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Protection Is What I Needed the Most

Our heroine lives in an alternative universe that has 9 continents 7 of which are habitable: Africa, Caucasia, Asia, Luciano, Luciana, Borealo, and Cheezo and 2 inhabitable: Antarctica and Freeziod but are used for scientific research. This is a planet that is 1/3 bigger diameter than the Earth here but it is the same distance from the sun otherwise it is similar to our Earth. Going to Luciano (30 states) and we find a state called Kyler a forest and mountain state in which towns and cities are spread apart from each other and there our houses in Luciano are even more spacious here. It is because the monarch is trying to combat divorce rates with these so called houses except one that has a horrible reputation and tests rare DNA markers only found in females. Every young lady has to go to them between the ages of 18-20 for the normal but can be very young and kidnapped for the experimental house. In the 10 years that the houses have been up a small group is now trying to combat every house to get rid of them especially the experimental house.

Our heroine is forced to go to these houses and has been for now from going to the experimental house. You see she has a very rare DNA markers combined though common uncombined but it is unheard of that they come together. She goes to a house where she knows the doctor for protection. The head doctor is in love with her and wants to protect her as much as he can even if it comes off as obsessive and possessive of her. He has seen what our heroine has gone through and wants to spare her from any more pain and suffering. Our heroine on the other hand doesn’t see it like that and as much as she has a crush on him when she was little she is a little off put by his manners towards her. They have known each other for a long time, one of her DNA markers pretty much dictates whom she will end up with, that is the person she cannot get out of her head, and he cannot get her out of his head. Neither one of them fully realizes this but the head doctor is more than willing to work on it.

He and his father are heavily involved in getting rid of the houses because of the stories of abuse, rape, and so much more. She helps in the rebellion to a degree even if it is to save her ass from going to the experimental house. Due to the government, wanting her, she gets dragged into the rebellion as well but the head doctor and her father is hindering a few things that she can do to help in the rebellion. The rebellion will be long and hard but they don’t want her to get hurt over this battle but they need to realize that since she wants to do that more then what they are allowing her. It is because of the rumors for the experimental house is much more gruesome. They don’t know what the change will bring other than the destruction of the experimental house but they ultimately want everyone can go to college and everyone takes household classes. It is going to be an uphill battle that has to happen and it will not be easy on anyone.

What will happen? Will the houses get a change or be wiped out for good? Who can help these abused women that have come from the houses? What about the rebellion how is that getting help? Can our heroine find out that she is heads over heals for the head doctor? Who will be the 1st one to tell that they are in love with each other? Find Out.

AN-All lists and summaries are based off of my other stories Once Freedom Now Caged, Trying to Regain My Life While Repressed, Living a Caged Life, and In Over Our Heads