stuck up jerk and whenever the guys say stuff I can’t help but defend you.”

“You defend me?” he smiled sitting back down.
“I am practically an outcast,” I hugged the pillow tighter.
“You don’t have to do that for me,” he shook his head laughing.
“I can’t help it, you mean a lot to me and you have never once done anything wrong by me… I just wish I could say the same about Evgeni.”
“Hey don’t be so hard on him, he is trying,” he put his hand on my shoulder.

“Come on maybe we should go back to yours and talk to him,” Alex stood up offering me his hand.
“Good idea,” I accepted his large calloused hand.


“You know he really does care,” Alex said as I let us into the over sized house that I had recently called home.
"Yeah I can see he is trying,” I think in the 10 minutes it took us to drive from the hotel to home Alex had convinced me that Evgeni was the one I loved.

“Oh my god… Geno… I missed you!”

“What the fuck?” I headed for the stairs.
“Umm Kira I think we should leave…” Alex tried to grab my arm.
“What is going on?” I could feel my heart racing as I broke free off Alex’s hand and raced up the stairs.

“Kira come back!” Alex shouted as he ran after me.
“No, he is a fucking ass…” I burst through the door.

His eyes shot to me and he looked like he had seen a ghost. His face went white and I could see how petrified he was.

“I knew I should never have trusted you again!” I grabbed whatever was in reach and started throwing it in his direction in hope something would hit him.

He pushed the girl off of him and climbed out of bed grabbing his boxes and running after me, “Kira wait!”
“You lied to me!” I screamed as I headed into my room to grab my stuff.
“Kira stop!” he grabbed his head and stumbled.
“You, I never want to see or hear from you again!”
“Evgeni get back,” Alex grabbed him and pushed him out of my room, “You’ve got some explaining to do.”

I heard a thud but suddenly I didn’t care if Alex had beaten the crap out of him. I just wanted out of the house. I wanted to escape from the hell I was about to start living.

Alex’s POV
I was about to start throwing punches at him when he tripped over and hit the ground with a thump.
“Evgeni… Evgeni… Zhenya!” I shook him trying to wake him up, “Evgeni, hey,” I grabbed his face, “What is going on?” his eyes rolled back in his head.
“How much did you have to drink?”
“Alex help me, I can’t…” he gripped onto my arm and then he blanked out.
“Evgeni!” I shook him again but he was gone, “Come on buddy,” I struggled but managed to heave him up over my shoulder.

"You really fucked up this time,” I dumped him in his bed.

As I turned to leave I saw the red head girl sitting on the floor in shock, she was crying and I wasn’t sure as to whether I felt sorry for her or not.
“Come on it’s time to go,” I scooped up her clothes and helped her out.

She had a few bruises on her arms, Kira had really done some damage to the both of them. I mentally reminded myself to never get on her bad side or she would have me.

I opened the passage door to her car where she had passed out from all the crying so had been doing on the drive back to the hotel.

“What’s happened?” Semin asked as I walked out of the elevator with Kira passed out in my arms.
“She just had a bit of a rough night.”

Yeah a bit of a rough night, I wish for her sake that was all it was because now I knew she was going to blame me for making her come to Pittsburgh and she would be right, I put her back in the situation and I regretted it. I didn’t want to see her get hurt like this, ever.

I helped her change into her pyjamas that she had shoved into her bag during the whole commotion.

“Everything is going to be ok, we will figure it out,” I climbed on top of the covers and pulled her into my side.
“I am never talking to him again,” she mumbled.

She sprawled out on my chest with her head buried in my neck, “I promise I will make everything all better,” I let down and kissed her forehead.
“I love you Kira.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's about to get hectic, really fast but hang in there with me on this one.